;+ ;NAME: ;spd_ui_history ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget to display the all messages generated during this session ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-13 08:15:04 -0700 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18090 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_history__define.pro $ ;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_history__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; This is a history window object used to display textual information for the user ; (such as a status bar for current states, message bar, or informational bar) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; To Create: myHistory = Obj_New("SPD_UI_HISTORY") ; To Use: myHistory->Update, 'This is a test' ; Or: result = myHistory->GetState() ; ;INPUT: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; name: optional name ; state: set this to one to display ; value: text to be displayed in the bar ; xSize: size of bar in x direction ; ySize: size of bar in y direction ; debug: set this value to one for debugging ; ;OUTPUT: ; message bar object reference ; ;METHODS: ; Draw creates/displays the bar (automatically called by INIT) ; Delete removes bar from display (object persists) ; Update updates bar with new message ; SetProperty procedure to set keywords ; GetProperty procedure to get keywords ; GetState returns the current state of the bar (on/off) (this is a function) ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-13 08:15:04 -0700 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18090 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_history__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_history_event, event Compile_Opt hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF(err_xxx Ne 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO Print, err_msg[j] Print, 'Error in History Window' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF Size(event, /Type) EQ 0 OR (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN Exit_Sequence: ; dprint, 'Widget Killed' state.self->Delete ; Widget_Control, state.menuID, Set_Button=0 ; Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ; Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF ;which widget? Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval IF Size(uval, /Type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN CASE uval OF 'CLOSE': BEGIN ; dprint, 'History window canceled' state.self->Delete ; Widget_Control, state.menuID, Set_Button=0 ; Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ; Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'SAVE': begin state.self->Update, 'Saving history file' state.self->save,append=0 end ELSE: ;dprint, '' ENDCASE ENDIF Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_history::Save , filename=filename,append=append xt = time_string(systime(/sec)) ttt = strmid(xt, 0, 4)+strmid(xt, 5, 2)+strmid(xt, 8, 2)+'_'+strmid(xt,11,2)+strmid(xt,14,2)+strmid(xt,17,2) historyFile = 'spd_gui_history_'+ttt+'.txt' if size(filename,/type) ne 7 then begin ;fileName = dialog_pickfile(title = 'SPEDAS GUI History Filename', filter = '*.txt', file = historyFile, /Write) fileName = spd_ui_dialog_pickfile_save_wrapper(title = 'SPEDAS GUI History Filename', filter = '*.txt', file = historyFile, /Write,/overwrite_prompt) endif If is_string(fileName) Then Begin self->GetProperty, Messages=messages IF Ptr_Valid(messages) THEN BEGIN msgArray=*messages writeMessages=msgArray.message IF N_Elements(writeMessages) GT 0 THEN BEGIN openw, unit, fileName, /get_lun, error=err ; openw, unit, fileName, /get_lun, append,error=err if err ne 0 then begin self->update,!error_state.msg,/dontshow,/nosave self->SetProperty,lastSaveSuccess= 0 endif else begin if n_elements(writemessages) gt 0 then begin FOR i=0,N_Elements(writeMessages)-1 DO printf, unit, writeMessages[i] endif printf, unit, 'End of History Window Messages' printf, unit, '------------------------------' self->SetProperty,/lastSaveSuccess free_lun, temporary(unit) endelse ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dummy = dialog_message('There are no messages to write', /INFORMATION, /ERROR) ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dummy = dialog_message('There are no messages to write', /INFORMATION, /ERROR) ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; dummy = dialog_message('Invalid file name entered', /INFORMATION, /ERROR) ENDELSE