function cdf_var_type2,string stypes = 'CDF_'+strsplit(/extr,'XXX BYTE UINT1 INT1 CHAR UCHAR INT2 UINT2 INT4 UINT4 REAL4 FLOAT DOUBLE REAL8 EPOCH EPOCH16 LONG_EPOCH TIME_TT2000') vtypes = [0,1,1,1,1,1,2,12,3,13,4,4,5,5,5,9,9,14] type = array_union(string,stypes) return,(vtypes[type])[0] end ;+ ;NAME: cdf_info2 ;FUNCTION: cdf_info2(id) ;PURPOSE: ; Returns a HASH with useful information about a CDF file. ; In particular the number of file records is returned in this structure. ;INPUT: ; id: CDF file ID or filename ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-10 23:02:53 -0700 (Fri, 10 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28553 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- function cdf_info2,files,data=ret_data,attributes=ret_attr,verbose=verbose,convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2 tstart = systime(1) vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 if n_elements(ret_data) eq 0 then ret_data=1 for n=0,n_elements(files)-1 do begin file = files[n] if size(/type,file) eq 7 then begin if file_test(file) then id=cdf_open(file) $ else begin if vb ge 1 then dprint,verbose=verbose,'File not found: "'+file+'"' return,0 endelse endif else id=file inq = cdf_inquire(id) q = !quiet cdf_control,id,get_filename=fn ; need to add .cdf to the filename, since "cdf_control,id, get_filename=" ; returns the filename without the extension fn = fn + '.cdf' if 1 then begin varinfo_format= {cdf_tools_varinfo} endif else begin varinfo_format = { $ name:'', $ num:0, $ is_zvar:0, $ datatype:'' , $ type:0, $ numattr:-1, $ numelem:0, $ recvary:0b, $ numrec:0l, $ ndimen:0, $ d:lonarr(6) , $ data:obj_new(), $ attributes:obj_new() } endelse nv = inq.nvars+inq.nzvars ;vinfo = nv gt 0 ? replicate(varinfo_format, nv) : 0 vinfo = orderedhash() ;i = 0 g_atts = cdf_var_atts2(id) ;g_att_names = cdf_var_atts(id,/names_only) ; If cdf_var_atts were modified slightly these calls could be made in parallel num_recs =0 t0=systime(1) att=0 for zvar = 0,1 do begin ; regular variables first, then zvariables nvars = zvar ? inq.nzvars : inq.nvars for v = 0,nvars-1 do begin vi = cdf_varinq(id,v,zvar=zvar) i = vinfo_i = varinfo_format vinfo_i.num = v vinfo_i.numattr = -1 vinfo_i.is_zvar = zvar = vinfo_i.datatype = vi.datatype vinfo_i.type = cdf_var_type2(vi.datatype) vinfo_i.numelem = vi.numelem recvar = vi.recvar eq 'VARY' vinfo_i.recvary = recvar if recvar then begin ;if vb ge 6 then print,ptrace(),v,' ' !quiet = 1 cdf_control,id,var=v,get_var_info=info,zvar = zvar !quiet = q ;if vb ge 7 then print,ptrace(), nrecs = info.maxrec+1 endif else nrecs = 0 vinfo_i.numrec = nrecs if zvar then begin dimen = [vi.dim] ndimen = total(/preserve,vi.dimvar) endif else begin dimc = vi.dimvar * inq.dim w = where(dimc ne 0,ndimen) if ndimen ne 0 then dimen = dimc[w] else dimen=0 dprint,'Warning! rvars not debugged',dlevel=1 endelse vinfo_i.ndimen = ndimen vinfo_i.d = dimen ;dprint,dlevel=3,phelp=3,vi,dimen,dimc t2 = systime(1) dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,v,systime(1)-t2,' ' if keyword_set(ret_data) then begin if nrecs ge 1 then begin cdf_varget,id,,value ,rec_count=nrecs ,string= vinfo_i.numelem gt 1 if vinfo_i.recvary then begin if (vinfo_i.ndimen ge 1 && n_elements(record) eq 0) then begin if nrecs eq 1 then begin dprint,dlevel=3,'Warning: Single record! ',,vinfo_i.ndimen,vinfo_i.d value = reform(/overwrite,value, [1,size(/dimensions,value)] ) ; Special case for variables with a single record endif else begin transshift = shift(indgen(vinfo_i.ndimen+1),1) value=transpose(value,transshift) endelse endif else value = reform(value,/overwrite) if ~obj_valid( then begin = dynamicarray(value, endif else begin , value endelse endif ; if vinfo_i.ndimen ge 1 then begin ; dim = vinfo_i.d[0: vinfo_i.ndimen-1] > 1 ; value=reform(value,[nrecs,dim],/overwrite) ; set dimensions ; endif endif else begin if ~obj_valid( then begin = dynamicarray(value, endif else begin = value endelse cdf_varget,id,,value ,string= vinfo_i.numelem gt 1 = dynamicarray(value, endelse endif if 1 && keyword_set(ret_attr) then begin attr = cdf_var_atts2(id, v,zvar=zvar, convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2) ; Fast Version vinfo_i.attributes = attr vinfo_i.numattr = n_elements(attr) endif vinfo[i] = vinfo_i ; i = i+1 dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,v,systime(1)-t0,' ' t0=systime(1) endfor endfor if size(/type,id) eq 7 then cdf_close,id endfor ;files ;g_att_names = (g_atts.keys()).toarray() ;g_att_names = strarr(g_atts.count()) ;i = 0 ;foreach v,g_atts,k do g_att_names[i++] = k ; this avoids using a list which can cause memory leak ;res = create_struct('filename',fn,'inq',inq,'g_attributes',g_atts,'g_att_names',g_att_names,'nv',nv,'vars',vinfo) ;'num_recs',num_recs,'nvars',nv res = create_struct('filename',fn,'inq',inq,'g_attributes',g_atts,'nv',nv,'vars',vinfo) ;'num_recs',num_recs,'nvars',nv ;if size(/type,id0) eq 7 then cdf_close,id0 dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'Time=',systime(1)-tstart return,res end