;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_loaded_data::dproc ; ;PURPOSE: ; extracts tplot variables from active data, performs data processing ; tasks, creates new variables, optionally sets those variables to ; active variables ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; success = loaded_data_obj -> dproc(dp_task, dp_pars,callSequence, names_out=names_out, no_setactive=no_setactive) ; ;INPUT: ; dp_task = a string variable specifying the task to be carried ; out. The options are ['subavg', 'submed', 'smooth', ; 'blkavg','clip','deflag','degap','spike','deriv', ; 'pwrspc','wave','hpfilt'] ; dp_pars = an anonymous structure containing the input parameters for ; the task, this will be unpacked in this routine and the parameters ; are passed through. Note that, since this is only called from the ; thm_GUI_new routine, there is no error checking for ; content, it is expected that the calling routine passes through the ; proper parameters in each case. ; ; callSequence = Object to store previous dproc operations for replay ; ;OUTPUT: ; success = a byte, 0b if the process was unsuccessful or cancelled, ; 1b if the process was completed ; ;KEYWORDS: ; names_out = the tplot names of the created data variables ; no_setactive = if set, the new variables will no be set to active at ; the end of the process. ; hwin, sbar = history window and status bar objects for updates ; gui_id = the id of the calling widget - to pass into warning pop-ups ; ;HISTORY: ; 16-oct-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; switched output from message to byte, 29-oct-2008,jmm ; 12-Dec-2008,prc Fixed bug where dproc was not reading data stored in ; loaded data,but instead was reading non-gui-data. ; Fixed bug where data produced by dproc was not inheriting any meta-data. ; 23-jan-2009, jmm, deletes any tplot variables that are created ; during processing, added catch, so that deletion ; of tplot variables is done if an error bonks a ; process. ; 10-Feb-2009, jmm, Added hwin, sbar keywords ; 24-Apr-2015, af, updating plugins, reformatting code ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-07 10:51:31 -0800 (Mon, 07 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20343 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_loaded_data__dproc.pro $ Function spd_ui_loaded_data::dproc, dp_task, dp_pars,callSequence=callSequence,replay=replay,in_vars=in_vars, names_out = names_out, $ no_setactive = no_setactive, hwin = hwin, sbar = sbar, gui_id = gui_id, $ ;when replaying data, need to remember user interaction responses if we're gonna get it right overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections,degap_selections=degap_selections,blkavg_selections=blkavg_selections,$ smooth_selections=smooth_selections, hpf_selections=hpf_selections,$ _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Catch errors during processing ; -allows dproc window to persist in case of error? ;------------------------------------------------ err = 0 catch, err If(err Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=error if obj_valid(hwin) then hwin->update, error out_msg = 'Warning: An error occured during processing. Check the history window for details.' ok = error_message(traceback = 1, /noname, title = 'Error in Data Processing: ',/center) if is_string(tnames_in) then begin spd_ui_cleanup_tplot, tnames_in, del_vars=new_names store_data, new_names, /delete endif return, 0b Endif ;Initialize tracking variables ;------------------------------------------------ overwrite_selection ='' degap_selection='' blkavg_selection='' smooth_selection='' hpf_selection='' overwrite_count = 0 degap_count = 0 blkavg_count = 0 smooth_count = 0 hpf_count = 0 if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin overwrite_selections='' degap_selections='' blkavg_selections='' smooth_selections='' hpf_selections='' endif if ~is_string(in_vars) then begin return,0b endif task = strtrim(strlowcase(dp_task), 2) ;store all current tplot variable names ; -new variables created while processing data will be removed later tnames_in = tnames() ;create a display object to house the status bar and history