;+ ;***************************************************************************************** ; ; PROCEDURE: wi_tds_dustimpact_load.pro ; PURPOSE : This routine retrieves/downloads CDF files and loads the resulting data ; into TPLOT. The data files contain the dust impact database from the ; Wind/WAVES instrument's time domain sampler (TDS), created by ; David M. Malaspina and Lynn B. Wilson III as part of a 2014 NASA ; ROSES Heliophysics Guest Investigator (H-GI) program for the Open Data- ; Development Element (ODDE) grant. ; ; CALLED BY: ; NA ; ; INCLUDES: ; NA ; ; CALLS: ; time_string.pro ; time_double.pro ; root_data_dir.pro ; wind_init.pro ; spd_get_valid_trange.pro ; is_num.pro ; file_dailynames.pro ; spd_download.pro ; file_retrieve.pro ; timespan.pro ; cdf2tplot.pro ; tnames.pro ; options.pro ; tplot_options.pro ; get_data.pro ; store_data.pro ; ; REQUIRES: ; 1) SPEDAS IDL Libraries ; 2) TDS dust impact database CDF files at: ; http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/wind/waves/dust_impact_l3/ ; ; INPUT: ; NA ; ; EXAMPLES: ; [calling sequence] ; wi_tds_dustimpact_load [,TRANGE=trange] [,VERBOSE=verbose] $ ; [,/DOWNLOADONLY] [,VARFORMAT=varformat] $ ; [,SOURCE_OPTIONS=source] [,/ADDMASTER] $ ; [,PREFIX=prefix] [,MIDFIX=midfix] $ ; [,MIDPOS=midpos] [,SUFFIX=suffix] $ ; [/LOAD_LABELS] [,FILES=files] $ ; [,TPLOTNAMES=tplotnames] ; ; ;; Example: Get dust impacts between Jan. 1-4, 2000 ; tdate_st = '2000-01-01' ; tdate_en = '2000-01-04' ; start_of_day = '00:00:00.000' ; end___of_day = '23:59:59.999' ; tr_t = [tdate_st[0]+'/'+start_of_day[0],tdate_en[0]+'/'+end___of_day[0]] ; tran = time_double(tr_t) ; wi_tds_dustimpact_load,TRANGE=tran,FILES=files,TPLOTNAMES=tplotnames ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ********************************** ; *** DIRECT INPUTS *** ; ********************************** ; TRANGE : [2]-Element [double] array specifying the Unix time ; range for which to limit the data in DATA ; [Default = handled by file finding routines] ; VERBOSE : Scalar [numeric] defining the level to which the ; routine dprint.pro outputs information ; DOWNLOADONLY : If set, routine will exit after it retrieves the ; desired data files ; [Default = FALSE] ; VARFORMAT : Scalar or [N]-Element [string] array specifying the ; CDF variable names to load into TPLOT ; [Default = '*' (for all variables)] ; DATATYPE : *** Not Used by this routine *** ; [kept for compatibility with other SPEDAS routines] ; SOURCE_OPTIONS : Scalar [structure] defining information relevant to ; local and remote file management ; [Default = !wind (initiated by wind_init.pro)] ; ADDMASTER : If set, the routine file_dailynames.pro will add a ; file path with the zeroth date ; [Default = FALSE] ; PREFIX : Scalar [string] defining the characters that will ; pre-pend all TPLOT handles produced by this routine ; [Default = 'Wind_tds_dust_'] ; MIDFIX : Scalar [string] defining the characters that will ; be placed at MIDPOS within all TPLOT handles ; produced by this routine ; [Default = ''] ; MIDPOS : Scalar [numeric] defining the starting character ; position in which to place the string defined by ; the MIDFIX keyword ; [Default = 0] ; SUFFIX : Scalar [string] defining the characters that will ; append all TPLOT handles produced by this routine ; [Default = ''] ; LOAD_LABELS : If set, the labels from labl_ptr_1 in the CDF file ; attributes will be copied into the TPLOT DLIMITS ; structure ; ***************** ; *** OUTPUTS *** ; ***************** ; FILES : [N]-Element [string] array of file names, with full ; directory