;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_plugin_manager ; ;PURPOSE: ; Interface for SPEDAS plugins ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-10-11 16:59:54 -0700 (Tue, 11 Oct 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22089 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_plugin_manager__define.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::Cleanup ptr_free, self.plugin_menus ptr_free, self.plugin_file_config_panels ptr_free, self.plugin_load_data_panels ptr_free, self.plugin_about_pages ptr_free, self.data_proc_plugins end ;+ ; NAME: ; addAboutPlugin ; ; PURPOSE: ; Add an about page with information on the plugin. For example, the "rules of the road" ; statement, developer credits, acknowledgements, etc. ; ; INPUT: ; mission name: name of the mission to add to the load data panel ; procedure name: name of the procedure containing the load data panel widget for this mission ; panel title: title of the load data panel ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::addAboutPlugin, mission_name, text_file plugin_struct = [{mission_name: mission_name, text_file: text_file}] if ptr_valid(self.plugin_about_pages) then begin append_array, (*self.plugin_about_pages), plugin_struct endif else self.plugin_about_pages = ptr_new(plugin_struct) end ;+ ; NAME: ; getAboutPlugins ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns an array of structures, one struct for each plugin's about page ; ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::getAboutPlugins if ptr_valid(self.plugin_about_pages) then begin return, *self.plugin_about_pages endif else return, 0 end ;+ ; NAME: ; addLoadDataPanel ; ; PURPOSE: ; Add a panel to the load data window ; ; INPUT: ; mission name: name of the mission to add to the load data panel ; procedure name: name of the procedure containing the load data panel widget for this mission ; panel title: title of the load data panel ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::addLoadDataPanel, mission_name, procedure_name, panel_title plugin_struct = [{mission_name: mission_name, procedure_name: procedure_name, panel_title: panel_title}] if ptr_valid(self.plugin_load_data_panels) then begin append_array, (*self.plugin_load_data_panels), plugin_struct endif else self.plugin_load_data_panels = ptr_new(plugin_struct) end ;+ ; NAME: ; getLoadDataPanels ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns an array of structures, one struct for each load data panel ; ; OUTPUT: ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::getLoadDataPanels if ptr_valid(self.plugin_load_data_panels) then begin return, *self.plugin_load_data_panels endif else return, 0 end ;+ ; NAME: ; addFileConfigPanel ; ; PURPOSE: ; Add a panel to the file configuration window ; ; INPUT: ; mission name: name of the mission ; procedure name: name of the procedure containing the file config widget ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::addFileConfigPanel, mission_name, procedure_name plugin_struct = [{mission_name: mission_name, procedure_name: procedure_name}] if ptr_valid(self.plugin_file_config_panels) then begin append_array, (*self.plugin_file_config_panels), plugin_struct endif else self.plugin_file_config_panels = ptr_new(plugin_struct) end ;+ ; NAME: ; getFileConfigPanels ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns an array of structures, one struct for each file config panel ; ; OUTPUT: ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::getFileConfigPanels if ptr_valid(self.plugin_file_config_panels) then begin return, *self.plugin_file_config_panels endif else return, 0 end ;+ ; NAME: ; addPluginMenu ; ; PURPOSE: ; Add a menu item to the "Plugins" menu in the GUI ; ; INPUT: ; item: menu item text ; procedure: name of the procedure containing the widget to open when the user selects this menu item ; location: ; ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::addPluginMenu, item, procedure, location plugin_struct = [{item: item, procedure: procedure, location: location}] if ptr_valid(self.plugin_menus) eq 1 then begin append_array, (*self.plugin_menus), plugin_struct endif else self.plugin_menus = ptr_new(plugin_struct) end ;+ ; NAME: ; getPluginMenus ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns an array of structures, one for each plugin menu ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::getPluginMenus if ptr_valid(self.plugin_menus) then begin return, *self.plugin_menus endif else return, 0 end ;+ ; NAME: ; addDataProcessingPlugin ; ; PURPOSE: ; add a new plugin to the "More..." menu in the data processing panel ; ;- pro spd_ui_plugin_manager::addDataProcessingPlugin, item, procedure, location