;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_data_group ; ; ;Purpose: ; This object represents a group of data objects, as a means of ; simplifying the logic of the loaded data object ; ;METHODS: ; addDataObject: This method takes a dataObject, extracts the name & active flag ; Then passes those into the add method ; ; add: This is the generic add method, takes a name, an object, and an optional active ; flag ; ; remove: This method removes an object with a particular name from the data structure ; It returns 1 on success and 0 upon failure. Optional keyword nodelete, stops ; data from being deleted when data Object removed. ; ; removeall: this method removes all objects from the group. ; It returns 1 on success and 0 upon failure. Optional keyword nodelete, stops ; data from being deleted when data Object removed. ; ; hasChild: this method determines if the group has a child with a particular name ; returns 1 for yes and 0 for no ; ; hasActive: this method returns 1 if the group has an active object with a ; particular name and 0 otherwise ; ; setActive: this method sets an object with a particular name to active ; If the name provided is the groupname, the whole group will ; become active ; ; clearActive: this method will deactivate the object with the provided name ; If the name provided is the groupname, the whole group will ; become inactive ; ; clearAllActive: this method will deactive the group and all its members ; ; getActiveChildren: this method returns the names of all active members or 0 if there ; are no active members(or no members at all) ; ; getChildren: this method returns the names of all members ; ; getTimeObject: this method returns the timeobject in the group ; ; getDataObjects: this method returns the dataobjects in the group ; ; getObject: this method returns an object with a particular name or 0 if it ; is not stored in this object ; ; getObjects: this method returns all objects stored in the group or 0 if ; it contains no objects ; ; getActive: this method returns the active flag for the group ; ; getName: this method returns the group name ; ; setName: this method sets the group name ; ; getDataNames: returns the names of children BUT time ; ; setTimeName: set the name of the time object in this group ; ; getTimeName: get the name of the time object in this group ; ; setYaxisName: set the name of the yaxis group for this group ; ; getYaxisName: get the name of the yaxis group for this group ; ; setIndepName:set the name of the independent variable data name for this group ; ; getIndepName: get the name of the independent variable data name for this group ; ; getSize: this method returns the number of objects stored in the group ; ; getTimeRange: this method returns the start and stop time strings the ; time object of this group ; ; init: has two optional keywords. name,active ; ; NOTES: As the data_group object is part of loaded data and data management, ; destroying this object or removing from this object will result in ; the contained objects being destroyed and their memory being freed ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-05-13 11:23:24 -0700 (Mon, 13 May 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 27229 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_data_group__define.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_data_group::addDataObject,object compile_opt idl2 name = object->getname() active = object->getactive() self->add,name,object,active=isActive end pro spd_ui_data_group::add,name,object,active=active compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(active) then active = 0 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then begin oarr = objarr(1) oarr[0] = object narr = strarr(1) narr[0] = name aarr = bytarr(1) aarr[0] = active self.size = 1 endif else begin oarr = *self.dataObjs narr = *self.dataNames aarr = *self.dataActive ptr_free,self.dataObjs,self.dataNames,self.dataActive oarr = [oarr,object] narr = [narr,name] aarr = [aarr,active] self.size+=1 endelse self.dataObjs = ptr_new(oarr) self.dataNames = ptr_new(narr) self.dataActive = ptr_new(aarr) end function spd_ui_data_group::remove,name,nodelete=nodelete compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then return,0 if ~self->hasChild(name) then return,0 names = *self.dataNames actives = *self.dataActive objs = *self.dataObjs ptr_free,self.dataNames,self.dataActive,self.dataObjs idx = where(names eq name,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 for i = 0,n_elements(idx)-1 do begin obj = objs[idx[i]] if ~keyword_set(nodelete) then begin obj->getProperty,dataPtr=dataPtr,limitPtr=limitPtr,dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr ptr_free,dataPtr,limitPtr,dlimitPtr obj_destroy,obj endif endfor idx = where(names ne name,c) if c eq 0 then begin self.size = 0 endif else begin names = names[idx] actives = actives[idx] objs = objs[idx] self.dataNames = ptr_new(names) self.dataActive = ptr_new(actives) self.dataObjs = ptr_new(objs) self.size = n_elements(names) endelse return,1 end function spd_ui_data_group::removeAll,nodelete=nodelete compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then return,0 data = *self.dataObjs ptr_free,self.dataNames,self.dataActive,self.dataObjs if ~keyword_set(nodelete) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(data)-1 do begin ptr = data[i]->getDataPtr() ptr_free,ptr endfor endif obj_destroy,data end function spd_ui_data_group::hasChild,name compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataNames) then return,0 children = *self.dataNames return,in_set(name,children) end function