;+ ; NAME: ; spd_ui_fieldmodels_settings__define ; ; PURPOSE: ; Settings object for the field models panel ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; fieldmodels = obj_new('SPD_UI_FIELDMODELS_SETTINGS') ; ; INPUT: ; none ; ; KEYWORDS: ; pos_tvar: variable containing position data, in km ; imf_by_tvar: variable containing IMF By data, in nT ; imf_bz_tvar: variable containing IMF Bz data, in nT ; sw_density_tvar: variable containing solar wind proton density, in #/cc ; sw_speed_tvar: variable containing solar wind proton speed, in km/s ; dst_tvar: variable containing Dst (or Sym-H) data, in nT ; w_coeff_tvar: variable containing W coefficients for the TS04 model ; g_coeff_tvar: variable containing G coefficients for the T01 model ; t89_kp: iopt for the Kp index, for the T89 model ; t89_set_tilt: user supplied tilt angle for the T89 model ; t89_add_tilt: user supplied angle to add to the model tilt angle for T89 ; output_options: models to run - [model at position, equatorial footprint, ionospheric footprint] ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_fieldmodels_settings__define.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_fieldmodels_settings::init, $ pos_tvar=pos_tvar, $ imf_by_tvar=imf_by_tvar, $ imf_bz_tvar=imf_bz_tvar, $ sw_density_tvar=sw_density_tvar, $ sw_speed_tvar=sw_speed_tvar, $ dst_tvar=dst_tvar, $ w_coeff_tvar=w_coeff_tvar, $ g_coeff_tvar=g_coeff_tvar, $ output_options=output_options, $ t89_kp=t89_kp, $ t89_set_tilt=t89_set_tilt, $ t01_storm=t01_storm, $ t89_add_tilt=t89_add_tilt if undefined(pos_tvar) then pos_tvar = '' if undefined(imf_by_tvar) then imf_by_tvar = '' if undefined(imf_bz_tvar) then imf_bz_tvar = '' if undefined(sw_density_tvar) then sw_density_tvar = '' if undefined(sw_speed_tvar) then sw_speed_tvar = '' if undefined(dst_tvar) then dst_tvar = '' if undefined(w_coeff_tvar) then w_coeff_tvar = '' if undefined(g_coeff_tvar) then g_coeff_tvar = '' if undefined(output_options) then output_options = [1,0,0] ; initialize with only model at position if undefined(t89_kp) then t89_kp = 2 if undefined(t89_set_tilt) then t89_set_tilt = '' if undefined(t89_add_tilt) then t89_add_tilt = '' if undefined(t01_storm) then t01_storm = 0 self.pos_tvar = pos_tvar self.imf_by_tvar = imf_by_tvar self.imf_bz_tvar = imf_bz_tvar self.sw_density_tvar = sw_density_tvar self.sw_speed_tvar = sw_speed_tvar self.dst_tvar = dst_tvar self.w_coeff_tvar = w_coeff_tvar self.g_coeff_tvar = g_coeff_tvar self.t89_kp = t89_kp self.t89_set_tilt = t89_set_tilt self.t89_add_tilt = t89_add_tilt self.t01_storm = t01_storm self.output_options = output_options return, 1 end pro spd_ui_fieldmodels_settings__define ; field models settings state = {SPD_UI_FIELDMODELS_SETTINGS, $ pos_tvar: '', $ imf_by_tvar: '', $ imf_bz_tvar: '', $ sw_density_tvar: '', $ sw_speed_tvar: '', $ dst_tvar: '', $ w_coeff_tvar: '', $ g_coeff_tvar: '', $ output_options: [1,0,0], $ t89_kp: 2, $ t89_set_tilt: '', $ t89_add_tilt: '', $ t01_storm: 0, $ inherits spd_ui_getset $ } end