;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_window__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; window object, created each time a new window is opened ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; window = Obj_New("SPD_UI_WINDOW") ; ;INPUT: ; none ; ;ATTRIBUTES: ; name name for this window ; id unique identifier for this window ; nRows number of rows ; nCols number of columns ; isActive flag set if window is displayed ; panels pointer to panel objects on this window ; settings A list of settings for this window ; panelId Current value of panelId ; tracking flag set if tracking is on ; ;OUTPUT: ; window object reference ; ;METHODS: ; GetProperty ; GetAll ; SetProperty ; Copy ; getMargins ; repack ; ;NOTES: ; Methods: GetProperty,SetProperty,GetAll,SetAll are now managed automatically using the parent class ; spd_ui_getset. You can still call these methods when using objects of type spd_ui_window, and ; call them in the same way as before ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-13 15:01:15 -0700 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18111 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_window__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;This function returns an array that ;contains all the panels within a particular column ;arranged in ascending order by row, if a panels spans multiple rows ;or columns, its reference will be repeated. If panels overlap, ;the behavior of this routine is undefined ;It returns 0 if there are no panels, or no panels ;in the requested column ;This method originally created for use with spd_ui_lock_axes function spd_ui_window::getColumn,in_col if ~obj_valid(self.panels) || $ self.panels->count() eq 0 then begin return,0 endif panels = self.panels->get(/all) grid = objarr(self.nrows,self.ncols) for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin panels[i]->getProperty,settings=settings settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col,rspan=rspan,cspan=cspan for j = 0,rspan-1 do begin for k = 0,cspan-1 do begin ;NOTE: this may actually constitute an error, the rowspan may need to ;be subtracted.... if row-1+j lt self.nrows && col-1+k lt self.ncols then begin grid[row-1+j,col-1+k] = panels[i] endif endfor endfor endfor out = 0 for i = 0,self.nrows-1 do begin if obj_valid(grid[i,in_col-1]) then begin if keyword_set(out) then begin out = [out,grid[i,in_col-1]] endif else begin out = [grid[i,in_col-1]] endelse endif endfor return,out end ;Indicates where the panel is in the vertical layout of the panel ;the bottom, top, or middle, or top & bottom of the layout ;-1; error ;0: top & bottom ;1: bottom ;2: middle ;3: top function spd_ui_window::getPanelPos,panel panel->getProperty,settings=settings settings->getProperty,col=col,cspan=cspan above = 0 below = 0 for i = 0,cspan-1 do begin column = self->getColumn(col+cspan-1) if n_elements(column) eq 1 then continue idx = where(panel eq column,c) if c eq 0 then begin ; ok = error_message('Problem evaluating layout',/traceback) return,-1 endif else begin if max(idx) lt n_elements(column)-1 then below = 1 if min(idx) gt 0 then above = 1 endelse endfor if above eq 0 && below eq 0 then return,0 if above eq 1 && below eq 1 then return,2 if above eq 1 then return,1 if below eq 1 then return,3 end ;If panels are added/removed/moved, the number of rows/cols in the window may be ;in correct. This routine will modify them appropriately. If nodecrease is not set, ;It will shift the panels/nrows/ncols such that any wasted space on any side is removed. ;If the keyword 'nodecrease' is set, it will only increase the nrows/ncols, if they are ;too small(and thus would produce an error). ;**If the window doesn't have any panels it will not change the current values pro spd_ui_window::repack,nodecrease=nodecrease compile_opt idl2 maxrow = !VALUES.F_NAN maxcol = !VALUES.F_NAN minrow = !VALUES.F_NAN mincol = !VALUES.F_NAN if ~obj_valid(self.panels) then return panels = self.panels->get(/all) if ~obj_valid(panels[0]) then return ;a check to see if every panel spans the entire row spanning_all = 1 ;get row initial settings for spanning test panels[0]->getProperty,settings=settings if ~obj_valid(settings) || ~obj_isa(settings,'spd_ui_panel_settings') then begin ok = error_message('Panel found invalid settings',/traceback) return endif settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col,rSpan=rSpan,cSpan=cSpan base_low_row = row base_high_row = rspan + row for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin ;loop through panels and figure out