paths, to the CDF files downloaded and ; loaded (or just loaded) into TPLOT ; TPLOTNAMES : [N]-Element [string] array of TPLOT handles loaded ; ; CHANGED: 1) Continued to write routine ; [08/24/2016 v1.0.0] ; 2) Continued to write routine ; [08/24/2016 v1.0.0] ; 3) Continued to write routine ; [08/25/2016 v1.0.0] ; 4) Continued to write routine ; [09/02/2016 v1.0.0] ; 5) Continued to write routine ; [09/02/2016 v1.0.0] ; 6) Continued to write routine ; [09/02/2016 v1.0.0] ; 7) Finished writing routine ; [09/02/2016 v1.0.0] ; 8) Now calls spd_get_valid_trange.pro and cleaned up a little and ; moved to SPEDAS directory ; [09/08/2016 v1.1.0] ; 9) Updated SPDF URL: All NASA URLs are now https ; [02/09/2017 v1.1.1] ; ; NOTES: ; 1) If the TRANGE keyword is not set, the routine will prompt the user ; for a date and then define the time range as one full day ; ; REFERENCES: ; 1) Bougeret, J.-L., M.L. Kaiser, P.J. Kellogg, R. Manning, K. Goetz, ; S.J. Monson, N. Monge, L. Friel, C.A. Meetre, C. Perche, ; L. Sitruk, and S. Hoang "WAVES: The Radio and Plasma ; Wave Investigation on the Wind Spacecraft," Space Sci. Rev. ; Vol. 71, pp. 231-263, doi:10.1007/BF00751331, (1995). ; 2) Malaspina, D.M., M. Horanyi, A. Zaslavsky, K. Goetz, L.B. Wilson III, ; and K. Kersten "Interplanetary and interstellar dust observed by ; the Wind/WAVES electric field instrument," Geophys. Res. Lett. ; Vol. 41, pp. 266-272, doi:10.1002/2013GL058786, (2014). ; 3) Malaspina, D.M., and L.B. Wilson III "A Database of Interplanetary ; and Interstellar Dust Detected by the Wind Spacecraft," ; J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 121, submitted July 19, 2016. ; ; CREATED: 08/23/2016 ; CREATED BY: Lynn B. Wilson III ; LAST MODIFIED: 02/09/2017 v1.1.1 ; MODIFIED BY: Lynn B. Wilson III ; ; $LastChangedBy: lbwilsoniii_desk $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-09 11:42:45 -0800 (Thu, 09 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22754 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/missions/wind/waves/wi_tds_dustimpact_load.pro $ ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;- PRO wi_tds_dustimpact_load,TRANGE=trange,VERBOSE=verbose,DOWNLOADONLY=downloadonly, $ VARFORMAT=varformat,DATATYPE=datatype,SOURCE_OPTIONS=source, $ ADDMASTER=addmaster,PREFIX=prefix,MIDFIX=midfix,MIDPOS=midpos, $ SUFFIX=suffix,LOAD_LABELS=load_labels, $ FILES=files,TPLOTNAMES=tplotnames ex_start = SYSTIME(1) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Constants ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ver_str = !VERSION vern = ver_str.RELEASE ;; e.g., '8.5.1' vernf = FLOAT(vern[0]) ;; e.g., 8.5 f = !VALUES.F_NAN d = !VALUES.D_NAN http_slash = '/' ;; separator for URLs R_Ea__m = 6.3781366d06 ;; Earth's Mean Equatorial Radius [m, 2015 AA values] R_E = R_Ea__m[0]*1d-3 ;; m --> km ;; Regular Expressions str_regex_int = '^[-+]?[0-9][0-9]*$' ;; Regular expression for integer-only ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define dummy time variables ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tdate_launch = '1994-11-01' ;; launch date of Wind tdate0 = '1995-01-01' ;; start of CDF files t_current = time_string(ex_start[0],PREC=3) tdate1 = STRMID(t_current[0],0L,10L) ;; Current date yr_st_en = STRMID([tdate0[0],tdate1[0]],0L,4L) start_of_day = '00:00:00.000' end___of_day = '23:59:59.999' def_toffset = 36d1*864d2 ;; Assume data files are at least 1 year behind current date ;; Define the maximum possible time range tr_tmax = [tdate0[0]+'/'+start_of_day[0],tdate1[0]+'/'+end___of_day[0]] tr_dmax = time_double(tr_tmax) ;; Define the DOY values at the start of each month for non-leap and leap years mdt = [[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365], $ [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366]] ;; Define the # of days in each month for non-leap and leap years nd_permon = INTARR(13,2) x = LINDGEN(12) & y = x + 1L nd_permon[y,*] = mdt[y,*] - mdt[x,*] ;; # of days in each month ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define other dummy variables ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define dummy angle bin arrays nang = 13L ;; 30 deg angle bins dang = 36d1/(nang[0] - 1L) dumb_angs = DINDGEN(nang[0])*dang[0] hist_parms = [dang[0],0d0,36d1] ;; Define local base data directory local_base = root_data_dir() ;; e.g., '/Users/lbwilson/data/' ;; Define CDF file name formats fname_format = 'wi_l3-dustimpact_waves_YYYYMMDD_v???.cdf' ;; Define SPDF base data directory spdf_base_dir = 'https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/' ;spdf_base_dir = 'http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/' ;; Define SPDF path format to data [*** this is current ***] pathformat = 'wind'+http_slash[0]+'waves'+http_slash[0]+$ 'dust_impact_l3'+http_slash[0]+'YYYY'+http_slash[0]+fname_format[0] ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define dummy prompt messages ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_latest = time_string(tr_dmax[1] - def_toffset[0],PREC=3) ;; Assume data lags behind by ~1 year IF (STRMID(t_latest[0],0L,4L) EQ '2015') THEN yr_last = '2016' ELSE yr_last = STRMID(t_latest[0],0L,4L) yr_se = [STRMID(tdate0[0],0L,4L),yr_last[0]] ;; Define dummy prompt messages prompt_yy = "Please enter a year between "+yr_se[0]+" and "+yr_se[1]+" [numeric]: " prompt_mm = "Please enter a month between 1 and 12 [numeric]: " prompt_dd = "Please enter a day between 1 and 31 [numeric]: " ;; this will change below ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Stuff for TPLOT ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc = 'Wind' scpref = sc[0]+'_' def_tppref = scpref[0]+'tds_dust_' all_types = ['A','B','C','D','M'] val_sm_labs = ['vals','smth'] loc_labs = ['Clear','Magnetosph','Moon','Both'] typ_labs = 'Type '+all_types pos_neg_s = ['+','-'] pos_neg_w = ['pos','neg'] vec_str = ['x','y','z'] ef_names = 'E'+vec_str channels = 'Ch'+['1','2'] ;; LABFLAG settings: defines lable positions ;; 2 : locations at vertical location of last component data point shown ;; 1 : equally spaced with zeroth component at bottom ;; 0 : no labels shown ;; -1 : equally spaced with zeroth component at top def_labflag = -1 def__ystyle = 1 def_pansize = 2.0 def__xminor = 5 def_xtcklen = 0.04 def_ytcklen = 0.01 ;; TPLOT names containing numeric data good_suffx = ['TDS_Event_'+['Number','Duration'],'Wind_Spin_'+['Rate','Period'], $ 'FLAG_'+['Location','XAnt_Cut'], $ 'Ch01___'+['Peak_amplitude','cc_'+['value','threshold']], $ 'MinCh1_threshold','Ch1ImpAnt_E_S_Angle', $ 'Ch02___'+['Peak_amplitude','cc_'+['value','threshold']], $ 'MinCh2_threshold','Ch2ImpAnt_E_S_Angle', $ 'Pos_A'+['x_SCS_Angle',['x','y']+'_E_S_Angle','x_E_S_Delta_Angle'], $ 'ImpAnt_E_S_Delta_Angle','n_TDS_per_day'] ;; TPLOT names containing strings bad_suffx = ['ImpactAntenna','MorphologicalType'] ;; Define min/max spin period [s] and rate [degrees/s] mnmx_spperi = [1d0,5d0] ;; min/max spin period [s] mnmx_sprate = 36d1/REVERSE(mnmx_spperi) ;; min/max spin rate [deg/s] ;; Define TPLOT YTITLEs evn_yttl = 'TDS Event #' dur_yttl = 'TDS Duration'+'!C'+'[sec]' wsr_yttl = sc[0]+' Spin Rate'+'!C'+'[degrees/sec]' wsp_yttl = sc[0]+' Spin Period'+'!C'+'[sec]' wlf_yttl = sc[0]+' Location'+'!C'+'Flag' wac_yttl = sc[0]+' Ant. Cut'+'!C'+'Flag' xpk_yttl = ef_names[0]+' Peak Amp.'