;+ ; PROGRAM: iug_crib_gps_isee ; This is an example crib sheet that will load GPS-TEC data. ; Open this file in a text editor and then use copy and paste to copy ; selected lines into an idl window. ; Or alternatively compile and run using the command: ; .run iug_crib_gps_isee ; ; NOTE: See the rules of the road. ; For more information, see https://stdb2.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/GPS/GPS-TEC/index.html ; ; Written by: A. Shinbori, Oct 6, 2021 ; DIMR, ISEE, Nagoya Univ. ; ; $LastChangedBy: $ ; $LastChangedDate: $ ; $LastChangedRevision: $ ; $URL: $ ;- ; Initialize thm_init ; Set the date and duration (in days) timespan, '2017-09-08' ; Load the data iug_load_gps_isee, datatype = 'atec' ; Create tplot variables for keogram plots at the geographical longitudes of 130.0, 135.0 and 140.0 [deg].: ; If the glong is not set, this procedure will create a keogram data along the geographical longitude of 0.0 [deg]. atec_keogram_glat_glong, glong = [130.0,135.0,140.0] ; View the loaded data names tplot_names ; Create a latitude-time plot (keogram) at a specific longitude: tplot, ['atec_keogram_geocoord_130.0', 'atec_keogram_geocoord_135.0','atec_keogram_geocoord_140.0'] stop ; Create a two-dimensional map at a specific time: atec_global_2dmap, 'iug_gps_atec', st_time = '2017-09-08/01:00:00' end