;+ ;PURPOSE: To return Ion Burst Data for a specific time from the fa_ieb_l1 common block. ;USEAGE: dat=get_fa1_ieb(t) ; dat=get_fa1_ieb() will call ctime.pro to get t. ; The routine assumes the l1 common block for datatype is already loaded into IDL. ;KEYWORDS: /START to return data structure for the first time in common block. ; /EN to return data structure for the last time in common block. ; /ADVANCE to return the next data structure in the common block. ; /RETREAT to return the previous data structure in the common block. ; INDEX=INDEX to return the INDEXth data structure in the common block. ; /TIMES returns array of starting times in l1 common block instead of data structure. ; UNITS=UNITS allows you to choose the returned data's units. Default is compressed. ;UPDATES: Last update on June 4, 2010. ;- function get_fa1_ieb,t,units=units,_EXTRA=extra common fa_ieb_l1,get_ind,all_dat if NOT keyword_set(units) then units='Counts' return,fa_esa_struct_l1(t,units=units,all_dat=all_dat,get_ind=get_ind,_EXTRA=extra) end