;+ ;PRO: ; open_spedas_document ; ;PURPOSE: ; ; opens a spedas document ; ;Inputs: ; info: info struct from main gui event handler ; filename:name of the file ; nodelete:indicates that preexisting data should not be deleted during read ; ;Outputs: ; statuscode: negative value indicates failure, 0 indicates success ; statusmsg: a message to be returned in the event of an error ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/utilities/open_spedas_document.pro $ ;- pro open_spedas_document,info=info,filename=filename,statuscode=statuscode,statusmsg=statusmsg,nodelete=nodelete catch,Error_status if (Error_status NE 0) then begin statusmsg = !ERROR_STATE.MSG statuscode = -3 catch,/cancel return endif historywin=info.historywin statustext=info.statusbar guiId = info.master spd_ui_validate_file,filename=filename,statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode if statuscode lt 0 then return statustext->Update,'Opening SPEDAS document '+filename widget_control, /hourglass ; Load XML document from the filename xmldoc=obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument') xmldoc->Load,filename=filename ; Create spd_ui_document object to receive XML data, using the ; no-arguments constructor doc_to_load=obj_new('spd_ui_document') ; Drill down into the DOM tree to get the first non-whitespace child ; of element body=xmldoc->GetFirstChild() ; should be 'body' if (body->GetNodeName() NE 'body') then begin message,'Expected body node, got '+body->GetNodeName() endif sib=body->GetFirstChild() ; Skip any extraneous text elements (newlines, etc) while (sib->GetNodeName() EQ '#text') do begin sib=sib->GetNextSibling() endwhile ; sib should be a SPD_UI_DOCUMENT node if (sib->GetNodeName() NE 'SPD_UI_DOCUMENT') then begin message,'Expected SPD_UI_DOCUMENT node, got '+sib->GetNodeName() endif doc_to_load->BuildFromDOMElement,sib ; We're done with the XML DOM tree obj_destroy,xmldoc ; Invoke the onLoad method, passing in the windowstorage, loadedData, ; and windowMenus objects. ; This sets the loadedData element of the newly created ; callSequence object, replays the calls, and adds all the window objects ; to windowStorage while keeping windowMenus updated. ; Reset loadedData object (there may be other objects that hold references ; to the loadedData object, so obj_destroy/obj_new is too drastic). if ~keyword_set(nodelete) then begin info.loadedData->reset endif doc_to_load->onLoad, ptr_new(info) ; Update the draw window spd_ui_orientation_update,info.drawObject,info.windowStorage info.drawObject->update,info.windowStorage, info.loadedData info.drawObject->draw statuscode=0 statusmsg=STRING(filename,format='("SPEDAS document successfully read from ",A)') return end