; Name:
;    spd_ui_check_overwrite_data
; Purpose:
;    Used to check if data is already loaded in the GUI and queries the 
;    user to see if they want to overwrite data if it is already loaded.
;    This code was originally repeated in basically every load routine, so the
;    purpose for this routine is to avoid repeated code
; Input:
;    new_var: the new variable 
;    loadedData: the loadedData object
;    gui_id: widget ID of the parent widget
;    statusBar: status bar object
;    historyWin: history window object
;    overwrite_selection: user's selection for the current query 
;    overwrite_count: tracking the number of overwrites for saving/replaying SPEDAS documents
; Keywords:
;    replay: set by the calling routine if the user is replaying a SPEDAS document
;    overwrite_selections: an array containing the user's selections
;;$LastChangedBy: jimm $
;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $
;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $
;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_ui_check_overwrite_data.pro $
pro spd_ui_check_overwrite_data,new_var,loadedData,gui_id,statusBar,historyWin,overwrite_selection,overwrite_count,$
    ; check if the new variable exists in the loaded data object
    if loadedData->isParent(new_var) then begin
        if overwrite_selection ne 'yestoall' AND overwrite_selection ne 'notoall' then begin
           if keyword_set(replay) then begin
              if overwrite_count ge n_elements(overwrite_selections) then begin
                 ;report errors to both the status bar and history window
                 historywin->update,"ERROR: Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error"
                 statusbar->update,"ERROR: Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error"
                 overwrite_selection = "yestoall"
              endif else begin
                 overwrite_selection = overwrite_selections[overwrite_count]
           endif else begin
              prompttext='The variable ' + strupcase(new_var) + ' already exists.  Do you want to ' + $
                    'overwrite it with the new variable?  If you click "No" the new ' + strupcase(new_var) + ' will not be loaded.'
              overwrite_selection = spd_ui_prompt_widget(gui_id,statusBar,historyWin,promptText=prompttext,defaultValue='',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno,maxwidth=80,$
                     title="Overwrite Data?", frame_attr=8)
              overwrite_selections = array_concat_wrapper(overwrite_selection, overwrite_selections)
        if overwrite_selection eq 'yes' OR overwrite_selection eq 'yestoall' then begin
           h = strupcase(new_var) + ' will be overwritten.'
           historyWin->Update, h
           statusbar->Update, h
        if overwrite_selection eq 'no' OR overwrite_selection eq 'notoall' then begin
           h = strupcase(new_var) + ' not loaded into GUI to prevent overwrite of existing GUI data.'
           historyWin->Update, h
           statusbar->Update, h      