;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: ; epde_plot_wigrf_multispec_overviews ; ;PURPOSE: ; Loads EPDE, performs pitch angle determination and plotting of energy and pitch angle spectra ; Including precipitating and trapped spectra separately. EPDI can be treated similarly, but not done yet ; Regularize keyword performs rebinning of data on regular sector centers starting at zero (rel.to the time ; of dBzdt 0 crossing which corresponds to Pitch Angle = 90 deg and Spin Phase angle = 0 deg.). ; If the data has already been collected at regular sectors there is no need to perform this. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; trange - time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ; ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ; ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] ; probe - 'a' or 'b' ; no_download - set this flag to not download data from the server and use local files only ; sci_zone - if set this flag will plot epd overview plots by science zone (rather than by day) ; ;TO DO: ; elb can be done similarly but the code has not been generalized to either a or b yet. But this is straightforward. ; ;- pro epde_plot_wigrf_multispec_overviews, trange=trange, probe=probe, no_download=no_download, $ sci_zone=sci_zone ; initialize parameters defsysv,'!elf',exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then elf_init if (~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2) && (time_double(trange[1]) lt time_double(trange[0])) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, endtime is before starttime; trange should be: [starttime, endtime]' return endif if ~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2 $ then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() if undefined(probe) then probe = 'a' if ~undefined(no_download) then no_download=1 else no_download=0 ; set up plot options tplot_options, 'xmargin', [16,11] tplot_options, 'ymargin', [4,4] timeduration=time_double(trange[1])-time_double(trange[0]) timespan,tr[0],timeduration,/seconds tr=timerange() ; close and free any logical units opened by calc luns=lindgen(124)+5 for j=0,n_elements(luns)-1 do free_lun, luns[j] ; remove any existing pef tplot vars del_data, '*_pef_nflux' del_data, '*_all' elf_load_epd, probes=probe, datatype='pef', level='l1', type='nflux', no_download=no_download ; DEFAULT UNITS ARE NFLUX THIS ONE IS CPS get_data, 'el'+probe+'_pef_nflux', data=pef_nflux if size(pef_nflux, /type) NE 8 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'No data was downloaded for el' + probe + '_pef_nflux.' dprint, dlevel=0, 'No plots were producted. ; return endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Get position data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elf_load_state, probes=probe, no_download=no_download get_data, 'el'+probe+'_pos_gei', data=dat_gei cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gei','el'+probe+'_pos_gse',/GEI2GSE cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gse','el'+probe+'_pos_gsm',/GSE2GSM cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gsm','el'+probe+'_pos_sm',/GSM2SM ; in SM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Get MLT amd LAT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elf_mlt_l_lat,'el'+probe+'_pos_sm',MLT0=MLT0,L0=L0,lat0=lat0 ;;subroutine to calculate mlt,l,mlat under dipole configuration get_data, 'el'+probe+'_pos_sm', data=elfin_pos store_data,'el'+probe+'_MLT',data={x:elfin_pos.x,y:MLT0} store_data,'el'+probe+'_L',data={x:elfin_pos.x,y:L0} store_data,'el'+probe+'_LAT',data={x:elfin_pos.x,y:lat0*180./!pi} options,'el'+probe+'_MLT',ytitle='MLT' options,'el'+probe+'_L',ytitle='L' options,'el'+probe+'_LAT',ytitle='LAT' alt = median(sqrt(elfin_pos.y[*,0]^2 + elfin_pos.y[*,1]^2 + elfin_pos.y[*,2]^2))-6371. