;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; spd_cdf_compress ; ;PURPOSE: ; Compresses a cdf file using the CDF utility cdfconvert ; ;PARAMETERS: ; file_in: (string) Input cdf file. Full path. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; file_out: (string) Output cdf file. Full path. Optional if replace=1. ; replace: if set, replace original file (file_out is ignored) ; cdfconvert: (string) Full path to cdfconvert executable ; cdfparams: (string) Parameters for cdfconvert ; cdf_tmp_dir: (string) Directory for temp files ; cdf_compress_error: (string) Returns error ; ;OUTPUT: ; A compressed cdf file ; ;NOTES: ; The default (optimal) options used with cdfconvert are available only with CDF 3.6.1 and later. ; ;EXAMPLE: ; spd_cdf_compress, '/data/tha_l2_fgm_20110101_v01.cdf', file_out='/data/tha_l2_fgm_20110101_v01_temp.cdf', replace=1, cdf_compress_error=cdf_compress_error ; ; on windows: ; spd_cdf_compress, 'c:\temp\in.cdf', file_out='c:\temp\out.cdf', cdfconvert='C:\CDF_Distribution\cdf36_3-dist\bin\cdfconvert.exe', replace=1, $ ; cdf_tmp_dir='c:\temp\', cdf_compress_error=cdf_compress_error ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-07-13 10:45:04 -0700 (Thu, 13 Jul 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 23605 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/spd_cdf_compress.pro $ ; ;- pro spd_cdf_compress, file_in, file_out=file_out, replace=replace, cdfconvert=cdfconvert, cdfparams=cdfparams, cdf_tmp_dir=cdf_tmp_dir, cdf_compress_error=cdf_compress_error ; catch errors catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin dprint, '%spd_cdf_compress: Compression Error. Details:' dprint, 'Error index: ', Error_status dprint, 'Error message: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG cdf_compress_error = Error_status catch, /cancel return endif ; check input cdf_compress_error = "" if ~keyword_set(replace) || replace eq 0 then replace=0 else replace=1 if ~keyword_set(file_in) then begin msg = 'Error: No input cdf file given. Exiting.' dprint, msg cdf_compress_error=msg return endif else begin if ~file_test(file_in, /regular) then begin msg = 'Error: Input file not found. Exiting. file_in: ' + file_in dprint, msg cdf_compress_error=msg return endif endelse if ~keyword_set(cdf_tmp_dir) then begin cdf_temp = '/mydisks/home/thmsoc/tmp/' if file_test(cdf_temp, /directory) then begin cdf_tmp_dir=cdf_temp endif else begin ;if /mydisks/home/thmsoc/tmp/ doesn't exist, use the server CDF_TMP dir cdf_temp = GETENV('CDF_TMP') if file_test(cdf_temp, /directory) then begin cdf_tmp_dir = cdf_temp endif endelse endif if ~file_test(cdf_tmp_dir, /directory) then begin cdf_tmp_dir = file_dirname(file_in) endif if strmid(cdf_tmp_dir, 0, /reverse_offset) ne path_sep() then begin cdf_tmp_dir = cdf_tmp_dir + path_sep() endif ; if replace is set, then we don't need a file_out if (replace eq 1) then begin file_out = cdf_tmp_dir + file_basename(file_in) + '_temp.cdf' ; file_out = file_in endif if ~keyword_set(file_out) then begin msg = 'Error: No output cdf file given. Exiting.' dprint, msg cdf_compress_error=msg return endif if ~keyword_set(cdfconvert) then cdfconvert='/usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.3_CentOS-6.8/bin/cdfconvert*' if ~keyword_set(cdfparams) then cdfparams='-delete -blockingfactor optimal -compressnonepoch -compression "cdf:none"' if ~file_test(cdfconvert, /regular) then begin msg = 'Error: File cdfconvert not found. Exiting. cdfconvert: ' + cdfconvert dprint, msg cdf_compress_error=msg return endif ; compress file if !version.os_family eq 'Windows' then begin cmd = 'cdfconvert' endif else begin cmd = cdfconvert endelse cmd = cmd + ' "' + file_in + '" "' + file_out + '" ' + cdfparams print, cmd spawn, cmd, cdfmsg dprint, cdfmsg if ~file_test(file_out, /regular) then begin msg = 'Error: Compression failed. Exiting. file_in: ' + file_in dprint, msg cdf_compress_error=msg return endif ; replace original file if (replace eq 1) && (file_out ne file_in) then begin file_move, file_out, file_in, /overwrite, /verbose msg = 'Compressed file replaced the uncompressed file. file_in: ' + file_in dprint, msg endif else begin msg = 'Compressed file was created. file_out: ' + file_out dprint, msg endelse end