;+ ; PURPOSE: to read a parameterSet file and to return a list of tplot-variables ; ; INPUT: ; paramset: The name of the parameterSet. e.g., "01_wi_basic" ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-09 22:07:09 -0700 (Thu, 09 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28539 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/SPP/COMMON/sppeva/source/data/sppeva_data_paramsetread.pro $ ;- FUNCTION sppeva_data_paramSetRead, paramset compile_opt idl2 ; ensure there is no file extension such as .txt paramset_tmp = strsplit(paramset,'.',/extract) paramset = paramset_tmp[0] ; find the parameter-set file dir = file_search(ProgramRootDir(/twoup)+'parameterSets',/MARK_DIRECTORY,/FULLY_QUALIFY_PATH,/FOLD_CASE); directory paramFileList = file_search(dir,'*',/FULLY_QUALIFY_PATH,count=cmax,/FOLD_CASE); full path to the files if cmax gt 0 then begin idx = where(strmatch(paramFileList,'*'+paramset+'*',/FOLD_CASE),ct) if ct eq 1 then begin filename = paramFileList[idx[0]] endif else begin msg = 'ERROR: Multiple parameterSets found with the string *'+paramset+'*. Please be more specific.' if ct eq 0 then msg = paramset+' is not found.' result = dialog_message(msg,/center,/error) return, -1 endelse endif else begin msg = 'ERROR: No parameter in the specified parameterSet directory' result = dialog_message(msg,/center,/error) return, -1 endelse ; read the paremeters result = read_ascii(filename,template=eva_data_template()) paramlist = result.param if n_elements(paramlist) eq 0 then begin msg = 'WARNING: Selected parameterSet not available.' return, -1 endif return, paramlist END