end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY::Draw ; check that the window is not already displayed IF self.id EQ 0 or self.state EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; create the base, text and button widgets tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='SPEDAS: History Window', Group_Leader=self.mainID, /tlb_kill_request_events, /float) msgs=*self.messages indices=Where(msgs.dontShow EQ 0) IF indices[0] EQ -1 THEN msgs1=[''] ELSE msgs1=msgs[indices].message historyText = Widget_Text(tlb, UValue='HISTORY', Value=msgs1, XSize = 80, YSize = 40, /Scroll, Frame = 3) buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) saveButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Save ', Uvalue='SAVE') closeButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Close ', Uvalue='CLOSE') ; set the id's self.id = tlb self.textID = historyText self.state = 1 ; display the window state = {tlb:tlb, menuID:self.menuID, messages:self.messages, self:self} Widget_control, tlb, set_uval=state, /no_copy Widget_control, tlb, /Realize XManager, 'spd_ui_history', tlb, /No_Block ENDIF RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY::Delete IF self.id NE 0 THEN BEGIN self->getProperty,id=id self->getProperty,menuID=menuID Widget_Control, menuID, Set_Button=0 Widget_Control, ID, /Destroy self.state = 0 self.textID = 0 self.id = 0 ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY::Update, message_in, DontShow=dontShow,nosave=nosave if ~undefined(message_in) then message = message_in if ~keyword_set(nosave) then nosave=0 IF Is_String(message)&& N_Elements(message) GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF N_Elements(dontShow) EQ 0 THEN dontShow=0 ELSE dontShow=1 currentTime = time_string(systime(/seconds),/local_time) message = '('+currentTime+') ' + message messageStruc={message:'', dontShow:0} messageArray = *self.messages numOld=N_Elements(messageArray) numNew=N_Elements(message) newArray=replicate(messageStruc, numOld+numNew) FOR i=0,NumOld-1 DO BEGIN newArray[i].message=messageArray[i].message newArray[i].dontShow=messageArray[i].dontShow ENDFOR FOR i=NumOld,(NumOld+NumNew)-1 DO BEGIN newArray[i].message=message[i-NumOld] newArray[i].dontShow=dontShow ENDFOR Ptr_Free, self.messages self.messages = Ptr_New(newArray) ENDIF msgs=*self.messages indices=Where(msgs.dontShow EQ 0) IF self.state NE 0 && N_Elements(indices) GT 0 THEN WIDGET_CONTROL, self.textID, SET_VALUE=msgs[indices].message if ~nosave then begin if n_elements(*self.messages) eq 2 then append=0 else append=1 ;If this is the first update since intialization, then make a new file, else append. self->save,filename=self.running_history_dir+'/spd_gui_running_history.txt',append=append endif END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_HISTORY::GetState RETURN, self.state END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_HISTORY::ReadJournalFile if logical_true(!journal) then begin running_history_dir = self.running_history_dir journalFile = running_history_dir+'/spd_ui_idlsave.pro' if file_test(journalfile,/read) then begin journal messages=['************ Journal File ************'] openr, unit, journalFile,/get_lun message='' WHILE ~eof(unit) DO BEGIN readf, unit, message,format='(A)' messages = [messages, message] ENDWHILE Free_Lun, unit journal,journalfile for i=0,n_elements(messages)-1 do journal,messages[i] endif else messages=-1 endif else messages=-1 RETURN, Messages END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY::SetProperty, $ ; The property set method for the object XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize, $ ; size of bar in y direction lastSaveSuccess=lastSaveSuccess, $ ; Flag indicating whether last save was successful Draw=draw ; set this to one to redisplay Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(1)) RETURN ENDIF ; Check for undefined variables. IF N_Elements(xsize) NE 0 THEN self.xsize = xsize IF N_Elements(ysize) NE 0 THEN self.ysize = ysize IF N_Elements(lastSaveSuccess) NE 0 THEN self.lastSaveSuccess= lastSaveSuccess IF Keyword_Set(draw) THEN BEGIN self->Destroy self->Draw ENDIF END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY::GetProperty, $ ID=id, $ ; widget id of history window menuID=menuid, $ ; id of pull down check menu button mainID=mainid, $ ; id of main gui window textID=textid, $ ; id of text widget State=state, $ ; flag to indicate whether bar is diplayed Messages=messages, $ ; initial message