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Get Pseudo_ae data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elf_load_pseudo_ae, probe=probe, no_download=no_download get_data, 'pseudo_ae', data=pseudo_ae options, 'pseudo_ae', ysubtitle='[nT]' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ... shadow/sunlight bar 0 (shadow) or 1 (sunlight) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elf_load_sun_shadow_bar, tplotname='el'+probe+'_pos_sm', no_download=no_download ; ... EPD fast bar elf_load_epd_fast_segments, tplotname='el'+probe+'_pef_nflux', no_download=no_download get_data, 'epdef_fast_bar', data=epdef_fast_bar_x ;elf_load_epd_survey_segments, tplotname='el'+probe+'_pes_nflux' ;get_data, 'epdes_survey_bar', data=epdes_survey_bar_x if isa(epdef_fast_bar_x) && isa(epdes_fast_bar_x) then store_data, 'epd_bar', data=['epdef_fast_bar','epdes_survey_bar'] if ~isa(epdef_fast_bar_x) && isa(epdes_survey_bar_x) then store_data, 'epd_bar', data=['epdef_survey_bar'] if isa(epdef_fast_bar_x) && ~isa(epdes_survey_bar_x) then store_data, 'epd_bar', data=['epdef_fast_bar'] options, 'epd_bar', panel_size=0.1 options, 'epd_bar',ticklen=0 options, 'epd_bar', 'ystyle',4 options, 'epd_bar', 'xstyle',4 ;if ~keyword_set(sci_zone) then xloc=.25 else xloc=.175 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ... fgm status bar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;elf_load_fgm_fast_segments, probe=probe ;get_data, 'fgf_bar', data=fgf_bar_x ; ... fgf status bar ;elf_load_fgm_survey_segments, probe=probe ;get_data, 'fgs_bar', data=fgs_bar_x ;if isa(fgs_bar_x) && isa(fgf_bar_x) then store_data, 'fgm_bar', data=['fgs_bar','fgf_bar'] ;if ~isa(fgs_bar_x) && isa(fgf_bar_x) then store_data, 'fgm_bar', data=['fgf_bar'] ;if isa(fgs_bar_x) && ~isa(fgf_bar_x) then store_data, 'fgm_bar', data=['fgs_bar'] ;options, 'fgm_bar', panel_size=0. ;options, 'fgm_bar',ticklen=0 ;options, 'fgm_bar', 'ystyle',4 ;options, 'fgm_bar', 'xstyle',4 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Prep FOR ORBITS ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; setup for orbits by the hour ; 1 plot at start of each hour (for 1.5 hours) and 1 24 hour plot hr_arr = indgen(25) ;[0, 6*indgen(4), 2*indgen(12)] hr_ststr = string(hr_arr, format='(i2.2)') ; Strings for labels, filenames ; Use smaller array if they are not the same for m=0,23 do begin this_s = tr[0] + m*3600. this_e = this_s + 90.*60. + 1 idx = where(dat_gei.x GE this_s AND dat_gei.x LT this_e, ncnt) if ncnt GT 10 then begin append_array, min_st, idx[0] append_array, min_en, idx[n_elements(idx)-1] this_lbl = ' ' + hr_ststr[m] + ':00 to ' + hr_ststr[m+1] + ':30' append_array, plot_lbl, this_lbl this_file = '_'+hr_ststr[m] append_array, file_lbl, this_file endif endfor ; append info for 24 hour plot append_array, min_st, 0 append_array, min_en, 86399. append_array, plot_lbl, ' 00:00 to 24:00' append_array, file_lbl, '_24hr' ; set up for plots by science zone if (size(pef_nflux, /type)) EQ 8 then begin tdiff = pef_nflux.x[1:n_elements(pef_nflux.x)-1] - pef_nflux.x[0:n_elements(pef_nflux.x)-2] idx = where(tdiff GT 40., ncnt) ; note: 40 seconds is an arbitary time if ncnt EQ 0 then begin ; if ncnt is zero then there is only one science zone for this time frame sz_starttimes=[pef_nflux.x[0]] sz_min_st=[0] sz_endtimes=pef_nflux.x[n_elements(pef_nflux.x)-1] sz_min_en=[n_elements(pef_nflux.x)-1] ts=time_struct(starttimes[0]) te=time_struct(endtimes[0]) if ts.hour LT 10 then shr='0'+strtrim(string(ts.hour),1) else shr=strtrim(string(ts.hour),1) if te.hour LT 10 then ehr='0'+strtrim(string(te.hour),1) else ehr=strtrim(string(te.hour),1) endif else begin for sz=0,ncnt-1 do begin if sz EQ 0 then begin