practical dimensions of current layout panels[i]->getProperty,settings=settings if ~obj_valid(settings) || ~obj_isa(settings,'spd_ui_panel_settings') then begin ok = error_message('Panel found invalid settings',/traceback) return endif settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col,rSpan=rSpan,cSpan=cSpan maxrow = max([maxrow,row+rSpan-1],/nan) maxcol = max([maxcol,col+cSpan-1],/nan) minrow = min([minrow,row],/nan) mincol = min([mincol,col],/nan) ;test to see if test is invalidated ;by different position information if row ne base_low_row then begin spanning_all = 0 endif if row+rspan ne base_high_row then begin spanning_all = 0 endif endfor if keyword_set(nodecrease) then begin ;if no decrease is set, then just increase nRows/nCols, if needed self.nRows = max([self.nRows,maxrow],/nan) self.nCols = max([self.nCols,maxcol],/nan) endif else begin rowsub = minrow - 1 colsub = mincol - 1 ;This is a fix to make sure that the panels only occupy ;half the visible space, when there is only one ;effective row. if spanning_all then begin self.nRows = (maxrow - rowsub)*2 endif else begin self.nRows = maxrow - rowsub endelse self.ncols = maxcol - colsub ;if there is no top or left unused space, then we don't need to shift panels if rowsub eq 0 && colsub eq 0 then begin return endif else begin ; this code shifts panels to remove wasted space for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin panels[i]->getProperty,settings=settings settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col settings->setProperty,row=row-rowsub,col=col-colsub endfor endelse endelse ; ; maxrow = !VALUES.F_NAN ; maxcol = !VALUES.F_NAN ; minrow = !VALUES.F_NAN ; mincol = !VALUES.F_NAN ; ; if ~obj_valid(self.panels) then return ; ; panels = self.panels->get(/all) ; ; if ~obj_valid(panels[0]) then return ; ; for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin ;loop through panels and figure out practical dimensions of current layout ; ; panels[i]->getProperty,settings=settings ; ; if ~obj_valid(settings) || ~obj_isa(settings,'spd_ui_panel_settings') then begin ; ok = error_message('Panel found invalid settings',/traceback) ; return ; endif ; ; settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col,rSpan=rSpan,cSpan=cSpan ; ; maxrow = max([maxrow,row+rSpan-1],/nan) ; maxcol = max([maxcol,col+cSpan-1],/nan) ; minrow = min([minrow,row],/nan) ; mincol = min([mincol,col],/nan) ; ; endfor ; ; if keyword_set(nodecrease) then begin ;if no decrease is set, then just increase nRows/nCols, if needed ; self.nRows = max([self.nRows,maxrow],/nan) ; self.nCols = max([self.nCols,maxcol],/nan) ; endif else begin ; ; rowsub = minrow - 1 ; colsub = mincol - 1 ; ; self.nRows = max([maxrow - rowsub,2]) ; ; self.ncols = maxcol - colsub ; ; ;if there is no top or left unused space, then we don't need to shift panels ; if rowsub eq 0 && colsub eq 0 then begin ; return ; endif else begin ; this code shifts panels to remove wasted space ; ; for i = 0,n_elements(panels)-1 do begin ; ; panels[i]->getProperty,settings=settings ; settings->getProperty,row=row,col=col ; settings->setProperty,row=row-rowsub,col=col-colsub ; ; endfor ; ; endelse ; endelse end ;;Sets the autotick property of its panels to the specified value ;pro spd_ui_window::setAutoTicks,val,xaxis=xaxis,yaxis=yaxis,zaxis=zaxis ; ; compile_opt idl2 ; ; if obj_valid(self.panels) && $ ; (count = self.panels->count()) gt 0 then begin ; ; for i = 0,count-1 do begin ; panel = self.panels->get(position=i) ; panel->setAutoTicks,val,xaxis=xaxis,yaxis=yaxis,zaxis=zaxis ; endfor ; ; endif ; ; ;end ; ;;synchronizes the tick settings of this object and a copy ;;used by the draw object to selectively mutate the tick settings ;;of the window ;pro spd_ui_window::syncTicks,copy ; ; compile_opt idl2 ; ; copy->getProperty,panels=panels ; ; if obj_valid(self.panels) && $ ; (count = self.panels->count()) gt 0 && $ ; obj_valid(panels) && $ ; panels->count() eq count then begin ; ; for i = 0,count-1 do begin ; ; myPanel = self.panels->get(position=i) ; copyPanel = panels->get(position=i) ; ; myPanel->syncTicks,copyPanel ; ; endfor ; ; endif ; ;end ;this routine will update references to a data quantity ;This should be used if a name has changed while traces are ;already in existence . pro spd_ui_window::updatedatareference,oldnames,newnames compile_opt idl2 self->getProperty,panels=panels if ~obj_valid(panels) then return panel_list = panels->get(/all) if ~obj_valid(panel_list[0]) then return for i = 0,n_elements(panel_list)-1 do begin panel_list[i]->updatedatareference,oldnames,newnames