;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_ui_plugin_menu ; ; ;Purpose: ; Builds GUI plugin menu. ; ; ;Calling Sequence: ; spd_ui_plugin_menu, menu_id [,plugin_menu_items] ; ; ;Input: ; menu_id: Widget ID of the parent menu into which plugin buttons will be placed. ; plugin_menu_items: an array of structures containing the plugin menu items; loaded via pluginManager->getPluginMenus() ; uname: (optional) Specified uname of widget buttons (default='GUI_PLUGIN') ; ; ;Output: ; ; ;Notes: ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-04-24 18:45:02 -0700 (Fri, 24 Apr 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17429 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_plugin_menu.pro $ ; ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_menu, menu_id, plugin_menu_items, uname=uname compile_opt idl2, hidden if ~is_struct(plugin_menu_items) then begin ; no valid menu items dummy = widget_button(menu_id, value='None', sens=0) return endif nitems = n_elements(plugin_menu_items) if nitems lt 1 then begin dummy = widget_button(menu_id, value='None', sens=0) return endif if undefined(uname) then uname = 'GUI_PLUGIN' ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Loop over plugins ;---------------------------------------------------- for i=0, nitems-1 do begin plugins = plugin_menu_items[i] name = strtrim(plugins.item,2) location = strtrim(strsplit(plugins.location, '|', /extract),2) procedure = strlowcase( strtrim(plugins.procedure,2) ) ;warn user? if name eq '' then continue if procedure eq '' then continue ;create struct to store plugin name and data plugin = { name: name, $ procedure: procedure, $ data: ptr_new() $ } ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Loop over menu structure ;---------------------------------------------------- node = menu_id for j=0, n_elements(location)-1 do begin ;ignore blank entries if location[j] eq '' then continue ;get children of current menu node children = widget_info(node, /all_children) ;if children exist then see if sub-node also exists if children[0] ne 0 then begin ;check unames unames = widget_info(children, /uname) idx = where(unames eq location[j], nidx) ;if match is found then select it and continue if nidx eq 1 then begin node = children[idx] continue endif endif ;if no matching child is found then create a new menu node new_node = widget_button(node, value=location[j], uname=location[j], /menu) ;select new node and continue node = new_node endfor ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Add button to the current node ;---------------------------------------------------- button = widget_button(node, value=name, uval=plugin, uname=uname) endfor if ~widget_valid(button) then begin dummy = widget_button(menu_id, value='None', sens=0) dprint, dlevel=2, 'GUI plugins not configured correctly.' return endif end