;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; spd_smooth_time ; ; PURPOSE: ; Smooths a tplot variable in time using a simple boxcar average ; This routine is essentially just a wrapper around the IDL smooth ; function that allows the /NAN keyword, unlike tsmooth_in_time ; ; KEYWORDS: ; newname: name of the tplot variable to store the data in; default is input_name+"_smth" ; nan: ignore NaNs in the input (treat as missing data) ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-07-27 09:01:57 -0700 (Thu, 27 Jul 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 23712 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_smooth_time.pro $ ;- Function spd_temp_dtx_test, dtx0, min_dtx_fraction = min_dtx_fraction, _extra = _extra ; Function to get an effective minimum value for dtx, this will reject ; any negative or unduly small values, that show up fewer times than ; min_dtx_fraction (default is 0.10) times the peak value ;No zero values are allowed If(keyword_set(min_dtx_fraction)) Then mf = min_dtx_fraction Else mf = 0.10 xxx = where(dtx0 Gt 0) If(xxx[0] Eq -1) Then Return, 1.0 ;you've got troubles ;Get a histogram of log(dtx) dtx = alog10(dtx0[xxx]) ;bin in orders of magnitude minv = double(long(min(dtx)))-1.0d0 maxv = double(long(max(dtx)))+1.0d0 ;note that there should always be 3 bins h = histogram(dtx, min = minv, max = maxv, binsize = 1.0) edges = minv+findgen(n_elements(h)+1) lowest_reasonable_bin = min(where(h Ge mf*max(h))) otp = min(dtx[where(dtx Ge edges[lowest_reasonable_bin])]) otp = 10.0^otp Return, otp End pro spd_smooth_time, tname, dt, newname=newname, nan=nan if undefined(newname) then newname = tname + '_smth' get_data, tname, data=d, dlimits=dl, limits=l ; the following was heisted from smooth_in_time, 3/24/17 tx = d.X dtx = tx[1:*]-tx bad_dtx = where(dtx Le 0.0, nbad_dtx) If(nbad_dtx Gt 0) Then Begin ;sort the data dprint, 'Data is non-monotonic, Sorting...', display_object=display_object ss_tx = sort(tx) tx = tx[ss_tx] ; ax = ax[ss_tx] dtx = tx[1:*]-tx Endif dtx0 = spd_temp_dtx_test(dtx, _extra = _extra) dtx0 = dtx0[0] ;needs to be scalar ; dtx0 = min(dtx[where(dtx Gt 0.0)]) ;min value of t resolution not_min = where(abs(dtx-dtx0) Gt dtx0/100.0, cnot_min) ;small allowance nrv = ceil(dt/dtx0) ;Note that for non-forward or backwards, this value must be an odd ;number gt 3 If(nrv Lt 3) Then begin dprint, 'Number of smoothing points is LT 3, Smoothing over 3*minimum resolution', display_object=display_object endif nrv = nrv > 3 If(nrv Mod 2 Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Even number of smoothing points:'+strcompress(string(nrv))+', Adding 1', display_object=display_object nrv = nrv+1 Endif out = dblarr(n_elements(d.x), n_elements(d.Y[0, *])) for var_idx = 0, n_elements(d.Y[0, *])-1 do begin out[*, var_idx] = smooth(reform(d.Y[*, var_idx]), nrv, nan=nan, /edge_truncate) endfor if tag_exist(d, 'v') then $ store_data, newname, data={x: d.x, y: out, v: d.v}, dlimits=dl, limits=l $ else $ store_data, newname, data={x: d.x, y: out}, dlimits=dl, limits=l end