;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_interpol_options ; ;PURPOSE: ; Front end window allowing user to select options for interpolation. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = spd_ui_interpol_options(gui_ID, historywin, statusbar, datap) ; ;INPUT: ; gui_id: group leader widget ; historywin: history window object ; statusbar: status bar object ; datap: pointer to loaded data object ; ptree: pointer to tree copy ; ;OUTPUT: ; values = {num, type, matchto, extrap, suffix, ok} ; num: number of points passed to interpol function ; type: type on interpolation (0=linear, 1=quad, 2=lst sqr qd, 3=spline, 4= nearest neighbor) ; matchto: pointer to copy of returned struct from loaded data obj, ; specifies the selected quantity to match, null string if ; none selected ; extrap: type of extrapolation for matching (0=none, 1=nan) ; suffix: optional suffix for new data quantity ; ok: flag indicating whether to procede with interpolation ; ;NOTES: ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-04-24 18:45:02 -0700 (Fri, 24 Apr 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17429 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/panels/dproc/spd_ui_interpol_options.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_interp_match_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden widget_control, event.top, get_uval=state, /no_copy catch, on_err if on_err ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=msg if is_struct(state) then begin for i=0, n_elements(msg)-1 do state.historywin->update,msg[i] gui_id = state.gui_id hwin = state.historywin endif print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted, see console for details.', $ /noname,/center, title='Error in Interpolate Match') widget_control, event.top, /destroy if widget_valid(gui_id) && obj_valid(hwin) then begin spd_gui_error, gui_id, hwin endif return endif if tag_names(event, /structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST' then begin state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_INTERPOL_OPTIONS: Match window killed',/dontshow widget_control, event.top, /destroy return endif widget_control, event.id, get_uval=uval if size(uval, /type) ne 0 then begin case uval of 'OK':begin ;Get tree value and copy into pointer value to be returned val = state.tree->getvalue() if size(val,/type) eq 10 then *state.pname = *(val[0]) *state.ptree = state.tree->getcopy() widget_control, event.top, /destroy return end 'CANCEL':begin if obj_valid(state.tree) then *state.ptree = state.tree->getcopy() state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_INTERPOL_OPTIONS: Match window canceled' widget_control, event.top, /destroy return end else: endcase endif widget_control, event.top, set_uval=state, /no_copy end function spd_ui_interp_match, state compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Check for data if ~obj_valid(*state.datap) then begin ok = error_message('No viable data, please restart Data Processing', $ /noname,/center,traceback=0,title='Interpolate Error') return, -1 endif ;Main Base mtlb = widget_base(/col, /modal, group_leader=state.gui_id, /base_align_center, $ title='Select data to match') ;Widget Tree tree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree', mtlb, 'TREE', *state.datap, xsize=300, $ ysize=400, mode=0) ;tree->setproperty, leafonly=1 tree->update,from_copy=*state.ptree ;Buttons mButtonBase = widget_base(mtlb, /row, /align_center) mOk = widget_button(mbuttonbase, value='OK', uval='OK', xsize=45) mCancel = widget_button(mbuttonbase, value='Cancel', uval='CANCEL', xsize=45) ;Initialize pname=ptr_new('') mstate = {mtlb:mtlb, gui_id:state.gui_id, historywin:state.historywin, $ datap:state.datap, tree:tree, ptree:state.ptree, pname:pname} centertlb, mtlb widget_control, mtlb, set_uval=mstate widget_control, mtlb, /realize ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, mtlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif xmanager, 'spd_ui_interp_match', mtlb, /no_block name=*pname ptr_free, pname return, name end pro spd_ui_interp_updatestatus, state compile_opt idl2, hidden numtype = widget_info(state.ntype,/button_set) i='Interpolate: ' if numtype then begin widget_control, state.numtext, get_value=value if ~finite(value) or value le 1 then $ state.statusbar->update,i+'Invalid # of points, please re-enter.' $ else state.statusbar->update,i+'Using '+strtrim(value,1)+' points. endif else begin