windows ; -this object will be passed to the underlying analysis routines ; to allow them to report messages to the gui via dprint display_object = obj_new('spd_ui_dprint_display', statusbar=sbar, historywin=hwin) ;Export active data to tplot and verify ; -all metadata should be included in tplot var's dlimits structure ;------------------------------------------------ for i=0, n_elements(in_vars)-1 do begin tvar = self->getTvarData(in_vars[i]) if is_string(tvar) then begin exported = array_concat(tvar,exported) endif else begin spd_ui_message, 'Failed to export '+in_vars[i]+' to tplot', sb=sbar, hw=hwin Endelse endfor ;check that something exported if undefined(exported) then begin spd_ui_message, 'Failed to export all active data to tplot', sb=sbar, hw=hwin return, 0b endif ;Abstract operation so that a single loop can handle all cases ; -join and plugin operations process all variables simultaneously ; -all other operations currently take single variable inputs ;------------------------------------------------ if task eq 'join' or task eq 'plugin' then begin operation = {task: task, input: exported} endif else begin operation = replicate( {task:task, input:''}, n_elements(exported) ) operation.input = exported endelse ;Loop over operations ;------------------------------------------------ For j = 0, n_elements(operation)-1 Do Begin canceled = 0b ; set/reset canceled flag skipped = 0b ; set/reset skipped flag ;copy current task's input input = operation[j].input ;ensure output from last loop is cleared undefine, nn ;new names undefine, sn ;support names ;Process the data ; -call appropriate routine to operate on exported tplot variable(s) ;------------------------------------------------ Case operation[j].task Of ;plugins ;------------------ 'plugin': begin if ~tag_exist(dp_pars, 'dproc_routine') then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, the dproc_routine tag must be set in the structure returned by the plugin window.' return, -1 endif if tag_exist(dp_pars, 'keywords') then begin dproc_keywords = dp_pars.keywords endif call_procedure, dp_pars.dproc_routine, input, $ output_names=nn, $ support_names=sn, $ status_bar=sbar, $ history_window=hwin, $ _extra = dproc_keywords end ;split variable ;------------------ 'split': Begin split_vec, input, names_out = nn, inset='_split', display_object=display_object End ;join variables ;------------------ 'join': Begin join_vec, input, dp_pars.new_name[0], display_object=display_object, fail=jfail if keyword_set(jfail) then begin spd_ui_message, 'Could not join selected variables.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin endif else begin nn = dp_pars.new_name endelse End ;subtract average ;------------------ 'subavg': Begin tsub_average, input, nn, new_name = (input+'-d')[0], display_object=display_object nn = tnames(input+'-d') End ;subtract median ;------------------ 'submed': Begin tsub_average, input, nn, new_name = (input+'-m')[0], /median nn = tnames(input+'-m') End ;time derivative ;------------------ 'deriv': Begin get_data, input, ttt If(n_elements(temporary(ttt)) Gt 3) Then Begin deriv_data, input, newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ _extra={nsmooth:( dp_pars.setswidth ? dp_pars.swidth:0b)} nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message,'Unable to get time derivative for '+input+'; not enough time elements.',sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b Endelse End ;clean spikes ;------------------ 'spike': Begin clean_spikes, input, new_name = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ nsmooth = dp_pars.swidth[0], $ thresh = dp_pars.thresh[0] nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) End ;smooth data ;------------------ 'smooth': Begin get_data, input, t noktimes = n_elements(t) if noktimes gt 1 then begin ; operation not valid on single time element av_dt = median(t[1:*]-t) If(av_dt Gt dp_pars.dt) then begin if smooth_selection ne 'yestoall' && smooth_selection ne 'notoall' Then Begin smooth_selection='' if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin lbl = ['Note that the median value of the time resolution for '+input+' is:'+strcompress(string(av_dt))+' sec.', $ 'The value that you have chosen for the averaging time resolution is smaller: '+$ strcompress(string(dp_pars.dt))+' sec.', $ 'This will have non-intuitive and possibly non-plottable results. Do you want to continue?'] smooth_selection = spd_ui_prompt_widget(gui_id,sbar,hwin,prompt=strjoin(lbl,ssl_newline()),title='SPEDAS GUI SMOOTH TEST',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno, frame_attr=8) smooth_selections = array_concat_wrapper(smooth_selection,smooth_selections) endif else begin if smooth_count ge n_elements(smooth_selections) then begin spd_ui_message, "ERROR:Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error", sb=sbar, hw=hwin smooth_selection = "yestoall" endif else begin smooth_selection = smooth_selections[smooth_count] endelse endelse endif smooth_count++ Endif If (av_dt le dp_pars.dt[0] || (smooth_selection ne 'notoall' && smooth_selection ne 'no')) Then Begin dt = dp_pars.dt[0] _extra = {forward:dp_pars.dttype[1], $ backward:dp_pars.dttype[2], $ no_time_interp:dp_pars.opts[0], $ true_t_integration:dp_pars.opts[1], $ smooth_nans:dp_pars.opts[2]} if dp_pars.setICad then str_element, _extra, 'interp_resolution', dp_pars.icad, /add_replace If(dt Lt 1.0) Then dtchar = strcompress(/remove_all, dt) $ Else dtchar = strcompress(/remove_all, fix(dt)) tsmooth_in_time, input, dt, newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, _extra=_extra, $ interactive_varname=input,/interactive_warning,warning_result=warning_result if n_elements(warning_result) gt 0 && warning_result eq 1 then begin nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) endif Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message,'Smooth process for: '+input+' cancelled.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later Endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Unable to smooth '+input+' not enough elements in time range.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b endelse End ;block average ;------------------ 'blkavg': Begin ;need another sanity test get_data, input, t ;test trange here if dp_pars.limit Eq 1 then begin oktimes = where(t Gt dp_pars.trange[0] And t Le dp_pars.trange[1], noktimes) endif else noktimes = n_elements(t) if noktimes gt 1 then begin ; operation not valid on single time element av_dt = median(t[1:*]-t) If(av_dt Gt dp_pars.dt) then begin if blkavg_selection ne 'yestoall' && blkavg_selection ne 'notoall' Then Begin blkavg_selection='' if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin lbl = ['Note that the median value of the time resolution for '+input+' is:'+strcompress(string(av_dt))+' sec.', $ 'The value that you have chosen for the averaging time resolution is smaller: '+$ strcompress(string(dp_pars.dt))+' sec.', $ 'This will have non-intuitive and possibly non-plottable results. Do you want to continue?'] blkavg_selection = spd_ui_prompt_widget(gui_id,sbar,hwin,prompt=strjoin(lbl,ssl_newline()),title='SPEDAS GUI BLK_AVG TEST',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno, frame_attr=8) blkavg_selections = array_concat_wrapper(blkavg_selection,blkavg_selections) endif else begin if blkavg_count ge n_elements(blkavg_selections) then begin spd_ui_message, "ERROR:Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error", sb=sbar, hw=hwin blkavg_selection = "yestoall" endif else begin blkavg_selection = blkavg_selections[blkavg_count] endelse endelse endif blkavg_count++ Endif If (av_dt le dp_pars.dt || (blkavg_selection ne 'notoall' && blkavg_selection ne 'no')) Then Begin dt = dp_pars.dt[0] avg_data, input, dt, newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ _extra = {trange:( dp_pars.limit ? dp_pars.trange:0b)} nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message,'Block Average process for: '+input+' cancelled.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later Endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Unable to block average '+input+' not enough elements in time range.