spd_ui_data_group::hasActive,name compile_opt idl2 active = self->getActiveChildren() if active[0] ne -1 then $ return,in_set(name,active) $ else $ return,0 end pro spd_ui_data_group::setActive,name,clear=clear compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(clear) then val = 0 else val = 1 if name eq self.name then begin self.active = val return endif if ~ptr_valid(self.dataNames) || ~ptr_valid(self.dataActive) then return names = *self.dataNames actives = *self.dataactive idx = where(name eq names,c) if c ne 0 then actives[idx] = val ptr_free,self.dataactive self.dataactive=ptr_new(actives) end pro spd_ui_data_group::clearActive,name compile_opt idl2 self->setActive,name,/clear end pro spd_ui_data_group::clearAllActive compile_opt idl2 self.active = 0 if ptr_valid(self.dataActive) then begin (*self.dataActive)[*] = 0 endif end function spd_ui_data_group::getActiveChildren compile_opt idl2 if self.active then return,self->getChildren() if ptr_valid(self.dataNames) && ptr_valid(self.dataActive) then begin children = *self.dataNames active = *self.dataActive idx = where(active eq 1,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 return,children[idx] endif return,0 end function spd_ui_data_group::getChildren compile_opt idl2 if ptr_valid(self.dataNames) then $ return,[*self.dataNames] $ else $ return, 0 end function spd_ui_data_group::getTimeObject compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.dataNames) then return,0 idx = where(*self.dataNames eq self.timename,c) if c eq 0 || c gt 1 then return,0 return,(*self.dataObjs)[idx] end function spd_ui_data_group::getDataObjects compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.dataNames) then return,0 idx = where(*self.dataNames ne self.timename,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 return,(*self.dataObjs)[idx] end function spd_ui_data_group::getObject,name compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then return,0 names = *self.dataNames idx = where(names eq name,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 return,(*self.dataObjs)[idx] end function spd_ui_data_group::getAllObjects compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then $ return,0 $ else $ return,*self.dataObjs end function spd_ui_data_group::getActive compile_opt idl2 return,self.active end function spd_ui_data_group::getName compile_opt idl2 return,self.name end pro spd_ui_data_group::setName,name compile_opt idl2 self.name = name end function spd_ui_data_group::getDataNames children = self->getChildren() timeName = self->getTimeName() idx = where(children ne timeName,c) if c eq 0 then begin return,[''] endif else begin return,children[idx] endelse end pro spd_ui_data_group::setDataNames,names if ptr_valid(self.dataNames) && n_elements(*self.dataNames) eq n_elements(names) then begin *self.dataNames = names endif end pro spd_ui_data_group::setTimeName,name compile_opt idl2 self.timename = name if ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then begin dataObjs = *self.dataObjs for i = 0,n_elements(dataObjs)-1 do begin dataObjs[i]->setProperty,timeName=name endfor endif end function spd_ui_data_Group::getTimeName compile_opt idl2 return,self.timename end pro spd_ui_data_Group::setCadence,cadence compile_opt idl2 self.cadence = cadence end function spd_ui_data_Group::getCadence compile_opt idl2 return,self.cadence end function spd_ui_data_group::getYAxisParent compile_opt idl2 return,self.yaxisparent end pro spd_ui_data_group::setYAxisParent,name compile_opt idl2 self.yaxisparent=name end function spd_ui_data_group::getYaxisName compile_opt idl2 return,self.yaxisName end pro spd_ui_data_group::setYAxisName,name compile_opt idl2 self.yaxisname = name if ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then begin dataObjs = *self.dataObjs for i = 0,n_elements(dataObjs)-1 do begin dataObjs[i]->setProperty,yaxisName=name endfor endif end pro spd_ui_data_group::setisYaxis self.isyaxis = 1 end pro spd_ui_data_group::setnotYaxis self.isyaxis = 0 end function spd_ui_data_group::getIsYaxis return,self.isyaxis end function spd_ui_data_group::getIndepName compile_opt idl2 return,self.indepName end pro spd_ui_data_group::setIndepName,name compile_opt idl2 self.indepname = name if ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then begin dataObjs = *self.dataObjs for i = 0,n_elements(dataObjs)-1 do begin dataObjs[i]->setProperty,indepName=name endfor endif end function spd_ui_data_group::getSize compile_opt idl2 return,self.size end function spd_ui_data_group::getNdims compile_opt idl2 return,self.ndims end function spd_ui_data_group::getDim1 tm = self->getTimeObject() if ~obj_valid(tm) then return,0 tm->getProperty,dataPtr=dp if ~ptr_valid(dp) then return,0 return,n_elements(*dp) end function spd_ui_data_group::getTimeRange if ~keyword_set(self.timeName) then return,0 timeObj = self->getObject(self.timeName) tr = timeObj[0]->getRange() if n_elements(tr) eq 1 then return,0 return,time_string(tr, /msec) end function spd_ui_data_group::init,name=name,active=active compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(name) then self.name = name if keyword_set(active) then self.active=active self.nDims = 2 return,1 end pro spd_ui_data_Group::cleanup compile_opt idl2 if ptr_valid(self.dataObjs) then obj_destroy,*self.dataObjs ptr_free,self.dataNames,self.dataActive,self.dataObjs end pro spd_ui_data_group__define struct = { SPD_UI_DATA_GROUP, $ dataNames: ptr_new(),$ dataActive: ptr_new(),$ dataObjs: ptr_new(),$ active:0, $ name:'', $ timeName:'',$ cadence:0.,$ yAxisName:'',$ yAxisParent:'',$ indepName:'',$ size:0, $ ndims:2, $ isYaxis:0 $ } end