;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_widget_tree__define.pro ; ;PURPOSE: ; Object representing the loaded data tree compound widget. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; wt = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree',parentid,uvalue,loadedData,xsize=200,ysize=200,mode=1) ; ;Examples: ; 1. ; widget_control,event.id,get_value=val ; print, val->getvalue() ; ; 2. obj = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree,tlb,'TREE',loadedData,uname='TREE_NAME') ; id = widget_info(find_by_uname='TREE_NAME') ; widget_control,id,get_value=val ; print,val->getvalue() ; val->setProperty,multi=0 ; ; Attributes: ; ; uvalue: the user value that will be returned by event handler ; uname: the user name that can be used to identify the widget ; xsize: the x axis length of the tree viewing area(scrollbars will be added automatically) ; ysize: the y axis length of the tree viewing area(scrollbars will be added automatically) ; mode: the visualization/selection mode(see NOTES below) ; multi: whether multiple selections with ctrl/shift click are allowed ; leafonly: 1: indicates selection may be only made at the lowest level of the tree ; 0: indicates selections may be done at any point in the tree ; ;NOTES: ; ; There are 4-different selection modes for this widget. Each selection ; mode will be appropriate for different panels. ; Mode 0: tplot-layout selection, ; data-processing selection, ; loaded-data-selection ; ; Mode 1 : variable-selection, ; x-layout selection, ; y-lineplot-layout selection ; line-trace selection. ; save-data-as ; ; Mode 2 : y-spectra-layout selection ; z-spectra-layout selection ; (possibly data-processing) ; ; Mode 3 : Calculate Panel ; Possibly future versions of data analysis ; ; Mode Descriptions ; Mode 0 is a tplot-like selection. It provides access to ; only the groupname and doesn't let the user drill down into internal ; quantities. ; ; When values are returned from mode 0, an array of pointers to ; structs that store that names of the contained variables will be returned. ; (or 0 on fail) ; ; Mode 1 is a 1-D component selection. It allows the user to ; look at and select internal 1-d quantities, ; ; When values are returned from mode 1, an array of strings will be ; returned. (or 0 on fail) ; ; Mode 2 is a 2-D component selection. It allows the user to look at ; and select any 2-d quantities. In mode 2 yaxis-values will ; not be grouped inside their containing group, instead they will be grouped ; side-by-side with their containing group. ; ; Values returned from mode 2 will be an array of strings of groupnames. ; (or 0 on fail) ; ; Mode 3 allows selection of either group quantities('tha_state_pos') or ; components('tha_state_pos_x'), but does not allow branch selection. ; (ie Cannot grab spedas and get all quantities.) ; ; Public Methods: ; update: Call this routine after loaded data has been changed by ; some other process ; getProperty: Use this to get the current widget_tree settings ; setProperty: Use this to change the current widget_tree settings ; getValue(): Use this to return a list of the current selections. ; ; The other methods should NOT be called by external code. Making code ; that uses them will make this code very difficult to maintain. So if ; you need a feature, just request that it be added instead. ; ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-08-18 12:18:04 -0700 (Tue, 18 Aug 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18516 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_widget_tree__define.pro $ ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Public Method ;call this routine to update tree after changes have been made in: ;(1) The data objects(particularly: name,mission,instrument,observatory fields) ;(2) The loadeddata object pro spd_ui_widget_tree::update,selected=selected,from_copy=copy compile_opt idl2 widget_control,self.parent,update=0 if keyword_set(copy) && widget_valid(copy) then begin copy_root = widget_info(copy,/child) oldtree = widget_info(copy_root,/child) endif else begin oldtree = self.root endelse destroytree = self.root self->populateTree,oldtree self->copyexpansion,oldtree,self.root if keyword_set(selected) && is_string(selected[0]) then begin self->setSelected,selected endif widget_control,destroytree,/destroy widget_control,self.parent,update=1 end ;Public Method ; uvalue: the user value that will be returned by event handler ; uname: the user name that can be used to identify the widget ; xsize: the x axis length of the tree viewing area ; ysize: the y axis length of the tree viewing area ; mode: the visualization/selection mode(see top documentation) ; multi: whether multiple selections are allowed within the tree or not ; leafonly: Set this flag to 1 if you want selections to be allowed ; only on the leaf of the tree ; showdatetime: If this boolean is 1 the date time of a variable will ; be printed with its name pro spd_ui_widget_tree::getProperty,$ uvalue=uvalue,$ uname=uname,$ xsize=xsize,$ ysize=ysize,$ mode=mode,$ multi=multi,$ leafonly=leafonly,$ showdatatime=showdatetime compile_opt idl2 uvalue = self.uvalue uname = self.uname xsize = self.xsize