+'!C'+'[mV]' xcv_yttl = ef_names[0]+' CC Val.'+'!C'+'[unitless]' xct_yttl = ef_names[0]+' CC Thresh.'+'!C'+'[unitless]' xmt_yttl = ef_names[0]+' Min. Thresh.'+'!C'+'[mV]' xia_yttl = ef_names[0]+' Imp. Ant.'+'!C'+'Angle [E-S line vs '+ef_names[0]+', CW, degrees]' ypk_yttl = ef_names[1]+' Peak Amp.'+'!C'+'[mV]' ycv_yttl = ef_names[1]+' CC Val.'+'!C'+'[unitless]' yct_yttl = ef_names[1]+' CC Thresh.'+'!C'+'[unitless]' ymt_yttl = ef_names[1]+' Min. Thresh.'+'!C'+'[mV]' yia_yttl = ef_names[1]+' Imp. Ant.'+'!C'+'Angle [E-S line vs '+ef_names[1]+', CW, degrees]' axs_yttl = '+Ax Angle'+'!C'+'[SC-Sun line vs +Ax, CW, degrees]' axe_yttl = '+Ax Angle'+'!C'+'[E-S line vs +Ax, CW, degrees]' aye_yttl = '+Ay Angle'+'!C'+'[E-S line vs +Ay, CW, degrees]' axd_yttl = 'd(+Ax Angle)'+'!C'+'[Uncert., degrees]' iad_yttl = 'd(Imp. Ant.)'+'!C'+'[Uncert., degrees]' ntd_yttl = '# TDS'+'!C'+'Per Day' all_yttls = [evn_yttl[0],dur_yttl[0],wsr_yttl[0],wsp_yttl[0],wlf_yttl[0],wac_yttl[0],$ xpk_yttl[0],xcv_yttl[0],xct_yttl[0],xia_yttl[0],xmt_yttl[0], $ ypk_yttl[0],ycv_yttl[0],yct_yttl[0],yia_yttl[0],ymt_yttl[0], $ axs_yttl[0],axe_yttl[0],aye_yttl[0],axd_yttl[0],iad_yttl[0], $ ntd_yttl[0]] ;; Initialize external/remote directory locations ;; --> Initialize Wind structure wind_init ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Check keywords ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Check TRANGE tra_struc = spd_get_valid_trange(TRANGE=trange,PRECISION=3,MIN_TDATE=tdate0[0]) tran = tra_struc.UNIX_TRANGE ;; Unix time range tdates = tra_struc.DATE_TRANGE ;; Date range [e.g., 'YYYY-MM-DD'] tra_t = tra_struc.STRING_TRANGE ;; String time range [e.g., 'YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.xxx'] ;; Check DOWNLOADONLY test = (N_ELEMENTS(downloadonly) GT 0) AND KEYWORD_SET(downloadonly) IF (test[0]) THEN no_load_tplot = 1b ELSE no_load_tplot = 0b ;; Check VARFORMAT test = (N_ELEMENTS(varformat) EQ 0) OR (SIZE(varformat,/TYPE) NE 7) IF (test[0]) THEN varformat = '*' ELSE varformat = varformat[0] ;; Check DATATYPE test = (N_ELEMENTS(datatype) GT 0) IF (test[0]) THEN dumb = TEMPORARY(datatype) ;; Undefine variable in case user defined it ;; Check SOURCE_OPTIONS test = (N_ELEMENTS(source) EQ 0) OR (SIZE(source,/TYPE) NE 8) IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN ;; Make sure SOURCE structure is defined source = !wind source.REMOTE_DATA_DIR = spdf_base_dir[0] ENDIF ;; Check PREFIX test = (N_ELEMENTS(prefix) EQ 0) OR (SIZE(prefix,/TYPE) NE 7) IF (test[0]) THEN prefix = def_tppref[0] ELSE prefix = prefix[0] ;; Check SUFFIX test = (N_ELEMENTS(suffix) EQ 0) OR (SIZE(suffix,/TYPE) NE 7) IF (test[0]) THEN suffix = '' ELSE suffix = suffix[0] ;; Check LOAD_LABELS test = (N_ELEMENTS(load_labels) GT 0) AND KEYWORD_SET(load_labels) IF (test[0]) THEN load_cdf_labs = 1b ELSE load_cdf_labs = 0b ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Find files and download ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Define relative file paths/HTMLs ;; base path/url contained within REMOTE_DATA_DIR tag of SOURCE structure relpathnames = file_dailynames(FILE_FORMAT=pathformat,TRANGE=tran,ADDMASTER=addmaster) ;; Get files test_v64 = (vernf[0] GE 6.4) ;; Check IDL version number IF (test_v64[0]) THEN BEGIN ;; User has ≥ v6.4 ;; --> Use IDLnetURL object to retrieve data files files = spd_download(REMOTE_FILE=relpathnames,_EXTRA=source,/LAST_VERSION) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; User