;+ ;PRO: ; spd_ui_validate_file ; ;PURPOSE: ; ; Verifies file read/write permissions and file availability ; ;Inputs: ; filename:name of the file ; ;Outputs: ; statuscode: negative value indicates failure, 0 indicates success ; statusmsg: a message to be returned in the event of an error ; ;Keywords: ; write: validate for save ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_validate_file.pro $ ;- ; Status codes and interpretations: ; ; 0 : Successful validation, operation may proceed ; < 0: Unsuccessful validation, do not perform operation ; ; -1 : Malformed filename ; -2 : Directory does not exist ; -3 : Directory does not have write permission ; -4 : Specified filename is actually a directory ; -5 : File does not have write permission ; -6 : Operation cancelled by user ; -7 : File does not exist ;-99 : Error caught during validation pro spd_ui_validate_file,filename=filename,statuscode=statuscode,statusmsg=statusmsg,write=write catch,Error_status if (Error_status NE 0) then begin statusmsg = !ERROR_STATE.MSG statuscode = -99 catch,/cancel return endif statuscode = 0 statusmsg = '' if ~is_string(filename) then begin statusmsg='"'+routine_name+'": Malformed filename' statuscode=-1 return endif filename = (expand_path(filename))[0] traceback = scope_traceback(/structure) routine_name = traceback[n_elements(traceback)-2].routine tgt_dirname=file_dirname(filename) fi=file_info(tgt_dirname) if keyword_set(write) then begin if ~fi.exists then begin statusmsg=string(tgt_dirname,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed. Directory ",A," does not exist.")') statuscode=-2 return endif else if ~fi.write then begin statusmsg=string(tgt_dirname,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed. Directory ",A," is not writeable by you.")') statuscode=-3 return endif fi=file_info(filename) if (fi.directory) then begin statusmsg=string(filename,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed: ",A," is a directory.")') statuscode=-4 return endif else if (fi.exists AND ~fi.write) then begin statusmsg=string(filename,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed. File ",A," exists, and is not writeable by you.")') statuscode=-5 return end else if (fi.exists) then begin statusmsg=string(filename,format='("'+routine_name+': File ",A," already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?")') answer=dialog_message(statusmsg,/question,/default_no, /center ) if (answer NE 'Yes') then begin statusmsg=routine_name+': Save cancelled by user.' statuscode=-6 return endif endif endif else begin fi=file_info(filename) if (fi.directory) then begin statusmsg=string(filename,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed ",A," is a directory.")') statuscode=-4 return endif else if (~fi.exists) then begin statusmsg=string(filename,format='("'+routine_name+': Failed. File ",A," does not exist.")') statuscode=-7 return endif endelse end