ysize = self.ysize mode = self.mode multi = self.multi leafonly = self.leafonly showdatatime = self.showdatetime end ;Public Method ; uvalue: the user value that will be returned by event handler ; uname: the user name that can be used to identify the widget ; xsize: the x axis length of the tree viewing area ; ysize: the y axis length of the tree viewing area ; mode: the visualization/selection mode(see top documentation) ; multi: whether multiple selections are allowed within the tree or not ; leafonly: Set this flag to 1 if you want selections to be allowed ; only on the leaf of the tree ; showdatetime: If this boolean is 1 the date time of a variable will ; be printed with its name pro spd_ui_widget_tree::setProperty,$ uvalue=uvalue,$ uname=uname,$ xsize=xsize,$ ysize=ysize,$ mode=mode,$ multi=multi,$ leafonly=leafonly,$ showdatetime=showdatetime compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(uvalue) then begin self.uvalue = uvalue widget_control,self.id,set_uvalue=uvalue endif if keyword_set(uname) then begin self.uname = uname widget_control,self.id,set_uname=uname endif ;the x/y changes are done simultaneously, if possible ;this should prevent screen flicker when resizing if keyword_set(xsize) && keyword_set(ysize) then begin self.xsize=xsize self.ysize=ysize widget_control,self.root,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize endif else if keyword_set(xsize) then begin self.xsize=xsize widget_control,self.root,xsize=xsize endif else if keyword_set(ysize) then begin self.ysize=ysize widget_control,self.root,ysize=ysize endif if is_num(mode) then begin self.mode = mode endif if is_num(multi) then begin self.multi = multi endif if is_num(leafonly) then begin self.leafonly = leafonly endif if is_num(showdatetime) then begin self.showdatetime = showdatetime endif if is_num(multi) || is_num(mode) || $ is_num(leafonly) || is_num(showdatetime) then begin self->update endif end ;copy the tree function spd_ui_widget_tree::getCopy compile_opt idl2 new_base = widget_base() new_root = widget_tree(new_base) widget_tree_move,self.root,new_root,/copy return,new_base end ;Public method ;returns a list of the current selections in the tree ;returns 0 if no selection exists. function spd_ui_widget_tree::getValue compile_opt idl2 return,self->getValueRecursive(self.root,0) end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;method for internal use by object. Used to traverse tree in the ;getValue method function spd_ui_widget_tree::getValueRecursive,widget,selected compile_opt idl2 widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state if ~is_struct(state) then return,0 if widget eq self.root then begin sel = 0 endif else begin sel = selected || widget_info(widget,/tree_select) endelse val = 0 ;if we are at an interior node that will never have a value that is returned ;then we just aggregate any values from recursive calls to any children if state.value eq 'INTERIOR' then begin children = widget_info(widget,/all_children) ;no valid children.... if (~widget_valid(children[0]) || self->hasDummy(widget)) && self.mode ne 3 then begin if sel && ~self.leafonly then begin ;if no valid children is because tree not expanded, then identify children tmp = self->getDataChildren(widget,names=names) return,self->formatValueGroup(names) endif return,val endif ; check again for valid children (if self.mode eq 3 (calculate panel) above code won't have run) if widget_valid(children[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin res = self->getValueRecursive(children[i],sel) if ~is_num(res) then begin if ~is_num(val) then begin val = [val,res] endif else begin val = [res] endelse endif endfor endif ;if we are at a group, we call the routine that handles the messiness ;of figuring out which values should be returned, given the set of options endif else if state.value eq 'GROUP' then begin return, self->getValueGroup(widget,sel) endif return,val end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;gets the value after the value routine has recursed down to a group function spd_ui_widget_tree::getValueGroup,widget,selected sel = widget_info(widget,/tree_select) if self.mode eq 0 then begin if sel || (~self.leafonly && selected) then begin widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state return,ptr_new({groupname:state.name,timename:state.timename,datanames:state.datanames,yaxisname:state.yaxisname}) endif endif else if self.mode eq 1 then begin return,self->getGroupValueRecursive(widget,selected || sel) endif else if self.mode eq 2 then begin if sel || (~self.leafonly && selected) then begin widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state return,state.name endif endif else if self.mode eq 3 then begin return,[self->getGroupValueRecursive(widget,0)] endif return,0 end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;used to walk through a group and return a list of leaf names function spd_ui_widget_tree::getGroupValueRecursive,widget,selected compile_opt idl2 if widget_info(widget,/tree_folder) then begin widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state if self.mode eq 3 && widget_info(widget,/tree_select) then begin out = [state.name] endif else begin out = 0 endelse children = widget_info(widget,/all_children) sel = selected || widget_info(widget,/tree_select) if self.mode eq 3 then sel = 0 if children[0] ne 0 && ~self->hasDummy(widget) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin res = self->getGroupValueRecursive(children[i],sel) if ~is_num(res) then begin if ~is_num(out) then begin out = [out,res] endif else begin out = [res] endelse endif endfor endif else if sel && ~self.leafonly then begin out = self->formatValueGroup(state.name) endif return,out endif else if widget_info(widget,/tree_select) || (selected && ~self.leafonly) then begin widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state return,state.name endif return,0 end ;helper function to format return values for different modes function spd_ui_widget_tree::formatValueGroup,names compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(names[0]) then return,0 out = 0 for i = 0,n_elements(names)-1 do begin group = self.ld->getGroup(names[i]) tmp = 0 if obj_valid(group) then begin if self.mode eq 0 && ~group->getIsYAxis() then begin tmp = ptr_new({groupname:group->getName(),timename:group->getTimeName(),datanames:group->getDataNames(),yaxisname:group->getYaxisName()}) endif else if self.mode eq 1 then begin tmp = [group->getTimeName(),group->getDatanames()] if keyword_set(group->getYaxisName()) then begin yaxisgroup = self.ld->getGroup(group->getYaxisName()) if obj_valid(yaxisgroup) then begin tmp = [tmp,yaxisgroup->getTimeName(),yaxisgroup->getDataNames()] endif endif endif else if self.mode eq 2 then begin tmp = names[i] endif else if ~group->getIsYAxis() then begin tmp = names[i] endif if keyword_set(tmp) then begin if ~keyword_set(out) then begin out = [tmp] endif else begin out = [out,tmp] endelse endif endif endfor return,out end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;method walks down the tree and unexpands nodes ;Used in event handler after an expand event is ;returned pro spd_ui_widget_tree::collapseNode,node children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if children[0] eq 0 then return for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin if widget_info(children[i],/tree_expanded) then begin widget_control,children[i],set_tree_expanded=0 ;unselect? self->collapseNode,children[i] endif endfor end ;Private Method: not to be called by external code ;This walks down the trees and expands all the nodes ;in the current tree that were expanded in the old tree pro spd_ui_widget_tree::copyexpansion,oldnode,newnode compile_opt idl2 oldchildren = widget_info(oldnode,/all_children) newchildren = widget_info(newnode,/all_children) if oldchildren[0] eq 0 then return if newchildren[0] eq 0 then return for i = 0,n_elements(newChildren)-1 do begin widget_control,newChildren[i],get_value=newname if ~keyword_set(newnames) then begin newnames = [newname] endif else begin newnames = [newnames,newname] endelse endfor for i = 0,n_elements(oldchildren)-1 do begin widget_control,oldchildren[i],get_value=oldname idx = where(oldname eq newnames,c) if c eq 1 then begin ;For some reason, windows sometimes like to activate the selection on ;this node when we expand it. tree_select = widget_info(newchildren[idx],/tree_select) widget_control,newchildren[idx],set_tree_expanded=widget_info(oldchildren[i],/tree_expanded) if widget_info(newchildren[idx],/tree_select) ne tree_select then begin widget_control,newchildren[idx],set_tree_select=tree_select endif self->copyexpansion,oldchildren[i],newchildren[idx] endif endfor end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;This routine constructs the assembles the idl tree widgets ;from the contents of the loadedData object pro spd_ui_widget_tree::populateTree,oldtree compile_opt idl2 self.root = widget_tree(self.stash,xsize=self.xsize,ysize=self.ysize,UVALUE={value:'INTERIOR',children:'',name:''},multiple=self.multi,bitmap=self.nodemap,/mask,/context_events) ldTreeData = self.ld->getTreeData() if is_struct(ldTreeData) then begin dim = dimen(ldTreeData.names) ;this loops overall names, adding a branch for each one for i = 0,dim[0]-1 do begin self->addBranch,ldTreeData.names[i,*],ldTreeData.objs[i],oldtree,/force endfor endif ;guarantee that at least the top level is expanded children = widget_info(self.root,/all_children) for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin if widget_valid(children[i]) then begin self->expandNode,children[i] endif endfor end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;walks down to a particular leaf, adding widgets as needed ;Keyword force, will add widgets down to group even if branch is not expanded. ;Keyword addyaxis, will add widgets down to yaxis even if branch is not expanded. ;Keyword addchild, will add widgets down to children even if branch is not expanded. ;If addyaxis & addchild are set, widgets will go to children of yaxis. pro spd_ui_widget_tree::addBranch,names,obj,oldtree,force=force,addchild=addchild,addyaxis=addyaxis compile_opt idl2 current = self.root old_node = oldtree if keyword_set(addyaxis) || keyword_set(addchild) then begin force = 1 endif ;this block walks down the tree, adding interior nodes if