widget_control, state.cadtext, get_value=value if ~finite(value) or value le 0 then $ state.statusbar->update,i+'Invalid cadence, please re-enter.' $ else state.statusbar->update,i+'Using '+strtrim(value,1)+' second cadence.' endelse end pro spd_ui_interpol_options_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden widget_control, event.top, get_uval=state, /no_copy ;error catch block catch, on_err if on_err ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=msg if is_struct(state) then begin for i=0, n_elements(msg)-1 do state.historywin->update,msg[i] gui_id = state.gui_id hwin = state.historywin endif print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted, see console for details.', $ /noname,/center, title='Error in Interpolate Options') widget_control, event.top, /destroy if widget_valid(gui_id) && obj_valid(hwin) then begin spd_gui_error, gui_id, hwin endif return endif ;kill requests if tag_names(event,/struc) eq 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST' then begin state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_INTERPOL_OPTIONS: Widget killed', /dontshow widget_control, event.top, set_uval=state, /no_copy widget_control, event.top, /destroy return endif ;use value for case statement widget_control, event.id, get_uval=uval if size(uval,/type) ne 0 then begin Case uval Of 'OK':begin ;Get type (*state.pvals).ntype = widget_info(state.ntype,/button_set) ? 0:1 widget_control, state.trange, get_value=valid, func_get_value='spd_ui_time_widget_is_valid' if (~valid) then begin result = dialog_message('Invalid time range inputed. Use format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss',/center) break endif ;Get number of points widget_control, state.numtext, get_value = num if finite(num) && (num ge 1) then (*state.pvals).num = num $ else if (*state.pvals).ntype eq 0 then begin ok = dialog_message('Invalid number of points, please enter a numeric value greater than or equal to 1.',/information, $ /center,title='Interpolate Error') break endif ;Get cadence widget_control, state.cadtext, get_value = cad if finite(cad) && (cad gt 0) then (*state.pvals).cad = cad $ else if (*state.pvals).ntype eq 1 then begin ok = dialog_message('Invalid cadence, please enter a numeric value greater than 0.',/information, $ /center,title='Interpolate Error') break endif ;Check if matching (*state.pvals).match = widget_info(state.matchbase,/sensitive) if (*state.pvals).match then begin if (*state.pvals).matchto eq '' then begin ok = dialog_message('Please select a data quantity for matching', $ /information,/center, title='Interpolate Error') break endif endif ;Get type requested (0=linear, 1=quad, 2=lst sqr qd, 3=spline 4 = nearest neighbor) for i=0, n_elements(state.type)-1 do begin if widget_info(state.type[i],/button_set) then (*state.pvals).type[i] = 1 endfor ;Get suffix if any widget_control, state.nametext, get_value = name (*state.pvals).suffix = name ;Check for time range limits (*state.pvals).limit = widget_info(state.timebase,/sensitive) if (*state.pvals).limit then begin tr = spd_ui_time_widget_get_value(state.trange) if(obj_valid(tr)) then (*state.pvals).trange = tr endif ;Get extrapolate option ([none,last value, NaN]) for i=0, n_elements(state.extra)-1 do begin if widget_info(state.extra[i],/button_set) then (*state.pvals).extrap[i] = 1 endfor ;Set success flag (*state.pvals).ok = 1 widget_control, event.top, /destroy return end 'CANCEL':Begin state.historywin->update,'Interpolate Options Canceled', /dontshow state.statusbar->update,'Interpolate Canceled' widget_control, event.top, set_uval=state, /no_copy widget_control, event.top, /destroy return end 'NUM': spd_ui_interp_updatestatus, state 'CAD': spd_ui_interp_updatestatus, state 'NUMB': begin widget_control, state.cadtext, sens=0 widget_control, state.numtext, sens=1 spd_ui_interp_updatestatus, state end 'CADB': begin widget_control, state.cadtext, sens=1 widget_control, state.numtext, sens=0 end 'LIMIT': widget_control, state.timebase, sens = widget_info(event.id, /button_set) 'MATCH':begin widget_control, state.matchbase, sens = widget_info(event.id, /button_set) widget_control, state.numbase, sens = ~widget_info(event.id, /button_set) end 'MATCHTO':begin ;Get tree selection struct(will be null string if fail) name = spd_ui_interp_match(state) ;Update label and enter into return value if is_struct(name) then begin widget_control, state.matched, set_value=name.groupname (*state.pvals).matchto = name.groupname state.statusbar->update, 'Interpolate: Matching to '+name.groupname+'.' endif end Else: dprint, 'Unknown Uval' EndCase endif widget_control, event.top, set_uval=state, /no_copy end function spd_ui_interpol_options, gui_ID, historywin, statusbar, datap, ptree = ptree compile_opt idl2 ;Constants num = 1000 ;initial # of points cad = 3d ;initial cadence suffix = '-itrp' ;initial suffix tlb = widget_base(title = 'Time Interpolate Options', /col, /base_align_center, $ group_leader=gui_id, /modal, /tlb_kill_request_events) ;Main Bases mainBase = widget_base(tlb, /col, xpad=4, ypad=4, tab_mode=1) numBase = widget_base(mainbase, /row, yoffset=8) numtypeBase = widget_base(numbase, /col, /exclusive) spinnerBase = widget_base(numbase, /col) typeBase = widget_base(mainbase, /row, /exclusive, ypad=4) matchlabelBase = widget_base(mainbase, /row, /nonexclusive) matchBase = widget_base(mainbase, /col, frame=1, sensitive=0) matchtoBase = widget_base(matchBase, /row) matchoptBase = widget_base(matchBase, /row, /exclusive) timelabelBase = widget_base(mainbase, /row, /nonexclusive) timeBase = widget_base(mainbase, /col, fram=1, sensitive=0) nameBase = widget_base(mainBase, /row, ypad=8) buttonBase = widget_base(mainbase, /row, /align_center, ypad=12) ;Widgets ; ;Suffix widgets namelabel = widget_label(namebase, value = 'Suffix: ') nametext = widget_text(namebase, /all_events, /editable, tab_mode=1, xsize=15, $ value=suffix) ;Number widgets cadence = widget_button(numtypebase, value='Cadence (sec): ', uval='CADB') cadtext = spd_ui_spinner(spinnerbase, text_box_size=10, $ uval='CAD', value = cad, incr=1, min_value='0') number = widget_button(numtypebase, value='Number of points: ', uval='NUMB') numtext = spd_ui_spinner(spinnerbase, text_box_size=10, sens=0, $ uval='NUM', value = num, incr=1,min_value='1') ;Type widgets linear = widget_button(typebase, value = 'Linear', uname='LINEAR') quad = widget_button(typebase, value = 'Quadratic') lsquad = widget_button(typebase, value = 'Lst Sqr Quad') spline = widget_button(typebase, value = 'Spline') nearest_neighbor = widget_button(typebase, value = 'Nearest Neighbor', uname='NNEIGHBOR') ;Time range widgets timebutton = widget_button(timelabelbase, value='Limit time range.', uval='LIMIT') time = spd_ui_time_widget(timebase, statusbar, historywin, oneday=0b) ;Match To widgets matchlabel = widget_button(matchlabelbase, value='Match to data quantity.', $ uval='MATCH') matchto = widget_button(matchtobase, value='Match', uval='MATCHTO', $ tooltip='Click to select quantity from data tree') separator = widget_label(matchtobase, value=' : ') matched = widget_label(matchtobase, value='none', xsize=100) noextra = widget_button(matchoptbase, value="Don't extrapolate") extra = widget_button(matchoptbase, value='Extrapolate') nanextra = widget_button(matchoptbase, value='Extrapolate w/ NaNs') ;Buttons ok = widget_button(buttonbase, value = 'OK', xsize=60, uval='OK') cancel = widget_button(buttonbase, valu = 'Cancel', xsize=60, uval='CANCEL') ;Initializations and such ; widget_control, cadence, set_button=1 widget_control, linear, set_button=1 widget_control, noextra, set_button=1 ;initialize time range widget w/ data's time range active_data = (*datap)->getactive() for i=0, n_elements(active_data)-1 do begin (*datap)->getvardata, name=active_data[i], trange=trange if ~undefined(trange) then break endfor ;create new time range object if ~undefined(trange) then begin tr = obj_new('SPD_UI_TIME_RANGE') ok = tr->SetStartTime(trange[0]) ok = tr->setendtime(trange[1]) widget_control, time, set_value=tr endif else tr = obj_new('SPD_UI_TIME_RANGE') ;struct to be returned later values = {num:num, cad:cad, type:[0,0,0,0,0], matchto:'', match:0b, ntype:0b, $ trange:tr, limit:0b, extrap:[0,0,0], suffix:suffix, ok:0b} pvals = ptr_new(values) state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, historywin:historywin, statusbar:statusbar, $ type:[linear,quad,lsquad,spline,nearest_neighbor], extra:[noextra,extra,nanextra], ntype:number, $ numtext:numtext, nametext:nametext, matchbase:matchbase, matched:matched, $ numbase:numbase, timebase:timebase, trange:time, cadtext:cadtext, $ pvals:pvals, datap:datap, ptree:ptree} centertlb, tlb widget_control, tlb, set_uvalue = state, /no_copy widget_control, tlb, /realize xmanager, 'spd_ui_interpol_options', tlb, /no_block values = *pvals ptr_free, pvals widget_control, /hourglass Return, values end