;+ ; NAME: ; spd_ui_coordinate_systems ; ; PURPOSE: ; This object exists for two purposes: ; 1) Maintain the list of coordinate systems used throughout SPEDAS ; in a single location ; 2) Encapsulate the methods that produce coordinate system lists ; for different contexts, e.g., the verify data panel, ; load data panel, data processing panel, etc. ; ; Both are ultimately for code maintenance ; ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; METHODS: ; makeCoordSysList: creates and returns a list of valid coordinate systems ; ; ; EXAMPLES: ; To make a simple list of general purpose coordinate systems: ; SPEDAS> coordSysObj = obj_new('spd_ui_coordinate_systems') ; create the object ; SPEDAS> print, coordSysObj->makeCoordSysList(/uppercase) ; make the list ; GSM AGSM GSE GEI SM GEO MAG ; SPEDAS> print, coordSysObj->makeCoordSysList(/uppercase, /include_none) ; include N/A ; N/A GSM AGSM GSE GEI SM GEO MAG ; SPEDAS> print, coordSysObj->makeCoordSysList(/include_misc) ; include miscellaneous coordinates ; gsm agsm gse gei sm geo mag enp rtn hdz gci dsl ssl spg sse sel ; SPEDAS> obj_destroy, coordSysObj ; delete the object ; ; ; NOTE: ; All coordinate system lists exist in this object's constructor, with pointers ; to the lists in the objects state structure ; ; Changes to this object should be reflected in the corresponding test procedure, spd_ui_test_coordinate_systems_obj ; ; This routine was forked from the THEMIS coord object (thm_ui_coordinate_systems) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: crussell $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-09-23 08:48:08 -0700 (Wed, 23 Sep 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18883 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_coordinate_systems__define.pro $ ;- ; destructor pro spd_ui_coordinate_systems::Cleanup ptr_free, self.coordinate_systems ptr_free, self.misc_coord_sys_list end ; constructor function spd_ui_coordinate_systems::init ; standard Earth-centered coordinate systems geomag_coord_sys_list = ['gsm', $ ; Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 'agsm', $ ; aberrated GSM 'gse', $ ; Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 'gei', $ ; Geocentric Equatorial Inertial 'sm', $ ; Solar Magnetic 'geo', $ ; Geographic 'mag', $ ; Magnetic 'j2000' $ ; J2000 (mean of date) ] ; additional coordinate systems misc_coord_sys_list = ['enp', $ ; GOES magnetometer centered 'rtn', $ ; STEREO (Radial Tangential Normal) 'hdz', $ ; ground mag coordinate system 'gci', $ ; Geocentric Solar Inertial 'dsl', $ ; THEMIS Despun Sun L-vectorZ 'ssl', $ ; THEMIS Spinning SunSensor-L-vectorZ 'spg', $ ; THEMIS Spinning Probe Geometric 'sse', $ ; Selenocentric Solar Ecliptic 'sel' $ ; Body-fixed Selenographic ] ; update the pointers to the lists ; elements of these lists need not be exclusive self.coordinate_systems = ptr_new(geomag_coord_sys_list, /no_copy) self.misc_coord_sys_list = ptr_new(misc_coord_sys_list, /no_copy) return, 1 end ; this method creates and returns a list of valid coordinate systems function spd_ui_coordinate_systems::makeCoordSysList, $ include_all = include_all, $ include_none = include_none, $ include_misc = include_misc, $ uppercase = uppercase ret_coords = *self.coordinate_systems ret_coords = (~undefined(include_none) ? ['n/a', ret_coords] : ret_coords) ret_coords = (~undefined(include_misc) ? [ret_coords, *self.misc_coord_sys_list] : ret_coords) ret_coords = (~undefined(include_all) ? [ret_coords, 'all'] : ret_coords) ret_coords = (~undefined(uppercase) ? strupcase(ret_coords) : ret_coords) return, ret_coords end ; definition pro spd_ui_coordinate_systems__define compile_opt idl2, hidden state = {SPD_UI_COORDINATE_SYSTEMS, $ coordinate_systems: ptr_new(), $ misc_coord_sys_list: ptr_new() $ } end