this_s = pef_nflux.x[0] sidx = 0 this_e = pef_nflux.x[idx[sz]] eidx = idx[sz] endif else begin this_s = pef_nflux.x[idx[sz-1]+1] sidx = idx[sz-1]+1 this_e = pef_nflux.x[idx[sz]] eidx = idx[sz] endelse if (this_e-this_s) lt 20. then continue append_array, sz_starttimes, this_s append_array, sz_endtimes, this_e append_array, sz_min_st, sidx append_array, sz_min_en, eidx ts=time_struct(this_s) te=time_struct(this_e) if ts.hour LT 10 then shr='0'+strtrim(string(ts.hour),1) else shr=strtrim(string(ts.hour),1) if te.hour LT 10 then ehr='0'+strtrim(string(te.hour),1) else ehr=strtrim(string(te.hour),1) endfor endelse endif nplots = n_elements(min_st) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; MAIN LOOP for PLOTs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; for i=22,nplots-1 do begin ; set hourly start and stop times if min_en[i] GT n_elements(dat_gei.x)-1 then continue this_tr=[dat_gei.x[min_st[i]], dat_gei.x[min_en[i]]] tdur=this_tr[1]-this_tr[0] timespan, this_tr[0], tdur, /sec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Load state and calculate IGRF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elf_load_state, probes=probe, no_download=no_download threeones=[1,1,1] cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gei','el'+probe+'_pos_gse',/GEI2GSE cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gse','el'+probe+'_pos_gsm',/GSE2GSM tt89,'el'+probe+'_pos_gsm',/igrf_only,newname='el'+probe+'_bt89_gsm',period=1. cotrans,'el'+probe+'_pos_gsm','el'+probe+'_pos_sm',/GSM2SM ; in SM get_data, 'el'+probe+'_pos_sm', data=state_pos_sm ; calculate IGRF in nT cotrans,'el'+probe+'_bt89_gsm','el'+probe+'_bt89_sm',/GSM2SM ; Bfield in SM coords as well ;calc,' "bt89_SMdown" = -(total("bt89_sm"*"pos_sm",2)#threeones)/sqrt(total("pos_sm"^2,2)) ' xyz_to_polar,'el'+probe+'_pos_sm',/co_latitude get_data,'el'+probe+'_pos_sm_th',data=pos_sm_th,dlim=myposdlim,lim=myposlim get_data,'el'+probe+'_pos_sm_phi',data=pos_sm_phi csth=cos(!PI*pos_sm_th.y/180.) csph=cos(!PI*pos_sm_phi.y/180.) snth=sin(!PI*pos_sm_th.y/180.) snph=sin(!PI*pos_sm_phi.y/180.) rot2rthph=[[[snth*csph],[csth*csph],[-snph]],[[snth*snph],[csth*snph],[csph]],[[csth],[-snth],[0.*csth]]] store_data,'rot2rthph',data={x:pos_sm_th.x,y:rot2rthph},dlim=myposdlim,lim=myposlim tvector_rotate,'rot2rthph','el'+probe+'_bt89_sm',newname='el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_sph' rotSMSPH2NED=[[[snth*0.],[snth*0.],[snth*0.-1.]],[[snth*0.-1.],[snth*0.],[snth*0.]],[[snth*0.],[snth*0.+1.],[snth*0.]]] store_data,'rotSMSPH2NED',data={x:pos_sm_th.x,y:rotSMSPH2NED},dlim=myposdlim,lim=myposlim tvector_rotate,'rotSMSPH2NED','el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_sph',newname='el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED' ; North (-Spherical_theta), East (Spherical_phi), Down (-Spherical_r) options,'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED','ytitle','IGRF [nT]' options,'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED','labels',['N','E','D'] options,'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED','databar',0. options,'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED','ysubtitle','North, East, Down' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SCI ZONES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; find all the science zones that are in this hourly range sz_idx = where((sz_endtimes GE this_tr[0] AND sz_endtimes LE this_tr[1]) $ OR (sz_starttimes GE this_tr[0] AND sz_starttimes LE this_tr[1]),ncnt) if ncnt GT 0 then begin ; loop for each zone for j=0,ncnt-1 do begin if file_lbl[i] EQ '_24hr' then break ; set time for this zone sz_tr=[sz_starttimes[sz_idx[j]],sz_endtimes[sz_idx[j]]] tdur=sz_tr[1]-sz_tr[0] timespan, sz_tr[0], tdur, /sec ; get EPD