;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_ui_plugin_replay ; ;Purpose: ; Replays data modification operations performed by GUI plugins when loading GUI documents. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; spd_ui_plugin_replay, procedure, parameters, loaded_data, history_window, status_bar ; ;Input: ; procedure: (string) name of plugin routine to be called ; parameters: (stuct/int) Anonymous struct conforming to keywords for named routine ; or 0 if no keywords specified. ; loaded_data: (obj) reference to loaded_data object ; history_window: (obj) reference to history window object ; status_bar: (obj) reference to status bar object ; ;Output: ; none ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-05-05 13:39:26 -0700 (Mon, 05 May 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15050 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_plugin_replay.pro $ ; ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_replay, procedure, $ parameters, $ loaded_data, $ infoptr, $ ;temporary until tracking reworked history_window, $ status_bar compile_opt idl2, hidden if ~is_string(procedure) then begin return endif ;check that procedure is in path if ~spd_find_file(procedure+'.pro') then begin x = 'The plugin routine "'+procedure+'.pro" could not be located. '+ $ 'Check that file exists in the current IDL path.' spd_ui_message, x, sb=status_bar, hw=history_window return endif ;call the procedure ; -"parameters" will allways be defined but must be a struct ; to be passed through _extra ; -if procedure the being called does not implement one or more ; API keyword they will be added to the _extra structure if is_struct(parameters) then begin call_procedure, procedure, $ loaded_data=loaded_data, $ history_window=history_window, $ status_bar=status_bar, $ _extra=parameters ;Temporary kludge to replay single-panel tracking requests ;In the future, track should be tracked by object settings, ;which will then be saved directly in XML. if in_set('track_one',strlowcase(tag_names(parameters))) then begin if keyword_set(parameters.track_one) then begin spd_ui_track_one, *infoptr endif endif endif else begin call_procedure, procedure, $ loaded_data=loaded_data, $ history_window=history_window, $ status_bar=status_bar endelse end