;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_spedas_fileconfig ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget that allows the user to set some of the !spedas environmental variables. The user ; can save the changes permanently to file, reset to default values, or cancel any changes ; made since the panel was displayed. ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-06-01 11:07:18 -0700 (Fri, 01 Jun 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 25311 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/misc/spd_ui_spedas_fileconfig.pro $ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_fileconfig_load_template, fileName, topid, statusBar if(Is_String(fileName)) then begin open_spedas_template,template=template,filename=fileName,$ statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode if (statuscode LT 0) then begin ok=dialog_message(statusmsg,/ERROR,/CENTER) statusBar->Update, 'Error: '+statusmsg endif else begin !spedas.templatepath = fileName tmppathid = widget_info(topid, find_by_uname='TMPPATH') widget_control, tmppathid,set_value=filename !spedas.windowStorage->setProperty,template=template ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN statusBar->Update, 'Failed to load template: invalid filename' ENDELSE END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_spedas_init_struct,state,struct compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Initialize all the widgets on the configuration panel to ; the reflect the system variables values (!spedas) widget_control,state.tempdir,set_value=struct.temp_dir widget_control,state.browserexe,set_value=struct.browser_exe widget_control,state.tempcdfdir,set_value=struct.temp_cdf_dir widget_control,state.geoparamdir,set_value=struct.geopack_param_dir ;widget_control,state.v_droplist,set_combobox_select=struct.verbose Widget_Control, state.fixlinux, Set_Button=struct.linux_fix if !spedas.templatepath ne '' then begin widget_control, state.tmp_button,/set_button widget_control, state.tmp_pathbase, sensitive=1 widget_control, state.tmppath, /editable widget_control, state.tmppath, /sensitive, set_value = !spedas.templatepath endif else begin widget_control, state.tmp_pathbase, sensitive=0 endelse end PRO spd_ui_spedas_fileconfig_event, event ; Get State structure from top level base Widget_Control, event.handler, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ; get the user value of the widget that caused this event err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg state.statusbar->update,'Error in File Config.' state.historywin->update,'Error in File Config.' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue = uval CASE uval OF 'USETMP': BEGIN btnid = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname='TMPBUTTON') usetemplate = widget_info(btnid, /button_set) widget_control, (widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname='TMPPATHBASE')), sensitive=usetemplate if usetemplate then begin ; if the user turns on template, then load it widget_control, (widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname='TMPPATH')), /editable tmppathid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATH') widget_control, tmppathid, get_value=filename if filename ne '' then spd_ui_fileconfig_load_template, filename, event.top, state.statusBar state.historywin->update,'Using template ' + filename endif else begin ; if the user turns off template, close it !spedas.templatepath = '' !spedas.windowStorage->setProperty,template=obj_new('spd_ui_template') state.statusbar->update,'Template disabled.' state.historywin->update,'Template disabled.' endelse END 'FIXLINUX': BEGIN id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='FIXLINUX') linux_fix = widget_info(id,/button_set) !spedas.linux_fix = fix(linux_fix) spd_ui_fix_performance, !spedas.linux_fix END 'BROWSEREXEBTN':BEGIN ; get the web browser executable file widget_control, state.browserexe, get_value=browser_exe if browser_exe ne '' then path = file_dirname(browser_exe) ; call the file chooser window and set the default value ; to the current value in the local data dir text box dirName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Select the web browser executable file:', $ Dialog_Parent=state.master, /must_exist) ; check to make sure the selection is valid IF is_string(dirName) THEN BEGIN !spedas.browser_exe = dirName widget_control, state.browserexe, set_value=dirName ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;ok = dialog_message('No file was selected',/center) ENDELSE END 'BROWSEREXE': BEGIN widget_control, state.browserexe, get_value=currentDir !spedas.browser_exe = currentDir END 'ROOTHELP': BEGIN message = 'This field displays the current value of the ROOT_DATA_DIR '+ $ 'environment variable. If present, most missions will use it '+ $ 'as their default local data directory.' spd_ui_message, message, /dialog, /info, title='Root Data Directory' END 'TEMPCDFDIR': BEGIN widget_control, state.tempcdfdir, get_value=currentDir !spedas.temp_cdf_dir = currentDir END 'TEMPCDFDIRBTN': BEGIN widget_control, state.tempcdfdir, get_value=currentDir if currentDir ne '' then path = file_dirname(currentDir) ; call the file chooser window and set the