data del_data, 'el'+probe+'_pef_nflux' elf_load_epd, probes=probe, datatype='pef', level='l1', type='nflux',no_download=no_download ; DEFAULT UNITS ARE NFLUX THIS ONE IS CPS ; get sector and phase delay for this zone phase_delay = elf_find_phase_delay(trange=sz_tr, probe=probe, instrument='epde', no_download=no_download) dsect2add=fix(phase_delay.dsect2add[0]) dphang2add=float(phase_delay.dphang2add[0]) medianflag=fix(phase_delay.medianflag) append_array,mdsect,dsect2add append_array,mdphang,dphang2add case medianflag of 0: phase_msg = 'Phase delay values dSect2add='+strtrim(string(dsect2add),1) + ' and dPhAng2add=' +strmid(strtrim(string(dphang2add),1),0,4) 1: phase_msg = 'Median Phase delay values dSect2add='+strtrim(string(dsect2add),1) + ' and dPhAng2add=' +strmid(strtrim(string(dphang2add),1),0,4) 2: phase_msg = 'No phase delay available. Data is not regularized.' endcase if spd_data_exists('el'+probe+'_pef_nflux',sz_tr[0],sz_tr[1]) then begin if medianflag NE 2 then begin elf_getspec, /regularize, probe=probe, dSect2add=dsect2add, dSpinPh2add=dphang2add, no_download=no_download endif else begin elf_getspec, probe=probe endelse endif ; handle scaling of y axis if size(pseudo_ae, /type) EQ 8 then begin ae_idx = where(pseudo_ae.x GE sz_tr[0] and pseudo_ae.x LT sz_tr[1], ncnt) if ncnt GT 0 then ae_max=minmax(pseudo_ae.y[ae_idx]) if ncnt EQ 0 then ae_max=[0,140.] if ae_max[1] LT 145. then begin options, 'pseudo_ae', yrange=[0,150] options, 'pseudo_ae', ystyle=1 endif else begin options, 'pseudo_ae', yrange=[0,ae_max[1]+ae_max[1]*.1] options, 'pseudo_ae', ystyle=1 endelse endif ; Figure out which science zone get_data,'el'+probe+'_LAT',data=this_lat lat_idx=where(this_lat.x GE sz_tr[0] AND this_lat.x LE sz_tr[1], ncnt) if ncnt GT 0 then begin sz_lat=this_lat.y[lat_idx] median_lat=median(sz_lat) dlat = sz_lat[1:n_elements(sz_lat)-1] - sz_lat[0:n_elements(sz_lat)-2] if median_lat GT 0 then begin if median(dlat) GT 0 then sz_plot_lbl = ', North Ascending Zone' else $ sz_plot_lbl = ', North Descending Zone' if median(dlat) GT 0 then sz_file_lbl = file_lbl[i] + '_nasc' else $ sz_file_lbl = file_lbl[i] + '_ndes' endif else begin if median(dlat) GT 0 then sz_plot_lbl = ', South Ascending Zone' else $ sz_plot_lbl = ', South Descending Zone' if median(dlat) GT 0 then sz_file_lbl = file_lbl[i] + '_sasc' else $ sz_file_lbl = file_lbl[i] + '_sdes' endelse endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PLOT window, xsize=750, ysize=1000 if tdur Lt 194. then version=6 else version=7 tplot_options, version=version ;6 tplot_options, 'ygap',0 tplot_options, 'charsize',.9 elf_set_overview_options, probe=probe tplot,['pseudo_ae', $ 'epd_fast_bar', $ 'sunlight_bar', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_omni', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_anti', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_perp', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_para', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_pa_reg_spec2plot_ch[0,1]LC', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_pa_spec2plot_ch[2,3]LC', $ 'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED'], $ var_label='el'+probe+'_'+['LAT','MLT'] tr=timerange() fd=file_dailynames(trange=tr[0], /unique, times=times) tstring=strmid(fd,0,4)+'-'+strmid(fd,4,2)+'-'+strmid(fd,6,2)+sz_plot_lbl title='PRELIMINARY ELFIN-'+strupcase(probe)+' EPDE, alt='+strmid(strtrim(alt,1),0,3)+'km, '+tstring xyouts, .135, .975, title, /normal, charsize=1.2 tplot_apply_databar ; add time of creation xyouts, .775, .005, 'Created: '+systime(),/normal,color=10, charsize=.75 ; add phase delay message if spd_data_exists('el'+probe+'_pef_nflux',sz_tr[0],sz_tr[1]) then $ xyouts, .01, .005, phase_msg, /normal, color=10, charsize=.75 