to display running_history_dir=running_history_dir, $ ; Path for running history file lastSaveSuccess=lastSaveSuccess, $ ; Flag indicating whether last save was successful XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize ; size of bar in y direction Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(1)) RETURN ENDIF ; return only what's requested IF Arg_Present(id) THEN id = self.id IF Arg_Present(menuid) THEN menuid = self.menuID IF Arg_Present(mainid) THEN mainid = self.mainID IF Arg_Present(textid) THEN textid = self.textID IF Arg_Present(state) THEN state = self.state IF Arg_Present(messages) THEN messages = self.messages IF Arg_Present(running_history_dir) THEN running_history_dir = self.running_history_dir IF Arg_Present(lastSaveSuccess) THEN lastSaveSuccess = self.lastSaveSuccess IF Arg_Present(xsize) THEN xsize = self.xSize IF Arg_Present(ysize) THEN ysize = self.ySize END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;should be called before history object is destroyed ;Originally, this code was part of the cleanup method, ;but IDL heap_gc calls cleanup methods over-often pro spd_ui_history::saveHistoryFile if ~ptr_valid(self.messages) then begin result = dialog_message("Unexpected invalid pointer found in history object",/center) endif if n_elements(*self.messages) eq 2 then append=0 else append=1 ;If this is the first update since intialization, then make a new file, else append. self->save,filename=self.running_history_dir+'/spd_gui_running_history.txt',append=append while ~self.lastSaveSuccess do begin result = dialog_message("The running history file has unsaved entries, and may be open in another application. "+ $ "Please close the file 'SPD_GUI_RUNNING_HISTORY.TXT in any other applications, and click 'OK'. "+ $ "You may also click 'Cancel' to close without saving the running history", /Cancel) if result eq 'OK' then begin if n_elements(*self.messages) eq 2 then append=0 else append=1 ;If this is the first update since intialization, then make a new file, else append. self->save,filename=self.running_history_dir+'/spd_gui_running_history.txt',append=append endif else break endwhile end pro SPD_UI_HISTORY::Cleanup ptr_free, self.messages end FUNCTION SPD_UI_HISTORY::Init, $ ; The INIT method of the bar object. menuID, $ ; id of checked menu button, required mainID, $ ; id of the main gui window State=state, $ ; flag to indicate whether bar is diplayed Message=message, $ ; initial message to display running_history_dir=running_history_dir, $ ; Path for running history file lastSaveSuccess=lastSaveSuccess, $ ; Flag indicating whether last save was successful XSize=xsize, $ ; size of bar in x direction YSize=ysize, $ ; size of bar in y direction Debug=debug Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(debug)) RETURN, 0 ENDIF messageStructure = {message:'', dontShow:0} ; Check that all parameters have values IF NOT Is_Numeric(menuID) THEN RETURN, 0 IF NOT Is_Numeric(mainID) THEN RETURN, 0 IF N_Elements(state) EQ 0 THEN state = 0 IF N_Elements(xsize) EQ 0 THEN xsize = 80 IF N_Elements(ysize) EQ 0 THEN ysize = 40 IF N_Elements(message) EQ 0 THEN message='Initializing History Window' if n_elements(running_history_dir) eq 0 then cd,current=running_history_dir if n_elements(lastSaveSuccess) eq 0 then lastSaveSuccess = 1b messageArray=replicate(messageStructure, 1) messageArray[0].message=message messageArray[0].dontShow=0 ; Set all parameters self.menuID = menuID self.mainID = mainID self.id = 0 self.state = state self.messages = Ptr_New(messageArray) ;dprint, ptr_valid(self.messages) self.running_history_dir = running_history_dir self.lastSaveSuccess = byte(lastSaveSuccess) self.xsize = xsize self.ysize = ysize ; If state is on then display the window IF self.state EQ 1 THEN self->Draw RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_HISTORY__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_HISTORY, $ id: 0L, $ ; widget id for the panel menuID: 0L, $ ; id for the pull down menu check box textID: 0L, $ ; id for the text widget mainID: 0L, $ ; id for the main gui window state: 0, $ ; on/off flag (for display) messages: Ptr_New(), $ ; text to be displayed in the bar running_history_dir: '', $ ; Path for running history file lastSaveSuccess:1b, $ ; Flag indicating whether last save was successful xSize: 0, $ ; size of window in x direction ySize: 0 $ ; size of window in y direction } END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------