;+ ; ; Function: spd_ui_make_spec ; ; NOTE: This code has been incorporated into the draw object. ; spd_ui_make_spec is no longer called directly ; ;Purpose: ; helper routine for draw object. It helps construct the image for spectrograms ; very quickly. ; ;Inputs: ; x: the 1-d x scaling values for the z components(x-axis) ; y: the 1-d y scaling values for the z components ; z: the 2-d z array of values for the image ; pixx: the desired resolution of the output on the x-axis ; pixy: the desired resolution of the output on the y-axis ; palette: the palette number to be used when creating the image ; zrange: the zrange for the whole panel(may be larger than the range of the z argument) ; ;Output: ; An rgba image with dimensions: 4 x PixX x PixY ; ; Notes: ; 1. This uses an alpha channel to make all NaNs transparent. ; 2. PixX and PixY are not totally necessary because object graphics can ; stretch an image quite well, but selecting the resolution of the screen ; with them prevents any inadvertent errors from showing up during interpolation. ; It might actually be better to render the image at twice the screen resolution ; to prevent aliasing errors. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/display/spd_ui_make_spec.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_make_spec,x,y,z,pixx,pixy,palette,zrange,image=image,refz=refz,refx=refx,refy=refy compile_opt hidden,idl2 pal = obj_new('IDLgrPalette') getctpath,ctpath pal->loadct,palette,file=ctpath idx = where(finite(y),c) if c eq 0 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Unexpected invalid quantity' self.historyWin->update,'Error: Unexpected invalid quantity' endif if ndimen(y) eq 1 then begin y = y[idx] z = z[*,idx] endif dim = dimen(z) xn = dim[0] yn = dim[1] alpha = dblarr(dim) + 255 idx = where(~finite(z),c) if c ne 0 then alpha[idx] = 0 idx = bsort(y) y = y[idx] alpha = alpha[*,idx] z = z[*,idx] idx = bsort(x) x = x[idx] alpha = alpha[idx,*] z = z[idx,*] xi = (x - x[0])/(x[xn-1]-x[0]) xo = dindgen(pixx)/pixx refx = interpol(dindgen(xn),xi,xo) xpos = round(refx) ;because nans may be present, cannot use index to find min and max, ;despite sort miny = min(y,/nan) maxy = max(y,/nan) yi = (y - miny)/(maxy-miny) yo = dindgen(pixy)/pixy refy = interpol(dindgen(yn),yi,yo) ypos = round(refy) refz = interpolate(z,xpos,ypos,/grid,missing=!VALUES.D_NAN) zout = bytscl(refz,/nan,min=zrange[0],max=zrange[1]) zalpha = interpolate(alpha,xpos,ypos,/grid,missing=0) pal->getProperty,red_values=rv,green_values=gv,blue_values=bv ; catch,err ;here to catch potential memory overallocation ; if err then begin ; stop ; endif else begin out = intarr(4,pixx,pixy) ; endelse ;catch,/cancel out = reform(out,4,pixx,pixy) out[0,*,*] = rv[zout] out[1,*,*] = gv[zout] out[2,*,*] = bv[zout] out[3,*,*] = zalpha ;grid the points and scale them into the range of color indices ;return, floor(interpolate(z,xpos,ypos,/grid)) image=out ;IDL will remove any 1 element dimensions on this assignment ;this fixes the problem image = reform(image,4,pixx,pixy) end