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Create PNG file tr=timerange() fd=file_dailynames(trange=tr[0], /unique, times=times) png_path = !elf.local_data_dir+'el'+probe+'/overplots/'+strmid(fd,0,4)+'/'+strmid(fd,4,2)+'/'+strmid(fd,6,2)+'/' file_mkdir, png_path png_file = png_path+'el'+probe+'_l2_overview_'+fd+sz_file_lbl dprint, 'Making png file '+png_file+'.png' makepng, png_file endfor ; end of science zones endif ; end of sci zone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; START HOURLY plot ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tdur=this_tr[1]-this_tr[0] timespan, this_tr[0], tdur, /sec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; get EPD data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; del_data, 'el'+probe+'_pef_nflux' elf_load_epd, probes=probe, datatype='pef', level='l1', type='nflux',no_download=no_download ; DEFAULT UNITS ARE NFLUX THIS ONE IS CPS if spd_data_exists('el'+probe+'_pef_nflux',this_tr[0],this_tr[1]) then begin if ~undefined(mdsect) && ~undefined(mdphang) then begin dsect2add=median(mdsect) dphang2add=median(mdphang) elf_getspec, /regularize, probe=probe, dSect2add=dsect2add, dSpinPh2add=dphang2add, no_download=no_download phase_msg = 'Median Phase delay values dSect2add='+strtrim(string(dsect2add),1) + ' and dPhAng2add=' +strmid(strtrim(string(dphang2add),1),0,4) endif else begin elf_getspec, probe=probe phase_msg = 'No phase delay available. Data is not regularized.' endelse endif ; handle scaling of y axis if size(pseudo_ae, /type) EQ 8 then begin idx = where(pseudo_ae.x GE this_tr[0] and pseudo_ae.x LT this_tr[1], ncnt) if ncnt GT 0 then ae_max=minmax(pseudo_ae.y[idx]) if ncnt EQ 0 then ae_max=[0,140.] if ae_max[1] LT 145. then begin options, 'pseudo_ae', yrange=[0,150] options, 'pseudo_ae', ystyle=1 endif else begin options, 'pseudo_ae', yrange=[0,ae_max[1]+ae_max[1]*.1] options, 'pseudo_ae', ystyle=1 endelse endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PLOT window, xsize=750, ysize=1000 if tdur Lt 194. then version=6 else version=7 tplot_options, version=version ;6 tplot_options, 'ygap',0 tplot_options, 'charsize',.9 elf_set_overview_options, probe=probe tplot,['pseudo_ae', $ 'epd_fast_bar', $ 'sunlight_bar', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_omni', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_anti', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_perp', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_en_spec2plot_para', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_pa_reg_spec2plot_ch[0,1]LC', $ 'el'+probe+'_pef_pa_spec2plot_ch[2,3]LC', $ 'el'+probe+'_bt89_sm_NED'], $ var_label='el'+probe+'_'+['LAT','MLT'] tr=timerange() fd=file_dailynames(trange=tr[0], /unique, times=times) tstring=strmid(fd,0,4)+'-'+strmid(fd,4,2)+'-'+strmid(fd,6,2)+plot_lbl[i] title='PRELIMINARY ELFIN-'+strupcase(probe)+' EPDE, alt='+strmid(strtrim(alt,1),0,3)+'km, '+tstring xyouts, .2, .975, title, /normal, charsize=1.2 tplot_apply_databar ; add time of creation xyouts, .775, .005, 'Created: '+systime(),/normal,color=10, charsize=.75 ; add phase delay message if spd_data_exists('el'+probe+'_pef_nflux',this_tr[0],this_tr[1]) then $ xyouts, .01, .005, phase_msg, /normal, color=10, charsize=.75 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Create PNG file tr=timerange() fd=file_dailynames(trange=tr[0], /unique, times=times) png_path = !elf.local_data_dir+'el'+probe+'/overplots/'+strmid(fd,0,4)+'/'+strmid(fd,4,2)+'/'+strmid(fd,6,2)+'/' file_mkdir, png_path png_file = png_path+'el'+probe+'_l2_overview_'+fd+file_lbl[i] dprint, 'Making png file '+png_file+'.png' makepng, png_file ;close, /all luns=lindgen(124)+5 for j=0,n_elements(luns)-1 do free_lun, luns[j] endfor ; end of hourly loop end