;+ ; NAME: ; spd_check_tvar (FUNCTION) ; ; PURPOSE: ; This routine check whether the given tplot variable TVAR exists in the ; memory. If not, return 0. Otherwise, then check whether it contains data ; of the current date. If yes, return 1. If not, return 0. ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; tvar: (INPUT, REQUIRED) The name of a tplot variable to be checked. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; None. ; ; HISTORY: ; 2009-05-10: written by Jianbao Tao, in CU/LASP. ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-06 15:10:51 -0700 (Thu, 06 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22057 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_check_tvar.pro $ ;- function spd_check_tvar, tvar head = 'SPD_CHECK_TVAR: ' ; check data type of tvar if size(tvar,/type) ne 7 then begin print, 'SPD_CHECK_TVAR: ' + $ 'Argument TVAR must be a string of the name of a tplot varialbe.' return, 0 endif ;tvar = strlowcase(tvar) ; get current date get_timespan, tspan tmp = (time_string(tspan))[0] cur_date = strmid(tmp,0,10) if ~strcmp(tvar, tnames(tvar), /fold) then begin return, 0 endif else begin get_data, tvar, data=data if size(data, /type) ne 8 then return, 0 tmp = minmax(data.x) if tmp[0] le tspan[0] and tmp[1] ge tspan[1] then return, 1 date = strmid(time_string(mean(data.x)), 0, 10) if strcmp(date, cur_date) then return, 1 return, 0 endelse end