endfor end ;returns a list of margins information from its settings, ;the returned array has the following elements: ;[left,right,top,bottom,internal] in points function spd_ui_window::getMargins compile_opt idl2 self.settings->getProperty,leftPrintMargin=left, $ rightPrintMargin=right, $ topPrintMargin=top, $ bottomPrintMargin=bottom, $ xpanelSpacing=xinternal,$ ypanelSpacing=yinternal in2cm = 2.54D cm2mm = 10D mm2pt = 360D/127D left *= in2cm * cm2mm * mm2pt right *= in2cm * cm2mm * mm2pt top *= in2cm * cm2mm * mm2pt bottom *= in2cm * cm2mm * mm2pt return,[left,right,top,bottom,xinternal,yinternal] end FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOW::Copy out = Obj_New("SPD_UI_WINDOW", 1) Struct_Assign, self, out ; copy page settings newSettings=self.Settings->Copy() out->SetProperty, Settings=newSettings ; copy panels newPanels=Obj_New("IDL_Container") IF Obj_Valid(self.panels) THEN origPanels=self.panels->Get(/all) nPanels = N_Elements(origPanels) IF nPanels GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, nPanels-1 DO BEGIN IF Obj_Valid(origPanels[i]) THEN BEGIN newPanel=origPanels[i]->Copy() newPanels->Add, newPanel ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF out->SetProperty, Panels=newPanels RETURN, out END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOW::GetPanelId RETURN, self.panelId END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOW::IncrementPanelId self.panelId = self.panelId + 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_window::save obj = self->copy() if ptr_valid(self.origsettings) then begin ptr_free,self.origsettings endif self.origsettings = ptr_new(obj->getall()) return end pro spd_ui_window::reset if ptr_valid(self.origsettings) then begin ; idl 8.1 fix - removed in favour of fix to spd_ui_getset__define: SetAll ;str = *self.origsettings ;self->SetAll, str self->SetAll,*self.origsettings self->save endif end pro spd_ui_window::setProperty,locked=locked,_extra=ex self->spd_ui_getset::setProperty,_extra=ex if n_elements(locked) gt 0 then begin self.settings->setProperty,parentlocked=locked self.locked=locked endif end ;PRO SPD_UI_WINDOW::Cleanup ; Obj_Destroy, self.settings ; Obj_Destroy, self.panels ;RETURN ;END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOW::Init, $ ; The INIT method of the line style object id, $ ; unique identifier for this window (required) Name=name, $ ; name for this window NRows=nrows, $ ; number of rows NCols=ncols, $ ; number of columns IsActive=isactive, $ ; flag if window is displayed locked=locked, $ ; Indicates which panel the window is locked to Panels=panels, $ ; panel objects on this window Settings=settings, $ ; properties of this window PanelId=panelid, $ ; current value of panel id Tracking=tracking, $ ; flag set if tracking is on Debug=debug ; flag to debug Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(debug)) RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Check that all parameters have values IF N_Elements(id) EQ 0 THEN id = -1 IF N_Elements(name) EQ 0 THEN name = '' IF N_Elements(nrows) EQ 0 THEN nrows = 2 IF N_Elements(ncols) EQ 0 THEN ncols = 1 IF N_Elements(isactive) EQ 0 THEN isactive = 1 if n_elements(locked) eq 0 then locked = 0 IF NOT Obj_Valid(panels) THEN panels = Obj_New('IDL_Container') IF NOT Obj_Valid(settings) THEN settings = Obj_New('SPD_UI_PAGE_SETTINGS') IF N_Elements(panelid) EQ 0 THEN panelid = 0 IF N_Elements(tracking) EQ 0 THEN tracking = 1 ; Set all parameters settings->setProperty,parentlocked=locked self.id = id self.name = name self.nRows = nrows self.nCols = ncols self.isActive = isactive self.locked = locked self.panels = panels self.settings = settings self.panelId = panelid self.tracking = tracking RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOW__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_WINDOW, $ name: '', $ ; name for this window id: 0, $ ; unique identifier for this window nRows: 0, $ ; number of rows nCols: 0, $ ; number of columns isActive: 0, $ ; flag if window is displayed locked:0, $ ; Indicates which panel the window is locked to panels: Obj_New(), $ ; panel objects on this window settings: Obj_New(), $ ; properties of this window panelId: 0, $ ; current value of panelId varOptionsPanel: 0, $ ; currently selected panel in var options tracking: 0, $ ; flag set if tracking is on origsettings:ptr_new(), $ ; private field used by the save/reset methods INHERITS SPD_UI_READWRITE, $; generalized read/write methods inherits spd_ui_getset $ ; generalized setProperty/getProperty/getAll/setAll methods } END