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b endelse End ;clip y axis ;------------------ 'clip': Begin tclip, input, dp_pars.minc[0], dp_pars.maxc[0], newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ _extra = {clip_adjacent: dp_pars.opts[0], $ flag: (dp_pars.opts[1] ? dp_pars.flag:0b)} nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) End ;deflat / remove flags ;------------------ 'deflag': Begin tdeflag, input, (dp_pars.method[0] ? 'repeat':'linear'), $ newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ _extra = {flag: (dp_pars.opts[0] ? dp_pars.flag:0b), $ maxgap: (dp_pars.opts[1] ? dp_pars.maxgap:0b)} nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) End ;degap / remove time gaps ;------------------ 'degap': Begin ;need another sanity test get_data, input, t if n_elements(t) gt 1 then begin ; operation not valid on single time element dt = t[1:*]-t[0:n_elements(t)-2] av_dt = median(dt) max_dt = max(dt) ;filter variables who no dt larger than threshold+margin (seems to be how xdegap works) if (dp_pars.dt[0] + dp_pars.margin[0]) gt max_dt then begin spd_ui_message,'No gaps below threshold in '+input+'.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later break endif If(av_dt Gt dp_pars.dt) then begin if degap_selection ne 'yestoall' && degap_selection ne 'notoall' Then Begin degap_selection='' if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin lbl = ['Note that the median value of the time resolution for '+input+' is:'+strcompress(string(av_dt))+' sec.', $ 'The value that you have chosen for the degap time resolution is smaller: '+$ strcompress(string(dp_pars.dt))+' sec.', $ 'This will have non-intuitive and possibly non-plottable results. Do you want to continue?'] degap_selection = spd_ui_prompt_widget(gui_id,sbar,hwin,prompt=strjoin(lbl,ssl_newline()),title='SPEDAS GUI DEGAP TEST',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno, frame_attr=8) degap_selections = array_concat_wrapper(degap_selection,degap_selections) endif else begin if degap_count ge n_elements(degap_selections) then begin spd_ui_message, "ERROR:Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error", sb=sbar, hw=hwin degap_selection = "yestoall" endif else begin degap_selection = degap_selections[degap_count] endelse endelse endif degap_count++ Endif If (av_dt le dp_pars.dt || (degap_selection ne 'notoall' && degap_selection ne 'no')) Then Begin if dp_pars.opts[0] then str_element,_extra,'flag',dp_pars.flag, /add_replace if dp_pars.opts[1] then str_element,_extra,'maxgap',dp_pars.maxgap, /add_replace tdegap, input, dt = dp_pars.dt[0], $ margin = dp_pars.margin[0], $ ;maxgap = dp_pars.maxgap[0], $ newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], $ display_object=display_object, $ _extra = _extra nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message,'Degap process for: '+input+' cancelled.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later Endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Unable to process '+input+' not enough elements', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b endelse End ;wavelet transform ;------------------ 'wave': Begin get_data, input, t sstx = where(t Ge dp_pars.trange[0] And $ t Lt dp_pars.trange[1], nsstx) If(nsstx Gt 0) Then Begin spd_ui_message,'Processing Wavelet for: '+input, sb=sbar, hw=hwin ;Here just increase maxpoints to be larger than nsstx, the memory ;check should do enough so that the user knows when he has memory ;issues, jmm 2015-01-20 spd_ui_wavelet, input, nn, dp_pars.trange, $ maxpoints=nsstx+16, $ temp_names = temp_names, $ display_object=display_object, prange=dp_pars.prange if is_string(temp_names) then begin store_data, temp_names, /delete endif options, nn, spec=1, /default Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message, 'Wavelet process for: '+input+' cancelled.