plugin_struct = [{item: item, procedure: procedure, location: location}] if ptr_valid(self.data_proc_plugins) eq 1 then begin append_array, (*self.data_proc_plugins), plugin_struct endif else self.data_proc_plugins = ptr_new(plugin_struct) end ;+ ; NAME: ; getDataProcessingPlugins ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns an array of structures, one for each data processing plugin ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::getDataProcessingPlugins if ptr_valid(self.data_proc_plugins) then begin return, *self.data_proc_plugins endif else return, 0 end ;+ ; NAME: ; parseConfig ; ; PURPOSE: ; parses a SPEDAS configuration file (.txt) ; ;- function spd_ui_plugin_manager::parseConfig, filename mission_name = '' file_template = { VERSION: 1.0, $ DATASTART: 0, $ DELIMITER: 58b, $ MISSINGVALUE: '', $ COMMENTSYMBOL: ";", $ FIELDCOUNT: 2, $ FIELDTYPES: [7, 7], $ FIELDNAMES: ['type', 'info'], $ FIELDLOCATIONS: [0, 10], $ FIELDGROUPS: [0, 1] $ } ; make sure this is a valid ascii file test_ascii = query_ascii(filename) if test_ascii ne 1 then return, 0 plugin_data = read_ascii(filename, template=file_template, count=num_items) for plugin_idx = 0, n_elements(plugin_data.type)-1 do begin plugin_type = plugin_data.type[plugin_idx] plugin_info = plugin_data.info[plugin_idx] info_components = strsplit(plugin_info, ',', /extract) case plugin_type of 'project': begin ; project definition mission_name = info_components[0] end 'load_data': begin ; plugin has a load data panel if n_elements(info_components) eq 2 then begin self->addLoadDataPanel, mission_name, info_components[0], info_components[1] endif else if n_elements(info_components) eq 1 then begin self->addLoadDataPanel, mission_name, info_components[0], '' ; use mission name for tab/panel title endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not enough arguments to add the Load Data panel for ' + filename endelse end 'menu': begin ; plugin has a menu item if n_elements(info_components) eq 3 then begin self->addPluginMenu, info_components[2], info_components[0], info_components[1] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not enough arguments to add plugin item to the "Plugins" menu. ' endelse end 'config': begin ; plugin has a config panel self->addFileConfigPanel, mission_name, info_components[0] end 'data_processing': begin ; found a data processing plugin if n_elements(info_components) eq 3 then begin self->addDataProcessingPlugin, info_components[2], info_components[0], info_components[1] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not enough arguments to add plugin item to the "Data Processing" panel' endelse end 'about': begin ; found an "about" page for the plugin if n_elements(info_components) eq 1 then begin self->addAboutPlugin, mission_name, info_components[0] endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not enough arguments to add plugin''s About Page to the GUI' endelse end else: dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error loading plugin, unknown plugin type: ' + string(plugin_type) endcase endfor return, 1 end function spd_ui_plugin_manager::loadSaveFile, save_file catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then return, 0 result = file_test(save_file, /read) if result then begin restore, save_file return, 1 endif return, 0 end function spd_ui_plugin_manager::init getpluginpath, path if ~undefined(path) then begin ; find any save files in the plugins directory ; (this is useful for adding new plugins to ; the VM releases that can't compile routines) plugin_sav_files = file_search(path, '*.sav') for sav_idx = 0, n_elements(plugin_sav_files)-1 do begin if plugin_sav_files[sav_idx] eq '' then continue if self->loadSaveFile(plugin_sav_files[sav_idx]) ne 1 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error loading the save file at: ' + plugin_sav_files[sav_idx] ; throw an error dialog too, since we're probably in the VM here sa_error = error_message('Error loading the save file at: ' + plugin_sav_files[sav_idx], /error) endif endfor ; find the plugin files plugin_files = file_search(path, '*.txt') ; load the plugin files for plugin_idx = 0, n_elements(plugin_files)-1 do begin if self->parseConfig(plugin_files[plugin_idx]) ne 1 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error parsing the configuration file: ' + plugin_files[plugin_idx] endif endfor endif return, 1 end pro spd_ui_plugin_manager__define compile_opt idl2 state = { SPD_UI_PLUGIN_MANAGER, $ plugin_menus: ptr_new(), $ plugin_file_config_panels: ptr_new(), $ plugin_load_data_panels: ptr_new(), $ plugin_about_pages: ptr_new(), $ data_proc_plugins: ptr_new() $ } end