This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Fri Apr 1 11:58:51 2022.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]
           This routine loads local ELFIN PRM Lomonosov data.
KEYWORDS (commonly used by other load routines):
  DATATYPE =  for prm there is only one datatype: mag
  LEVEL    = levels include 1. level 2 will be available shortly. 
  TRANGE   = (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
             this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
             that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
             day's data is loaded
  LOCAL_DATA_DIR = local directory to store the CDF files; should be set if
             you're on *nix or OSX, the default currently assumes the IDL working directory
  SOURCE   = sets a different system variable. By default the MMS mission system variable
             is !elf
  TPLOTNAMES = set to override default names for tplot variables
  NO_UPDATES = use local data only, don't query the http site for updated files.
  SUFFIX   = append a suffix to tplot variables names

   elf_load_prm,trange=['2016-06-24', '2016-06-25']

  Need to deal with level 2
  Need to add feature to handle more than one days worth of data 
  Implement tplotnames and suffix

(See projects/elfin/