has < v6.4 ;; --> Use SOCKET.PRO to retrieve data files files = file_retrieve(relpathnames,_EXTRA=source,/LAST_VERSION) ENDELSE ;; Check if user wants only to get the data files IF (no_load_tplot[0]) THEN RETURN ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Open window ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Set TPLOT time span timespan,tran[0],(tran[1] - tran[0]),/SECONDS ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Load all CDF data into TPLOT ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;prefix = scpref[0] n_cdf = N_ELEMENTS(files) cdf2tplot,files,PREFIX=prefix,MIDFIX=midfix,MIDPOS=midpos,SUFFIX=suffix, $ NEWNAME=newname,VARFORMAT=varformat,VARNAMES=varnames2,ALL=all, $ VERBOSE=verbose,/GET_SUPPORT_DATA,/CONVERT_INT1_TO_INT2, $ RECORD=record,TPLOTNAMES=tplotnames,LOAD_LABELS=load_cdf_labs[0] ;; Define TPLOT names containing numeric and string data tpn_dat_tpns = tnames('*_'+good_suffx) tpn_str_tpns = tnames('*_'+bad_suffx) ;; Define TPLOTNAMES output tplotnames = tpn_dat_tpns ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Alter default TPLOT options for loaded variables ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Change options for good outputs options,tpn_dat_tpns,'YTITLE' options,tpn_dat_tpns,'YSUBTITLE' options,tpn_dat_tpns,'YSUBTITLE',/DEF options,tpn_dat_tpns,'PSYM' options,tpn_dat_tpns,PSYM=2,COLORS=50,/DEF options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Rate'+suffix[0]), 'MAX_VALUE' options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Rate'+suffix[0]), 'MIN_VALUE' options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Period'+suffix[0]),'MAX_VALUE' options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Period'+suffix[0]),'MIN_VALUE' options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Period'+suffix[0]),MIN_VALUE=mnmx_spperi[0],MAX_VALUE=mnmx_spperi[1],/DEF options,tnames('*_Wind_Spin_Rate'+suffix[0]), MIN_VALUE=mnmx_sprate[0],MAX_VALUE=mnmx_sprate[1],/DEF ;; Set TPLOT YTITLEs n_tpn = N_ELEMENTS(all_yttls) FOR j=0L, n_tpn[0] - 1L DO options,tpn_dat_tpns[j],YTITLE=all_yttls[j],/DEF ;; Define TPLOT defaults tplot_options, 'YMARGIN',[4,4] tplot_options, 'XMARGIN',[20,20] tplot_options, 'LABFLAG',def_labflag[0] nnw = tnames() options,nnw,YSTYLE=def__ystyle[0],PANEL_SIZE=def_pansize[0],XMINOR=def__xminor[0],$ XTICKLEN=def_xtcklen[0],YTICKLEN=def_ytcklen[0],LABFLAG=def_labflag[0],/DEF ;; Remove any remnant options nna = [tpn_dat_tpns,tpn_str_tpns] options,nna, 'YLOG' options,nna,'X_NO_INTERP' options,nna,'X_NO_INTERP' options,nna, 'NO_INTERP' ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Need to fix dependencies of *_n_TDS_per_day ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- good = WHERE(files NE '',gd) IF (gd[0] GT 0) THEN BEGIN gfiles = files[good] gbases = FILE_BASENAME(gfiles) ;; Get dates from file names fdates = STREGEX(gbases,'([0-9]){8}',/EXTRACT) ;; Define times associated with these dates g_tdates = STRMID(fdates,0L,4L)+'-'+STRMID(fdates,4L,2L)+'-'+STRMID(fdates,6L,2L) g_ymdbs = g_tdates+'/'+start_of_day[0] g_unix = time_double(g_ymdbs) g_tpn = tnames('*n_TDS_per_day'+suffix[0]) IF (g_tpn[0] NE '') THEN BEGIN ;; Get TPLOT variable get_data,g_tpn[0],DATA=temp,DLIMIT=dlim,LIMIT=lim test = (SIZE(temp,/TYPE) EQ 8) IF (test[0]) THEN BEGIN ;; Redefine time tags temp.X = g_unix store_data,g_tpn[0],DATA=temp,DLIMIT=dlim,LIMIT=lim ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Return to user ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END