;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_data__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; This is a data object that contains names ids (self, group, and parent) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; To Create: myDataObj = Obj_New("SPD_UI_DATA") ; To Use: data = myDataObj->GetData() ; ;OUTPUT: ; reference to a data object ; ;ATTRIBUTES: ; name name of data ; timeName name of the time component of this data ; dataPtr ptr to the data component of this data ; yaxisName name of the yaxis component of this data ; indepName name of variable to use on indep axis instead of time ; limitPtr ptr to the limit struct from the tplot variable that ; it originated ; dlimitPtr ptr to the dlimit struct from the tplot variable that ; it originated ; id unique identifier for this data object ; groupName group name ; fileName data file name ; isTime this boolean indicates whether a data object represents time ; isSpect flag set when data is spectrographic ; mission the mission the data is for ; observatory spacecraft or groundstation of the data ; coordSys coordinate system of the data, if applicable ; instrument instrument of the data ; units the units for this data qunatity ; yaxisunits the units of the yaxis for this quantity(not important internally, but when we are passing around metadata during a tplot operation, it becomes more important) ; yaxisunits is stored but does not appear to be used anywhere (af, 2015-05-08) ; suffix the suffix of the quantity(if applicable) ; settings object representing the default data settings ; ;OUTPUT: ; data object ; ;METHODS: ; getName ; getDataPtr ; getRange ; Copy ; SetProperty ; GetProperty ; GetAll ; ;NOTES: ; Methods: GetProperty,SetProperty,GetAll,SetAll are now managed automatically using the parent class ; spd_ui_getset. You can still call these methods when using objects of type spd_ui_data, and ; call them in the same way as before ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-10 15:11:14 -0700 (Fri, 10 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18081 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_data__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function spd_ui_data::getName return,self.name end function spd_ui_data::getDataPtr return,self.dataPtr end function spd_ui_data::getRange compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.dataPtr) then return,0 return,[(*self.dataPtr)[0],(*self.dataPtr)[n_elements(*self.dataPtr)-1]] end function spd_ui_data::getGroupName return,self.groupname end ;takes a data object and updates its dlimits structure. pro spd_ui_data::updateDlimits compile_opt idl2 if ptr_valid(self.dlimitptr) then BEGIN dlimit = *self.dlimitptr if self.isSpect then begin str_element,dlimit,'spec',1,/add_replace endif else begin str_element,dlimit,'spec',0,/add_replace endelse endif else begin dlimit = {spec:self.isSpect} endelse if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dlimit))) && is_struct(dlimit.data_att) then begin data_att = dlimit.data_att str_element,data_att,'project',self.mission,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'observatory',self.observatory,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'instrument',self.instrument,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'filename',self.filename,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'coord_sys',self.coordSys,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'units',self.units,/add_replace str_element,data_att,'st_type',self.st_type,/add_replace endif else begin data_att = {project:self.mission,$ observatory:self.observatory,$ instrument:self.instrument,$ filename:self.filename,$ coord_sys:self.coordSys,$ st_type:self.st_type,$ units:self.units} endelse str_element,dlimit,'data_att',data_att,/add_replace if ptr_valid(self.dlimitptr) then begin *self.dlimitptr = dlimit endif else begin self.dlimitptr = ptr_new(dlimit) endelse end pro spd_ui_data::updateLabels,oldname,newname if obj_valid(self.settings) then begin self.settings->updatelabels,oldname,newname endif end FUNCTION SPD_UI_DATA::Copy out = Obj_New("SPD_UI_DATA", '', 0) selfClass = Obj_Class(self) outClass = Obj_Class(out) IF selfClass NE outClass THEN BEGIN dprint, 'Object classes not identical' RETURN, -1 END Struct_Assign, self, out ; the following leaks memory when self.timeRange isn't a valid object ; to my knowledge, this line isn't needed anyway ; newTime=Obj_New("SPD_UI_TIME_RANGE") IF Obj_Valid(self.timeRange) THEN BEGIN newTime=self.timeRange->Copy() ENDIF ELSE BEGIN newTime=Obj_New() ENDELSE out->SetProperty, TimeRange=newTime if obj_valid(self.settings) then begin newSettings = self.settings->Copy() endif else begin newSettings = obj_new('spd_ui_data_settings',self.name,0) endelse out->setProperty,settings=newSettings RETURN, out END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;handles special case for units keyword and calls general purpose getset getProperty method ;PRO SPD_UI_DATA::GetProperty,units=units,$ ; _ref_extra=ex ; ; ; self->spd_ui_getset::getProperty,_extra=ex ; ; if arg_present(units) then begin ; ; if keyword_set(self.units) then begin ; units = self.units ; endif else if ptr_valid(self.dlimitPtr) && is_struct(*self.dlimitPtr) then begin ; dlimits = *self.dlimitptr ; if in_set('data_att',strlowcase(tag_names(dlimits))) && $ ; in_set('units',strlowcase(tag_names(dlimits.data_att))) then begin ; units=dlimits.data_att.units ; endif else if in_set('ysubtitle',strlowcase(tag_names(dlimits))) then begin ; units=dlimits.ysubtitle ; endif else begin ; units='' ; endelse ; self.units=units ; endif else begin ; units='' ; endelse ; endif ; ;END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_DATA::Cleanup obj_destroy, self.timeRange obj_destroy, self.settings ptr_free, self.dataPtr ptr_free, self.limitPtr ptr_free, self.dlimitPtr RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_DATA::Init, $ ; The INIT method of the data object. name, $ ; var name of data, required id, $ ; unique identifier for this data object timeName=timeName, $ ; name of the time element for this object dataPtr=dataPtr, $ ; ptr to data element for this object yaxisName=yaxisName, $ ; name of the yaxis element for this object(may be null) indepName=indepName, $ ; name of variable to use on indep axis instead of time limitPtr=limitPtr, $ ; ptr to limit element from the tplot var that it came from dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr, $ ; ptr to dlimit element from the tplot var that it came from GroupName=groupname, $ ; name of data file FileName=filename, $ ; name of data file isTime=isTime, $ ; indicates whether data object represents a time isYaxis=isYaxis, $ ; indicates whether data object represents the yaxis of a multi-Dim data quantity isSpect=isSpect, $ ; flag set if data is spectrographic mission = mission, $ ; the mission of the data observatory = observatory,$ ; the spacecraft or groundstation of the data coordSys = coordSys, $ ; the coordinate system of the data instrument = instrument, $ ; the instrument from which the data was collected timerange=timerange, $ ; The time range object of the data object units=units, $ ; the units of this variable st_type=st_type, $ ; type of variable ('none', 'pos', 'vel'), for cotrans routines yaxisunits=yaxisunits, $ ; the units of the yaxis of this variable suffix=suffix, $ ; suffix of this variable,if applicable settings=settings ; data settings object Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=1) RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Check that all parameters have values IF N_Elements(name) EQ 0 THEN name = '' if n_elements(timeName) eq 0 then timeName = '' if n_elements(dataPtr) eq 0 then dataPtr = ptr_new() if n_elements(yaxisName) eq 0 then yaxisName = '' if n_elements(indepName) eq 0 then indepName = '' if n_elements(limitptr) eq 0 then limitPtr = ptr_new() if n_elements(dlimitptr) eq 0 then dlimitptr = ptr_new() if n_elements(groupname) eq 0 then groupname = '' IF N_Elements(id) EQ 0 THEN id = 0 IF N_Elements(filename) EQ 0 THEN filename = '' ELSE $ IF Is_Numeric(filename) THEN RETURN, 0 if n_elements(mission) eq 0 then mission = '' if n_elements(observatory) eq 0 then observatory = '' if n_elements(coordSys) eq 0 then coordSys = '' if n_elements(instrument) eq 0 then instrument = '' if n_elements(timerange) eq 0 then timerange = obj_new() if n_elements(units) eq 0 then units = '' if n_elements(st_type) eq 0 then st_type = 'none' if n_elements(yaxisunits) eq 0 then yaxisunits = '' if n_elements(suffix) eq 0 then suffix = '' if n_elements(settings) eq 0 then settings = obj_new() ; Set all parameters self.name = name self.timeName = timeName self.dataPtr = dataPtr self.yaxisName = yaxisName self.indepName = indepName self.limitPtr = limitPtr self.dlimitPtr = dlimitPtr self.id = id self.groupName = groupname self.fileName = filename self.isTime = keyword_set(isTime) self.isSpect = keyword_set(isSpect) self.isYaxis = keyword_set(isYaxis) self.mission = mission self.observatory = observatory self.coordSys = coordSys self.instrument = instrument self.timerange = timerange self.units = units self.st_type = st_type self.yaxisunits = yaxisunits self.suffix = suffix self.settings = settings RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_DATA__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_DATA, $ name: '', $ ; var name of data timeName:'', $ ; name of the time component for this object yaxisName:'', $ ; name of the yaxis component for this object(may be null) indepName:'', $ ; name of variable to use on indep axis instead of time dataPtr:ptr_new(), $ ; ptr to the data component for this object limitPtr:ptr_new(), $ ; ptr to the limit struct dlimitPtr:ptr_new(), $ ; ptr to the dlimit struct id: 0, $ ; id for this object (tplot id ) groupName: '', $ ; url or file name fileName: '', $ ; url or file name isTime:0, $ ; set to 1 if an object is a time data object isYaxis:0, $ ; set flag to 1 if an object is a yaxis data object isSpect:0, $ ; flag set if data is spectrographic mission: '' , $ ; The mission of the data. observatory:'', $ ; the spacecraft or groundstation of the data coordSys:'', $ ; the coordinate of the data instrument: '', $ ; the instrument from which the data was collected timeRange:Obj_new(), $ ; the time range object of the data object units:'', $ ; units for data product st_type: 'none', $ ; type of variable ('none', 'pos', 'vel'), for cotrans routines yaxisunits:'', $ ; units for yaxis of this variable if applicable suffix:'', $ ; suffix of this variable, if applicable settings:obj_new(), $ ; data settings object for this data object inherits spd_ui_getset $ ; generalized setProperty/getProperty/getAll/setAll methods } END