necessary ;on its way to a leaf if n_elements(names) gt 1 then begin for i = 0,n_elements(names)-2 do begin name = names[i] self->expandInterior,current,name,next_node=next_node old_node=self->getChild(old_node,name) current=next_node ;Stop expansion if ~widget_valid(current) || ~widget_valid(old_node) then begin return endif ;Stop expansion because branch not expanded ;Exceptions, force keyword set, top level is always automatically expanded if ~widget_info(old_node,/tree_expanded) && ~keyword_set(force) then begin ; && i ne 0 then begin return endif ;automatically expand top level ; if i eq 0 then begin ; widget_control,current,/set_tree_expanded ; endif endfor endif ;At the leaves, the tree organization becomes more heterogenous. ;NOTE: the visibility of components in the group dependent on what self.mode is set to if ~obj_valid(obj) then begin return endif if self.mode ne 2 && obj->getisyaxis() then begin return endif self->addGroup,current,obj,group=group old_node = self->getChild(old_node,obj->getname()) if ~widget_valid(group) || ~widget_valid(old_node) then begin return endif if ~widget_info(old_node,/tree_expand) && ~keyword_set(addyaxis) && ~keyword_set(addchild) then begin return endif self->addChildren,group,obj,ygroup=yaxisgroup,yobject=yaxisobject if ~obj_valid(yaxisobject) then begin return endif old_node = self->getChild(old_node,yaxisobject->getname()) if ~widget_valid(yaxisgroup) || ~widget_valid(old_node) then begin return endif if ~widget_info(old_node,/tree_expand) && (~keyword_set(addyaxis) || ~keyword_set(addchild)) then begin return endif self->addChildren,yaxisgroup,yaxisobject end ;Add the children to the group component of the data tree. ;Will also add a y-axis component, if present. pro spd_ui_widget_tree::addChildren,parent,object,ygroup=ygroup,yobject=yobject compile_opt idl2 ygroup = 0 ;default to null object yobject = obj_new() if self.mode ne 1 && self.mode ne 3 then begin return endif if ~obj_valid(object) then begin return endif childnames = '' name = object->getname() datanames = object->getDataNames() timeName = object->getTimeName() yaxisname = object->getYaxisName() isyaxis = object->getisyaxis() ts = '' if self.showdatetime then begin ts = ' [ ' + strjoin(object->getTimeRange(),' to ') + ' ] ' ; self.ld->getVarData,name=timename,data=d ; if ptr_valid(d) then begin ; low = min(*d,/nan,max=high) ; ts = ' [ ' + time_string(low) + ' to ' + time_string(high) + ' ] ' ; endif endif ;turn off updates until operation completes to prevent screen flicker self->removeDummy,parent if keyword_set(timeName) then begin if keyword_set(childnames) then begin childnames = [childnames,timename] endif else begin childnames = [timename] endelse timeid = widget_tree(parent,value=timeName+ts,uvalue={value:'TIME',name:timename},bitmap=self.leafmap,/mask) endif if keyword_set(datanames) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(datanames)-1 do begin data = widget_tree(parent,value=datanames[i]+ts,uvalue={value:'DATA',name:datanames[i]},bitmap=self.leafmap,/mask) endfor if keyword_set(childnames) then begin childnames = [childnames,datanames] endif else begin childnames = [datanames] endelse endif if keyword_set(yaxisname) && ~isyaxis then begin yobject = self.ld->getGroup(yaxisname) if obj_valid(yobject) then begin self->addGroup,parent,yobject,group=ygroup if keyword_set(childnames) then begin childnames = [childnames,yaxisname] endif else begin childnames = [yaxisname] endelse endif endif widget_control,parent,get_uvalue=state state = {value:state.value,name:state.name,children:childnames} widget_control,parent,set_uvalue=state end ;add the group component to the data tree ;group returns the widget id of the new group pro spd_ui_widget_tree::addGroup,parent,object,group=group compile_opt idl2 group = 0 if ~obj_valid(object) then return name = object->getname() datanames = object->getDataNames() timeName = object->getTimeName() yaxisname = object->getYaxisName() isyaxis = object->getisyaxis() ts = '' if self.showdatetime then begin ts = ' [ ' + strjoin(object->getTimeRange(),' to ') + ' ] ' ; self.ld->getVarData,name=timename,data=d ; if ptr_valid(d) then begin ; low = min(*d,/nan,max=high) ; ts = ' [ ' + time_string(low) + ' to ' + time_string(high) + ' ] ' ; endif endif widget_control,parent,get_uvalue=parent_state if ~keyword_set(parent_state.children) then begin parent_child_names = [name] endif else begin idx = where(parent_state.children eq name,c) if c ne 0 then begin ;duplicate data group, skip it return endif parent_child_names = [parent_state.children,name] endelse if self.mode eq 0 then begin if isyaxis then return self->removeDummy,parent group = widget_tree(parent,$ value=name+ts,$ uvalue={value:'GROUP',name:name,timename:timename,datanames:datanames,yaxisname:yaxisname},$ bitmap=self.leafmap,$ /mask) endif else if self.mode eq 1 || self.mode eq 3 then begin state = {value:'GROUP',name:name,children:''} childnames = '' self->removeDummy,parent group = widget_tree(parent,$ value=name+ts,$ uvalue=state,$ bitmap=self.nodemap,$ /folder,$ /mask) self->addDummy,group endif else if self.mode eq 2 then begin self->removeDummy,parent group = widget_tree(parent,$ value=name+ts,$ uvalue={value:'GROUP',name:name},$ bitmap=self.leafmap,$ /mask) endif parent_state = {value:parent_state.value,children:parent_child_names,name:parent_state.name} widget_control,parent,set_uvalue=parent_state end function spd_ui_widget_tree::getChild,widget,name compile_opt idl2 if widget_valid(widget) then begin widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state if is_struct(state) && $ in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(state)),'children') && $ keyword_set(state.children) then begin idx = where(name eq state.children,c) if c eq 1 then begin children = widget_info(widget,/all_children) return,children[idx] endif endif endif return,0 end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;adds a widget if widget not present, otherwise returns pre-existing widget ;also walks old_tree to make a determination about whether the widget should be expanded at all pro spd_ui_widget_tree::expandInterior,node,name,next_node=next_node compile_opt idl2 widget_control,node,get_uvalue=state next_node = 0 if state.value ne 'INTERIOR' then begin ok = error_message('Illegal attempt to expand node at leaf',/traceback) return endif self->removeDummy,node if ~keyword_set(state.children) then begin state = {value:'INTERIOR',children:[name],name:state.name} next_node = widget_tree(node,value=name,uvalue={value:'INTERIOR',children:[''],name:name},/folder,bitmap=self.nodemap,/mask) self->addDummy,next_node endif else begin idx = where(name eq state.children,c) if c eq 0 then begin next_node = widget_tree(node,value=name,uvalue={value:'INTERIOR',children:[''],name:name},/folder,bitmap=self.nodemap,/mask) self->addDummy,next_node state = {value:'INTERIOR',children:[state.children,name],name:state.name} endif else if c gt 1 then begin ok = error_message('Non-unique child should not exist') return endif else begin children = widget_info(node,/all_children) next_node = children[idx] endelse endelse widget_control,node,set_uvalue=state return end pro spd_ui_widget_tree::expandNode,node children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if children[0] eq 0 || self->hasDummy(node) then begin ;Add new widgets to the tree if they don't already exist widget_control,node,get_uvalue=state data_children = self->getDataChildren(node) if state.value eq 'GROUP' then begin self->addChildren,node,data_children[0] endif else if obj_valid(data_children[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(data_children)-1 do begin if ~data_children[i]->getIsYaxis() || self.mode eq 2 then begin ;where y-axis gets added depends upon tree mode self->addGroup,node,data_children[i] endif endfor endif else if is_string(data_children) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(data_children)-1 do begin self->expandInterior,node,data_children[i] endfor endif endif children = widget_info(node,/all_children) ;recursive call automatically expands to tree if it has a single child ;and is not a data element if widget_valid(children[0]) && $ ~self->hasDummy(node) then begin ;When node is the top of the tree it seems to get selected sometimes by this expand in Windows ; See also another note on this in copyExpansion tree_select = widget_info(node,/tree_select) widget_control,node,/set_tree_expanded if widget_info(node,/tree_select) ne tree_select then begin widget_control,node,set_tree_select=tree_select endif widget_control,children[0],get_uvalue=state if n_elements(children) eq 1 && $ ~self.ld->isParent(state.name) && $ ~self.ld->isChild(state.name) then begin self->expandNode,children[0] endif endif end ;Windows bug causes folder widgets to display as non-folder widgets ;if there are no children. This code creates fake children, to ;force windows to display correctly ;If children already exist this routine terminates harmlessly pro spd_ui_widget_tree::addDummy,node compile_opt idl2 children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if widget_valid(children[0]) then begin return endif dummy = widget_tree(node,value='', bitmap=self.leafmap,/mask) end ;This code determines if a node has a fake child ;return, 1 if it does, 0 otherwise function spd_ui_widget_tree::hasDummy,node compile_opt idl2 children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if n_elements(children) gt 1 || ~widget_valid(children[0]) then begin return,0 endif widget_control,children[0],get_value=value if value ne '' then begin return,0 endif return,1 end ;This code removes a fake child from a node. ;If no fake child exists, it should terminate harmlessly pro spd_ui_widget_tree::removeDummy,node compile_opt idl2 children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if n_elements(children) gt 1 || ~widget_valid(children[0]) then begin return endif widget_control,children[0],get_value=value if value ne '' then begin return endif widget_control,children[0],/destroy end pro spd_ui_widget_tree::setSelected,selected compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(selected) || ~is_string(selected) then return ;first make sure the set of selected values actually exist ;because the tree is dynamically generated, the values may ;be present in loaded data, but need to be added to the