default value ; to the current value in the local data dir text box dirName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Select the directory for CDF files:', $ Dialog_Parent=state.master, /must_exist, /DIRECTORY) ; check to make sure the selection is valid IF is_string(dirName) THEN BEGIN !spedas.temp_cdf_dir = dirName widget_control, state.tempcdfdir, set_value=dirName ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ok = dialog_message('Selection is not a directory',/center) ENDELSE END 'GEOPARAMDIR': BEGIN widget_control, state.geoparamdir, get_value=currentDir !spedas.geopack_param_dir = currentDir END 'GEOPARAMDIRBTN': BEGIN widget_control, state.geoparamdir, get_value=currentDir if currentDir ne '' then path = file_dirname(currentDir) ; call the file chooser window and set the default value ; to the current value in the local data dir text box dirName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Select the directory for Geopack parameter files:', $ Dialog_Parent=state.master, /must_exist, /DIRECTORY) ; check to make sure the selection is valid IF is_string(dirName) THEN BEGIN !spedas.geopack_param_dir = dirName widget_control, state.geoparamdir, set_value=dirName ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ok = dialog_message('Selection is not a directory',/center) ENDELSE END 'TEMPDIR': BEGIN widget_control, state.tempDir, get_value=currentDir !spedas.temp_dir = currentDir END 'TEMPDIRBTN': BEGIN widget_control, state.tempDir, get_value=currentDir if currentDir ne '' then path = file_dirname(currentDir) ; call the file chooser window and set the default value ; to the current value in the local data dir text box dirName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Select the directory for temp files:', $ Dialog_Parent=state.master, /must_exist, /DIRECTORY) ; check to make sure the selection is valid IF is_string(dirName) THEN BEGIN !spedas.temp_dir = dirName widget_control, state.tempDir, set_value=dirName ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ok = dialog_message('Selection is not a directory',/center) ENDELSE END 'VERBOSE': BEGIN !spedas.verbose = long(widget_info(state.v_droplist,/combobox_gettext)) dprint, setverbose=!spedas.verbose END 'RESET': BEGIN ; set the system variable (!spedas) back to the state it was at the ; beginning of the window session. This cancels all changes since ; initialization of the configuration window !spedas=state.spedas_cfg_save widget_control,state.browserexe,set_value=!spedas.browser_exe widget_control,state.tempdir,set_value=!spedas.temp_dir widget_control,state.tempcdfdir,set_value=!spedas.temp_cdf_dir widget_control,state.geoparamdir,set_value=!spedas.geopack_param_dir Widget_Control, state.fixlinux, Set_Button=!spedas.linux_fix !spedas.templatepath = '' widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATH')), set_value='' widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPBUTTON')), set_button=0 widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATHBASE')), sensitive = 0 state.spd_ui_cfg_sav = !spedas ;state.spedas_cfg_save = !spedas ; widget_control,state.v_droplist,set_combobox_select=!spedas.verbose state.historywin->update,'Resetting controls to saved values.' state.statusbar->update,'Resetting controls to saved values.' END 'TMPBROWSE':BEGIN tmppathid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATH') widget_control, tmppathid, get_value=currentfile if currentfile ne '' then path = file_dirname(currentfile) fileName = Dialog_Pickfile(Title='Choose SPEDAS Template:', $ Filter='*.tgt',Dialog_Parent=event.top,file=filestring,path=path, /must_exist,/fix_filter); /fix_filter doesn't seem to make a difference on Windows. Does on unix. ; load the template spd_ui_fileconfig_load_template, filename, event.top, state.statusBar END 'RESETTODEFAULT': Begin ; to reset all values to their default values the system ; variable needs to be reinitialized spedas_init, /reset spd_ui_spedas_init_struct, state, !spedas !spedas.templatepath = '' widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATH')), set_value='' widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPBUTTON')), set_button=0 widget_control, (widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='TMPPATHBASE')), sensitive = 0 state.spd_ui_cfg_sav = !spedas state.spedas_cfg_save = !spedas state.historywin->update,'Resetting configuration to default values.' state.statusbar->update,'Resetting configuration to default values.' END 'SAVE': BEGIN ; write the values to the text file stored on disk ; so the values will be set outside of the panel ; and/or gui ; these values will also be used each time spedas_init is called spedas_write_config state.statusBar->update,'Saved spedas_config.txt' state.historyWin->update,'Saved spedas_config.txt' END ELSE: ENDCASE widget_control, event.handler, set_uval = state, /no_copy Return END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_spedas_fileconfig, tab_id, historyWin, statusBar ;check whether the !spedas system variable has been initialized defsysv, '!spedas', exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then spedas_init spedas_cfg_save = !spedas spd_ui_cfg_sav = !spedas linux_fix = !spedas.linux_fix ;Build the widget