This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Fri Apr 1 11:58:51 2022.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]

 Given a time range (passed to routine or set via the TIMESPAN routine), 
 this loader will load the fitting PSP l3i SWEAP data file from the user's 
 local directory or from the remote server depending on the preferences set in 
 the !psp_sweap variable or passed as keyword options to this routine.
 The Faraday Cup data products include proton density and their uncertainties, 
 proton bulk velocity vector, Carrington longitude/latitude data, and 
 corresponding data uncertainties and delta values

KEYWORDS (Optional):
 DOWNLOADONLY: Set this to download files but *not* store data in TPLOT.
 NO_DOWNLOAD:  Set this to use only locally available files. Default is 
                 whatever is in the !psp_sweap config.
 NO_UPDATE:    Set this to only download new filenames. Default is whatever 
                 is in the !psp_sweap config.
 PATHFORMAT:   (String) Special path format to use if !psp_sweap.remote_data_dir is 
                 changed from its default (SPDF@NASA/GSFC)
 TRANGE:       Time range of interest stored as a 2 element array of doubles 
                 (as output by timerange()) or strings (as accepted by 
                 timerange()). Defaults to the range set in tplot or prompts 
                 for date if not yet set.
 TYPE:         (String) Data type to load.
                 Valid options:
                 'spc_l3i': SPC Level 3 data (default)
 VARFORMAT:    Specify a subset of variables to load from the CDF file.
 VERBOSE:      Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. 
               Defaults to value in !psp_sweap.verbose
 TPLOTNAMES:   Named variable to hold array of TPLOT variable names loaded

 ; Load all variables for the 3 day period Sep 10-13, 2019

 ; Load and plot just proton density variables for 3 hours on Nov 11, 2018
 trg = ['2018-11-11/12:00:00','2018-11-11/15:00:00'] 
 psp_load_swp, trange=trg, varformat="*np*"

CREATED BY: Jonathan Tsang, Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2020

 $LastChangedBy: anarock $
 $LastChangedDate: 2020-10-27 12:50:05 -0700 (Tue, 27 Oct 2020) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 29302 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/SPP/sweap/SPC/L3i/load/