tree tData = self.ld->getTreeData() if size(tData, /type) ne 8 then return ;if tData isn't a structure for some reason, e.g. method called when there is no data, then just return dim = dimen(tData.names) for i = 0,n_elements(selected)-1 do begin name = selected[i] if self.ld->isChild(name) && ~self.ld->isParent(name) then begin obj = self.ld->getObjects(name=name) if obj_valid(obj[0]) then begin isChild = 1 obj[0]->getProperty,groupName=name endif endif group = self.ld->getGroup(name) if ~obj_valid(group) then begin continue endif if group->getIsYaxis() then begin isYaxis = 1 name = group->getYAxisParent() endif idx = where(name eq tData.names[*,dim[1]-1],c) if c eq 1 then begin names = tData.names[idx,*] obj = tData.objs[idx] self->addBranch,names,obj,self.root,addChild=isChild,addYaxis=isYaxis,/force endif endfor self->setSelectedRecursive,self.root,selected end ;Recursive helper for the setSelected function. pro spd_ui_widget_tree::setSelectedRecursive,node,selected compile_opt idl2 if ~widget_valid(node) then begin node = self.root endif if widget_info(node,/tree_root) ne node then begin widget_control,node,get_uvalue=state if is_struct(state) then begin idx = where(state.name eq selected,c) if c gt 0 then begin widget_control,node,set_tree_select=1 widget_control,node,set_tree_visible=1 endif endif endif children = widget_info(node,/all_children) if children[0] ne 0 then begin for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin self->setSelectedRecursive,children[i],selected endfor endif end ;clears the tree of all selections pro spd_ui_widget_tree::clearSelected compile_opt idl2 widget_control,self.root,set_tree_select=0 end ;Gets in child names & data objects(if applicable) for a particular ;widget in the tree by querying loaded data, and widget parents. ;widget: Input widget ID ;returns: 0 on error, list of objects if children are data groups or members, list of names otherwise ;keyword names, returns the names of all the groups below selection if widget is an interior node function spd_ui_widget_tree::getDataChildren,widget,names=names compile_opt idl2 children = 0 widget_control,widget,get_uvalue=state if state.value eq 'GROUP' then begin names = [state.name] return,[self.ld->getGroup(state.name)] endif else begin parent_names = [state.name] root = widget_info(widget,/tree_root) parent = widget ;work back up the tree to find parent names while 1 do begin parent = widget_info(parent,/parent) if root ne parent then begin widget_control,parent,get_uvalue=parent_state parent_names = [parent_state.name,parent_names] endif else begin break endelse endwhile ldTreeData = self.ld->getTreeData() if n_elements(parent_names) eq 1 then begin idx = where(parent_names[0] eq ldTreeData.names[*,0]) endif else if n_elements(parent_names) eq 2 then begin idx = where(parent_names[0] eq ldTreeData.names[*,0] and $ parent_names[1] eq ldTreeData.names[*,1]) endif else if n_elements(parent_names) eq 3 then begin idx = where(parent_names[0] eq ldTreeData.names[*,0] and $ parent_names[1] eq ldTreeData.names[*,1] and $ parent_names[2] eq ldTreeData.names[*,2]) endif else begin ok = error_message('Unexpected expansion error, too many parents') return,0 endelse if idx[0] eq -1 then begin ok = error_message('Unexpected expansion error, no name') return,0 endif else begin names = ldTreeData.names[idx,3] if n_elements(parent_names) eq 3 then begin return,ldTreeData.objs[idx] endif else begin return,ldTreeData.names[idx,n_elements(parent_names)] endelse endelse endelse end pro spd_ui_widget_tree::handleContextMenuEvent,event varname_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_name') var_info = self->getValue() if is_string(var_info) then begin varname = var_info[0] endif else if ptr_valid(var_info[0]) then begin varname = (*var_info[0]).groupname endif else begin return endelse ; updated the following logic from self.context_width to self.context_width-1 so that pad_num ; can't be set equal to 1, egrimes on 8/18/15 if strlen(varname) lt self.context_width-1 then begin pad_num = self.context_width-strlen(varname) var_text = strjoin(replicate(' ',pad_num/2)) + varname + strjoin(replicate(' ',pad_num/2)) endif else begin var_text = varname endelse widget_control,varname_id,set_value=var_text vartype_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_type') group = self.ld->getGroup(varname) if ~obj_valid(group) then begin child = (self.ld->getObjects(name=varname))[0] if ~obj_valid(child) then return groupname = child->getgroupname() group = self.ld->getGroup(groupname) is_child = 1 type_str='Component' endif else begin is_child = 0 type_str='Group' endelse widget_control,vartype_id,set_value='Type: ' + type_str dim1 = group->getDim1() dim2 = n_elements(group->getDataNames()) vartype_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_dim') if is_child || dim2 eq 1 then begin dim_str = '[ ' + strtrim(dim1,2) + ' ]' byte_size = 8.*dim1 endif else begin dim_str = '[ ' + strtrim(dim1,2) + ' X ' + strtrim(dim2,2) + ' ]' byte_size = 8.*dim1*dim2 endelse widget_control,vartype_id,set_value='Dimensions: ' + dim_str varsize_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_size') if byte_size lt 1024. then begin byte_str = string(byte_size,format='(D0.2)') + ' bytes' endif else if byte_size lt 1024.