bases master = Widget_Base(tab_id, /col, tab_mode=1,/align_left, /align_top) ;widget base for values to set vmaster = widget_base(master, /col, /align_left, /align_top) top = widget_base(vmaster,/row) ;Widget base for save, reset and exit buttons bmaster = widget_base(master, /row, /align_center, ypad=7) ; ll = max(strlen([!spedas.local_data_dir, !spedas.remote_data_dir]))+12 ;Now create directory text widgets configbase = widget_base(vmaster,/col) gbase = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=3) genlabel = widget_label(gbase, value = 'General Settings for SPEDAS ') lbase = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=1) flabel = widget_label(lbase, value = 'Web browser executable: ') browserexe = widget_text(lbase, /edit, xsiz = 50, /all_events, uval='BROWSEREXE', val = !spedas.browser_exe) loc_browsebtn = widget_button(lbase,value='Browse', uval='BROWSEREXEBTN',/align_center) rbase = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=1) flabel1 = widget_label(rbase, value = 'Temp directory: ') tempdir = widget_text(rbase, /edit, xsiz = 50, /all_events, uval='TEMPDIR', val = !spedas.temp_dir) temp_dirbtn = widget_button(rbase,value='Browse', uval='TEMPDIRBTN', /align_center) rbase1 = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=1) flabel2 = widget_label(rbase1, value = 'Directory for CDAWeb files: ') tempcdfdir = widget_text(rbase1, /edit, xsiz = 50, /all_events, uval='TEMPCDFDIR', val = !spedas.temp_cdf_dir) tempcdfdirbtn = widget_button(rbase1,value='Browse', uval='TEMPCDFDIRBTN', /align_center) rbase2 = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=1) flabe22 = widget_label(rbase2, value = 'Directory for Geopack params: ') geoparamdir = widget_text(rbase2, /edit, xsiz = 50, /all_events, uval='GEOPARAMDIR', val = !spedas.geopack_param_dir) geoparamdirbtn = widget_button(rbase2,value='Browse', uval='GEOPARAMDIRBTN', /align_center) root_base = widget_base(configbase, /row, /align_left, ypad=1) root_label = widget_label(root_base, value='Root Data Directory: ') root_dir_text = widget_text(root_base, xsize=50, value=getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR')) root_dir_help = widget_button(root_base, value=' ? ',uval='ROOTHELP') ;dynamically ensure label sizes are equal label_xsize = 0 dir_labels = [flabel, flabel1, flabel2, root_label] for i=0, n_elements(dir_labels)-1 do begin geo = widget_info(dir_labels[i],/geo) label_xsize = geo.scr_xsize > label_xsize endfor for i=0, n_elements(dir_labels)-1 do begin widget_control, dir_labels[i], xsize=label_xsize, units=0 endfor v_base = widget_base(configbase, /row, ypad=7) v_label = widget_label(v_base, value='Verbose level for tplot (higher value = more comments): ') v_values = ['0', '1', '2','3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'] v_droplist = widget_Combobox(v_base, value=v_values, uval='VERBOSE', /align_center) widget_control, v_droplist, set_combobox_select=!spedas.verbose n_base = widget_base(configbase,/row,/nonexclusive,uval='FL') fixlinux = widget_button(n_base,value=' Fix drawing performance ',uval='FIXLINUX',uname='FIXLINUX', tooltip="For Linux only, disables STROKED_LINES to improve IDL 8.3 perfomance") Widget_Control, fixlinux, Set_Button=!spedas.linux_fix ; buttons to save or reset the widget values savebut = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Save to File ', uvalue = 'SAVE') resetbut = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Cancel ', uvalue = 'RESET') reset_to_dbutton = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Reset to Default ', uvalue = 'RESETTODEFAULT') ; Template grtemp_base = widget_base(vmaster,/col,/align_left) tmp_base = widget_base(grtemp_base, row=2,/align_left,uname='TMPBASE') tmp_labelbase = widget_base(tmp_base, /align_center,/col) tmp_label = widget_label(tmp_labelbase, value='Template: ',/align_left,xsize=97) tmp_buttonbase = widget_base(tmp_base,/row,/nonexclusive,uval='TMP',/align_center) tmp_button = widget_button(tmp_buttonbase,value='Load Template',uval='USETMP',uname='TMPBUTTON') tmp_pathbase = widget_base(tmp_base,/row,/align_center,uname='TMPPATHBASE') tmp_label = widget_label(tmp_pathbase, value='',xsize=100) tmppath = widget_text(tmp_pathbase, xsize = 56, $ uval = 'TMPPATH',uname='TMPPATH',/align_center) tmp_browsebtn = widget_button(tmp_pathbase,value='Browse', uval='TMPBROWSE',/align_center) ;defaults for Cancel: def_values=['0','0','0','2',0] state = {spedas_cfg_save:spedas_cfg_save, spd_ui_cfg_sav:spd_ui_cfg_sav, $ master:master, browserexe:browserexe, tempdir:tempdir, tempcdfdir:tempcdfdir, geoparamdir:geoparamdir, $ v_values:v_values, v_droplist:v_droplist, statusBar:statusBar, fixlinux:fixlinux, $ def_values:def_values, historyWin:historyWin, tab_id:tab_id, linux_fix:linux_fix, $ tmp_pathbase:tmp_pathbase, tmppath:tmppath, tmp_button:tmp_button, tmp_browsebtn:tmp_browsebtn} spd_ui_spedas_init_struct,state,!spedas widget_control, master, set_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, master, /realize ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, master, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif xmanager, 'spd_ui_spedas_fileconfig', master, /no_block END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------