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later Endelse End ;high pass filter ;------------------ 'hpfilt': Begin get_data, input, t noktimes = n_elements(t) if noktimes gt 1 then begin ; operation not valid on single time element av_dt = median(t[1:*]-t) If(av_dt Gt dp_pars.dt) then begin if hpf_selection ne 'yestoall' && hpf_selection ne 'notoall' Then Begin hpf_selection='' if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin lbl = ['Note that the median value of the time resolution for '+input+' is:'+strcompress(string(av_dt))+' sec.', $ 'The value that you have chosen for the averaging time resolution is smaller: '+$ strcompress(string(dp_pars.dt))+' sec.', $ 'This will have non-intuitive and possibly non-plottable results. Do you want to continue?'] hpf_selection = spd_ui_prompt_widget(gui_id,sbar,hwin,prompt=strjoin(lbl,ssl_newline()),title='SPEDAS GUI HPFILTER TEST',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno, frame_attr=8) hpf_selections = array_concat_wrapper(hpf_selection,hpf_selections) endif else begin if hpf_count ge n_elements(hpf_selections) then begin spd_ui_message, "ERROR:Discrepancy in spedas document, may have lead to a document load error", sb=sbar, hw=hwin hpf_selection = "yestoall" endif else begin hpf_selection = hpf_selections[hpf_count] endelse endelse endif hpf_count++ Endif If (av_dt le dp_pars.dt[0] || (hpf_selection ne 'notoall' && hpf_selection ne 'no')) Then Begin dt = dp_pars.dt[0] thigh_pass_filter, input, dt, newname = input+dp_pars.suffix[0], display_object=display_object, $ /interactive_warning,warning_result=warning_result, $ _extra = {interp_resolution: (dp_pars.seticad ? dp_pars.icad:0b)} if n_elements(warning_result) gt 0 && warning_result eq 0 then break nn = tnames(input+dp_pars.suffix) Endif Else Begin spd_ui_message,'High Pass Filter process for: '+input+' cancelled.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b ;prevent variable from being added later Endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Unable to High Pass filter '+input+' not enough elements in time range.', sb=sbar, hw=hwin canceled = 1b endelse End else: Endcase ; ------------- end of requested task -------------- ;Add output from processing routine to the GUI ;------------------------------------------------ if is_string(nn) and ~canceled Then Begin for k = 0, n_elements(nn)-1 do begin spd_ui_check_overwrite_data,nn[k],self,gui_id,sbar,hwin,overwrite_selection,overwrite_count,$ replay=replay,overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections if strmid(overwrite_selection, 0, 2) eq 'no' then continue ;add tplot variable to the gui ; -this should properly capture metadata, if not then then it should be fixed elsewhere rather than kludged here add_success = self->add(nn[k]) msg = add_success ? 'Added variable: ' : 'Failed to add variable: ' spd_ui_message, msg+nn[k], sb=sbar, hw=hwin if ~add_success then continue ;add output variables to list of valid outputs names_out = array_concat(nn[k],names_out) ;add support variables to list of valid support vars (excluded from deletion later) if is_string(sn) then begin support_names = array_concat(sn, support_names) endif endfor endif else begin ;notify user if no valid output was found spd_ui_message, strjoin(input,', ')+' not processed', sb=sbar, hw=hwin skipped = 1b endelse if canceled or skipped then oops = 1b ; set flag to notify user later if double(!version.release) lt 8.0d then heap_gc ;clean-up memory Endfor ; --------- end of loop over active data ---------- ;if output names exist then at least one opperation was successful success = is_string(names_out) ;set any output as the new active data if success && ~keyword_set(no_setactive) then begin self->clearallactive for j = 0, n_elements(names_out)-1 do begin self->setactive, names_out[j] endfor endif ;add this call to the call sequence if success && ~keyword_set(replay) then begin callSequence->addDprocOp,dp_task,in_vars,params=dp_pars,overwrite_selections,degap_selections,blkavg_selections endif ;dump any tplot variables that were not previously present ; -exclude explicitly designated support dat from plugins spd_ui_cleanup_tplot, tnames_in, del_vars=new_names if is_string(support_names) then begin new_names = ssl_set_complement(support_names, new_names) endif store_data, new_names, /delete ;notify user if any quantities were excluded (this should be the last output message) if keyword_set(oops) then begin spd_ui_message, 'Finished. Some quantities were not processed. '+ $ '(Scroll back in status bar or check history window for details)', $ sb=sbar, hw=hwin endif return, success End