*1024. then begin byte_str = string(byte_size/1024.,format='(D0.2)') + ' kilobytes' endif else if byte_size lt 1024.*1024.*1024. then begin byte_str = string(byte_size/1024./1024.,format='(D0.2)') + ' megabytes' endif else begin byte_str = string(byte_size/1024./1024./1024.,format='(D0.2)') + ' gigabytes' endelse widget_control,varsize_id,set_value='Size: ' + byte_str varcadence_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_cadence') cadence = group->getCadence() if cadence lt 1e-6 then begin cadence_str = string(cadence*1e9,format='(D0.2)') + ' nanoseconds' endif else if cadence lt 1e-3 then begin cadence_str = string(cadence*1e6,format='(D0.2)') + ' microseconds' endif else if cadence lt 1. then begin cadence_str = string(cadence*1e3,format='(D0.2)') + ' milliseconds' endif else if cadence lt 60. then begin cadence_str = string(cadence*1e0,format='(D0.2)') + ' seconds' endif else if cadence lt 60.*60. then begin cadence_str = string(cadence/60.,format='(D0.2)') + ' minutes' endif else if cadence lt 60.*60.*24. then begin cadence_str = string(cadence/60./60.,format='(D0.2)') + ' hours' endif else if cadence lt 60.*60.*24.*365.25 then begin cadence_str = string(cadence/60./60./24.,format='(D0.2)') + ' days' endif else begin cadence_str = string(cadence/60./60./24./365.25,format='(D0.2)') + ' years' endelse widget_control,varcadence_id,set_value='Cadence(Apx.): ' + cadence_str self.ld->getDataInfo,varname,units=units,coord=coords varunits_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_units') widget_control,varunits_id,set_value='Units: ' + units varcoords_id = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='context_coords') widget_control,varcoords_id,set_value='Coordinate System: ' + coords widget_displaycontextmenu,event.id,event.x,event.y,self.context end ;private method initializes the right-click context menu for the tree pro spd_ui_widget_tree::initContextMenu compile_opt idl2 self.context = widget_base(self.id,/context_menu) ; container = widget_base(self.context,/col) varname = widget_button(self.context,value=strjoin(replicate(' ',self.context_width)),uname='context_name') vartype = widget_button(self.context,value='Type: ',uname='context_type') vardim = widget_button(self.context,value='Dimensions: ',uname='context_dim') varsize = widget_button(self.context,value='Size: ',uname='context_size') varcadence = widget_button(self.context,value='Cadence(Apx.): ',uname='context_cadence') varunits = widget_button(self.context,value='Units: ',uname='context_units') varcoords = widget_button(self.context,value='Coordinate System: ',uname='context_coords') end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;This is the true object based event handler ;it handles internal events from the compound ;widgets function spd_ui_widget_tree::handleEvent,event compile_opt idl2 if self.skip_event then begin self.skip_event = 0 ; print,'skip_off' return,0 endif if Tag_Names(event,/Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_CONTEXT' then begin self->handleContextMenuEvent,event return,0 endif else if Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_TREE_EXPAND' then begin widget_control,self.root,update=0 if ~widget_info(event.id,/tree_expanded) then begin;collapse self->collapseNode,event.id endif else begin ;expand(operation now done dynamically, rather than generating static tree at the time of population self->expandNode,event.id endelse ;An intermittent bug occurs if update isn't run twice. ;Testing without, to see if we can avoid 2x updates widget_control,self.root,update=1 ; widget_control,self.root,update=1 ;fixes bug where select event occurs always with expand event ;On windows this problem is solved in calling code, by ignoring ;select events or clearing tree selections. ; This bug is supposed to be fixed in 8.0 and later releases (aaflores 2013-02-26) if strlowcase(!version.os_family) ne 'windows' and float(!version.release) lt 8. then begin self.skip_event = 1 ;print,'skip_on' endif ; return,{SPD_UI_TREE_EXPAND,ID:self.id,TOP:event.top,HANDLER:0L} return,0 endif else if Tag_Names(event,/Structure_Name) eq 'WIDGET_TREE_SEL' then begin widget_control,event.id,get_uvalue=str if self.leafonly && $ (self.mode eq 0 || self.mode eq 2) && $ str.value eq 'INTERIOR' then begin widget_control,event.id,set_tree_select=0 endif else if self.mode eq 1 && $ self.leafonly && $ (str.value eq 'INTERIOR' || $ str.value eq 'GROUP') then begin widget_control,event.id,set_tree_select=0 endif return,{SPD_UI_TREE_EVENT,ID:self.id,TOP:event.top,HANDLER:0L} endif return,0 end function spd_ui_widget_tree::cleanup compile_opt idl2 Widget_Control,self.id,/Destroy end ;Private Method: Not to be called by external code ;intializes the widget tree ;parentid: the id of the parent base that this is part of ;uvalue: the value that will be called in parent event handler ;loadedData: the loadedData object, used to populate tree ;xsize=xsize: the size of the tree widget area along the x-axis ;ysize=ysize: the size of the tree widget area along the y-axis ;mode=mode: indicates the