;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_message_bar__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; This is a text bar object used to display textual information for the user ; (such as a status bar for current states, message bar, or informational bar) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; To Create: myStatusBar = Obj_New("SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR", myWidgetBase) ; To Use: myStatusBar->Update, 'This is a test' ; Or: result = myStatusBar->GetState() ; ;INPUT: ; parent: id for the parent widget (must be a base) ; ;KEYWORDS: ; name: optional name ; state: set this to one to display ; value: text to be displayed in the bar ; xSize: size of bar in x direction ; ySize: size of bar in y direction ; debug: set this value to one for debugging ; ;OUTPUT: ; message bar object reference ; ;METHODS: ; Draw creates/displays the bar (automatically called by INIT) ; Delete removes bar from display (object persists) ; Update updates bar with new message ; SetProperty procedure to set keywords ; GetProperty procedure to get keywords ; GetState returns the current state of the bar (on/off) (this is a function) ; ; WARNINGS: ; You should avoid calling the update method on this object before the widget is realized. ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-09 10:47:18 -0700 (Thu, 09 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18043 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_message_bar__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::Draw IF self.id EQ 0 THEN BEGIN IF self.scroll EQ 0 THEN BEGIN self.id = WIDGET_TEXT(self.parent, value=*self.messages, xsize = self.xsize, ysize = self.ysize,editable=0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;follwing fix used to stop an x-11 warning that occurs when: ;when text widgets are realized ;on linux ;in modal sub-widgets ;with initial text size is smaller than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ;the sentinel string guarantees that the initial text is wider than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ;it must be at the beginning of the text for the warning to be avoided message_text=[*self.messages] m_num = n_elements(message_text)-1 s_len = strlen(message_text[m_num]) if s_len lt self.xsize+2 then begin message_text[m_num]=message_text[m_num]+strjoin(replicate(' ',(self.xsize+2)-s_len)) endif self.id = WIDGET_TEXT(self.parent, value=message_text, xsize = self.xsize, ysize = self.ysize,/scroll, editable=0) ENDELSE Widget_Control, self.id, SET_TEXT_TOP_LINE=N_Elements(*self.messages)-1 self.state = 1 ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::Delete IF self.id NE 0 THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, self.id, /Destroy self.state = 0 self.id = 0 ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;NOTE: You should avoid calling the update method on this object before the widget is realized. PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::Update, value IF self.id NE 0 THEN BEGIN newId = self.currentMsgId+1 currentTime = time_string(systime(/seconds),/local_time) if self.notimestamp eq 1 then begin newValue = strtrim(string(newId), 2)+': ' + strmid(value,0,1000) endif else begin newValue = '(' + currentTime + ') ' + strtrim(string(newId), 2)+': ' + strmid(value,0,1000) endelse newMessages = [*self.messages, newValue] IF N_Elements(newMessages) GT self.msgLimit THEN newMessages = newMessages[1:self.msgLimit] ;follwing fix used to stop an x-11 warning that occurs when: ;when text widgets are realized ;on linux ;in modal sub-widgets ;with initial text size is smaller than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ;the sentinel string guarantees that the initial text is wider than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ;it must be at the beginning of the text for the warning to be avoided ; ;fix must be used in this method, even though it is an update method, because update can be called before the layout in which it exists is realized m_num = n_elements(newMessages)-1 s_len = strlen(newMessages[m_num]) if s_len lt self.xsize+2 then begin newMessages[m_num]=newMessages[m_num]+strjoin(replicate(' ',(self.xsize+2)-s_len)) endif WIDGET_CONTROL, self.id, SET_VALUE=newMessages WIDGET_CONTROL, self.id, SET_TEXT_TOP_LINE=m_num, /no_newline self.messages = Ptr_New(newMessages) self.value=newValue self.currentMsgId=newId ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::GetState RETURN, self.state END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::SetProperty, $ ; The property set method for the object XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize, $ ; size of bar in y direction MsgLimit=msglimit, $ ; max number of messages Refresh=refresh ; set this to one to redisplay Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(self.debug)) RETURN ENDIF ; Check for undefined variables. IF N_Elements(xsize) NE 0 THEN self.xsize = xsize IF N_Elements(ysize) NE 0 THEN self.ysize = ysize IF N_Elements(msglimit) NE 0 THEN self.msgLimit= msglimit IF Keyword_Set(refresh) THEN BEGIN self->Delete self->Draw ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::GetProperty, $ id=id, $ ; widget id Name=name, $ ; optional name of bar Messages=messages, $ ; text to be displayed in the bar State=state, $ ; flag to indicate whether bar is diplayed MsgLimit=msglimit, $ ; total number of messages to buffer XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize, $ ; size of bar in y direction Scroll=scroll ; size of bar in x direction Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(self.debug)) RETURN ENDIF IF Arg_Present(id) then id = self.id IF Arg_Present(name) THEN name = self.name IF Arg_Present(messages) THEN messages = self.messages IF Arg_Present(state) THEN state = self.state IF Arg_Present(msglimit) THEN msglimit = self.msgLimit IF Arg_Present(xsize) THEN xsize = self.xsize IF Arg_Present(ysize) THEN ysize = self.ysize IF Arg_Present(scroll) THEN scroll = self.scroll END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::Cleanup if ptr_valid(self.messages) then ptr_free, self.messages END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR::Init, $ ; The INIT method of the bar object. parent, $ ; id of parent, required Name=name, $ ; optional name of bar Value=value, $ ; text to be displayed in the bar State=state, $ ; flag to indicate whether bar is diplayed MsgLimit=msglimit, $ ; total number of messages to buffer XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize, $ ; size of bar in y direction Scroll=scroll, $ ; size of bar in x direction notimestamp=notimestamp, $ ;don't print the timestamp if this is set, it can take a lot of text on narrow bars Debug=debug ; set to one for debugging Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(debug)) RETURN, 0 ENDIF self.debug = Keyword_Set(debug) ; Check that all parameters have values IF N_Elements(name) EQ 0 THEN name=' ' IF N_Elements(value) EQ 0 THEN value = '0: Message Bar ' ELSE value='0: '+value IF N_Elements(msglimit) EQ 0 THEN msglimit = 21 IF N_Elements(state) EQ 0 THEN state=1 IF N_Elements(xsize) EQ 0 THEN xsize = 10 IF N_Elements(ysize) EQ 0 THEN ysize = 1 IF N_Elements(scroll) EQ 0 THEN scroll = 1 if n_elements(notimestamp) eq 0 then notimestamp = 0 ; Set all parameters self.parent = parent self.name = name self.value = value self.messages = Ptr_New(value) self.msgLimit = msglimit self.state = state self.xsize = xsize self.ysize = ysize self.scroll = scroll self.notimestamp = notimestamp ; If bar is displayed then create the widget IF self.state EQ 1 THEN self->Draw RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR, $ parent: 0L, $ ; id for the parent widget (must be a base) id: 0L, $ ; widget id for the bar name: ' ', $ ; optional name state: 0, $ ; on/off flag (for display) value: ' ', $ ; text to be displayed in the bar messages:Ptr_New(), $ ; max number of messages to buffer currentMsgId: 0L, $ ; current id for messages msgLimit: 0, $ ; number of messages to buffer xSize: 0, $ ; size of bar in x direction ySize: 0, $ ; size of bar in y direction scroll: 0, $ ; flag to set scroll arrows notimestamp: 0, $ ; notimestamp set or not? debug: 0 $ ; set this value to one for debugging } END