;+ ;NAME: ;spd_ui_wv_memory_test ;PURPOSE: ;Estimate of memory used by a wavelet transform. The estimated memory ;use is 36.26*n_elements(transformed_data.y). The factor of 36 comes ;from testing different transforms for different types of data, for ;fgm (FGH and FGS) data, 2009-01-14, for ESA L2 density data ;2007-07-07, and for GMAG data for both of those days. Note that this ;is currently only useful for default inputs. ;INPUT: ; t = the time array ;OUTPUT: ; jv = the number of wavelets to eventually be used, jv must be GT 1 ; for the wavelet2 routine to work. ; prange = the default period range of the output, ; nyquist period, 5% of time period] ; info_txt = Informational test array, with memory sizes, and jv value ;HISTORY: ; 10-jun-2009, jmm, added jv output to test for a reasonable number of ; wavelets later. ; 19-Jan-2015, jmm, Changed the name and separated into a new file ; 6-feb-2015, jmm, Added frange output, for the default frequency range ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-02-09 13:28:13 -0800 (Mon, 09 Feb 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 16922 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_wv_memory_test.pro $ ;- Function spd_ui_wv_memory_test, varname, t, jv, prange, info_txt, $ memok = memok, jvok = jvok memok = 0b & jvok = 0b jv = 0 & prange = [0.0, 0.0] n = n_elements(t) dt = (t[1:*]-t) ;dt = mean(t[1:*]-t) ;Hacked from wavelet2.pro -- these are defaults different from wavelet.pro ;w0 = 2.*!pi ;dj = 1/8.*(2.*!pi/w0) ;prange = [2.*dt, 0.05*n*dt] ; default range = nyquist period - 5% of time period ;srange = (2.*dt > prange < n*dt) * (w0+sqrt(2+w0^2))/4/!pi ;srange = (prange) * (w0+sqrt(2+w0^2))/4/!pi ;srange are the scales of the wavelets ;jv = FIX((ALOG(srange[1]/srange[0])/ALOG(2))/dj);jv+1 is the number of wavelets used ;Check for resampling later in wave_data procedure, ;default is to use mean value if total(abs(minmax(dt)/mean(dt)-1)) gt .01 then begin dprint,'Using resampled estimate' ;Resampling will occur at intervals of the median period, times = round(dt/median(dt)) ;Get total number of points in resample n = total(times, /preserve) + 1 endif ;jv+1 is the number of wavelets used jv = fix( 8*( alog(.05*n)/alog(2) -1 ) ) ;simplified calculation ;prange = [2.*dt, 0.05*n*dt] ; default range = nyquist period - 5% of time period prange = [2.*median(dt), 0.05*n*median(dt)] ;The memory used in bytes is approximately 36 times the number of ;elements in the final product. Added 16% margin to account for spikes. memtest = 1.16*36.26*float(n)*float(jv+1)/1.0e6 mem_av = get_max_memblock2() info_txt = ['Variable; '+varname,$ 'Estimated Memory Usage: '+string(memtest, '(e10.2)')+' Mbytes, ', $ 'Estimated Memory Available: '+string(mem_av, '(e10.2)')+' Mbytes.', $ 'Estimated number of wavelet values: '+string(jv, '(i9)')+'.', $ 'Minimum wavelet period: '+string(prange[0], '(e10.2)')+' Seconds.', $ 'Maximum wavelet period: '+string(prange[1], '(e10.2)')+' Seconds.' ] If(mem_av Gt memtest) Then memok = 1b Else memok = 0b If(memok) Then imem = 'Memory Test: OK' Else imem = ['Memory Test: FAIL', 'Maybe choose a shorter time range'] If(jv Gt 2) Then jvok = 1b Else jvok = 0b If(jvok) Then jmem = 'Number Test: OK' Else jmem = ['Number Test: FAIL', 'Maybe choose a longer time range'] info_txt = [info_txt, imem, jmem] Return, memtest End