viewing/selection mode. See above for ;a description of the modes ;multi=multi: indicates whether multiple selections can be made in the tree(with shift/control click) ;leafonly=leafonly: Set this flag to 1 if you want selections to be allowed ;only on the leaf of the tree ;showdatetime: If this boolean is 1 the date time of a variable will ; be printed with its name ;selected=selected: Pass in a list of variable names that you would like selected ;from_copy=from_copy: Pass in an old copy of the tree from which expansion state can be copied function spd_ui_widget_tree::init,$ parentid,$ uvalue,$ loadedData,$ uname=uname,$ xsize=xsize,$ ysize=ysize,$ mode=mode,$ multi=multi,$ selected=selected,$ leafonly=leafonly,$ showdatetime=showdatetime,$ from_copy=copy compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(parentid) then begin ok = error_message('Need required argument: parentID',/traceback) return,0 endif if ~keyword_set(uvalue) then begin ok = error_message('Need required argument: uvalue',/traceback) return,0 endif if ~keyword_set(uvalue) || ~obj_valid(loadedData) then begin ok = error_message('Need required argument: loadedData',/traceback) return,0 endif if ~keyword_set(uname) then begin uname = '' endif if ~keyword_set(xsize) then begin xsize = 300 endif if ~keyword_set(ysize) then begin ysize = 300 endif if ~is_num(mode) then begin mode = 0 endif if ~is_num(multi) then begin multi = 1 endif if ~keyword_set(leafonly) then begin leafonly = 0 endif if ~keyword_set(showdatetime) then begin showdatetime = 0 endif self.context_width = 40 self.parent = parentid self.uvalue = uvalue self.ld = loadedData self.uname = uname self.xsize = xsize self.ysize = ysize self.mode = mode self.multi = multi self.leafonly = leafonly self.showdatetime = showdatetime self.nodemap = bytarr(16,16,3) self.nodemap[*] = 196 self.nodemap[indgen(8)*2,7,*] = 0 self.leafmap = self.nodemap self.nodemap[7:11,5:9,*] = 0 self.nodemap[[7,7,11,11],[5,9,5,9],*] = 196 ;self.bitmap[9,indgen(8)*2,*] = 0 self.id = widget_base(self.parent, $ uvalue=uvalue, $ uname=uname, $ event_func='spd_ui_widget_tree_event',$ func_get_value='spd_ui_widget_tree_get_value',/context_events) self.stash = widget_base(self.id,uvalue=self) widget_control,self.id,update=0 if keyword_set(copy) && widget_valid(copy) then begin copy_root = widget_info(copy,/child) oldtree = widget_info(copy_root,/child) endif else begin oldtree = self.root endelse self->populateTree,oldtree if oldtree eq 0 then begin oldtree = self.root endif self->copyexpansion,oldtree,self.root if keyword_set(selected) && is_string(selected[0]) then begin self->setSelected,self.root,selected endif self->initContextMenu widget_control,self.id,update=1 return,1 end ;Private Function: Not to be called by external code ;the event handler for the widget tree ;this is not a method of the widget object ;but it works as a means to create object-based compound widgets ;NOTE: this routine should only be called internally, ;it should not be called by the end-user. function spd_ui_widget_tree_event,event compile_opt hidden,idl2 store = widget_info(event.handler,/child) widget_control,store,get_uvalue=obj return,obj->handleEvent(event) end ;Private Function: Not to be called by external code ;the getvalue function for the widget tree ;this is not a method of the widget object ;but it works as a means to create object-based compound widgets ;It is not as important as the event_handler callback, ;but it allows a user to easily query the widget value without ;needing to unpack the state(ie you can use widget_control,id,get_value=gv) ;NOTE: this routine should only be called internally, ;it should not be called by the end-user. function spd_ui_widget_tree_get_value,id COMPILE_OPT hidden,idl2 ; Recover the state of this compound widget stash = WIDGET_INFO(id, /CHILD) WIDGET_CONTROL, stash, GET_UVALUE=state return,state end pro spd_ui_widget_tree__define compile_opt idl2 struct = { SPD_UI_WIDGET_TREE, $ parent: 0, $ ; id for the parent widget (must be a base) id: 0, $ ; widget id for the tree widget stash:0, $ ; widget id for the tree widget stash widget context:0, $ ; widget id for the context menu widget context_width:40, $ ; width of context menu in characters root:0, $ ; widget id for the tree widget root uvalue: '', $ ; the user value to be called in parent event handler uname:'', $ ; the name of the widget, can be used with find_by_name call to widget_info xSize: 0, $ ; size of tree area in x direction ySize: 0, $ ; size of tree area in y direction mode:0, $ ; Indicates the viewing/selection mode for the data multi:0, $ ; 0 means one selection only, 1 means multiple selections allowed leafonly:0, $ ; 0 means selections can be made anywhere in the tree, 1 means only leaves may be selected showdatetime:0B, $ ; if this boolean is 1 then the start/stop times of variables will be printed out with their names. nodemap:bytarr(16,16,3),$ ; the bitmap that is used as the tree icon for interior nodes leafmap:bytarr(16,16,3),$ ; the bitmap that is used as the tree icon for interior nodes ld:obj_new(), $ ; the loaded data object skip_event:0B $ ; set this flag to make the handler skip the next event } end