;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_draw_object ; ;PURPOSE: ; This object generates an object graphics tree using the IDLgr* objects that are built ; into IDL. It generates this tree by querying the loaded data object and the window storage ; object to get the settings generated by the panel. This object also performs other utility ; operations related to drawing. These include animations of vertical bars and markers, updating ; the legend by performing a lookup in a hashed version of the plotted data, and reporting information ; about the current display.(Cursor segment selected, range of displayed data, etc...) ; ; There are a few major functions in this object. ; #1 'update': will update the draw area to correspond to new settings ; #2 'setCursor' : actually makes the draw object do all the animation updates ; #3 'draw' : use it to force the object to redraw the draw area.\ ; #4 'getInfo(panelIndex)' : get a struct with information about a panel in the currently drawn display ; This includes information like the actual range and scaling for each axis, the number of tics, etc... ; ;NOTES: ; ; 1. In almost all cases ranges will be stored and passed around as 2-element arrays. ; If they are on log scaled axis, the ranges will be in log space, this tends to make some calculations simpler(and others more complex) ; By log space, I mean, if scaling eq 1 then range = alog10(normalRange), if scaling eq 2 then range = alog(normalRange) ; ; 2. The codes used for different scaling values are consistent. 0 indicates linear scaling, 1 indicates base 10 logarithm, 2 indicates natural logarithm ; ; 3. Positions in this code are generally specified in one of three different coordinate systems. ; a. They are normalized to the draw area. So [.5,.5] is the center of the draw area. ; b. They are normalized to the panel. So [.5,.5] is the center of a panel. ; c. They are specified in pixels. Often when pixels are used, the value used may actually be 2x or 4x the actual number of screen pixels to prevent aliasing. ; ; Somewhat ambiguously, c. is sometimes called points(because it is a scaled number of pixels). This is not the same as the measurement in note 5. ; ; Rectangles(like panels) will normally be specified using two variables, which are each 2 element doubles. ; xpos = [xstart,xstop], ypos = [ystart,stop] These are absolute locations. ; The alternative representation [xstart,xsize],[ystart,ysize], is rarely, if ever, used as a parameter, ; although sizes are used for various computations throughout the code. ; ; 4. distances that aren't specified in the above coordinates are often specified in pts. ; This is a desktop publishing standard, that ideally is consistent across output devices. 1 pt should be 127/360 mm. ; The goal is to make all output consistent across output devices. ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/display/spd_ui_draw_object__define.pro $ ;- ;create a new draw object. ; ;destination: ; window created by widget_draw(graphics_level=2), ; or other IDLgrDestination object(IDLgrClipboard, IDLgrBuffer, IDLgrPrinter,...) ; ;statusBar: ; spd_ui_status_bar object to which status message should be sent ; ;historyWin ; spd_ui_historyWin object to which history messages should be sent ; ; function spd_ui_draw_object::Init,destination,statusbar,historyWin compile_opt idl2 if ~obj_valid(destination) then begin t=error_message('Invalid destination object passed to spd_ui_draw_object',/traceback) return,0 endif if ~obj_valid(Statusbar) then begin t = error_message('Expected valid status bar',/traceback) return,0 endif if ~obj_valid(historyWin) then begin t = error_message('Expected valid history Window',/traceback) return,0 endif self.destination = destination self.statusbar = statusbar self.historyWin = historyWin self.scene = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrScene',color=[255,255,255]) rubberview = obj_new('IDLgrView') self.rubberview = rubberview rubberview->setProperty,units=3,viewplane_rect=[0.,0.,1.,1.],location=[0.,0.],dimensions=[1.,1.],zclip=[1.,-1.],eye=5,name="rubberview",/transparent,/double self.scene->add,rubberview self.staticViews = obj_new('IDL_Container') self.dynamicViews = obj_new('IDL_Container') self.lineres = 4.0D self.specres = 1.0D self.pointmax = 4096 self.maxTickNum = 200 return,1 end pro spd_ui_draw_object__define struct = { SPD_UI_DRAW_OBJECT, $ destination:OBJ_NEW(), $ ; The output object scene:OBJ_NEW(), $ ; The current scene(private) pageview:OBJ_NEW(), $ ; The view for the page includes the title panelViews:obj_new(),$ ; view group of panel views rubberview:OBJ_NEW(), $ ; The rubber band view rubberstart:dblarr(2), $ ; The starting location of a rubberband box markerstart:dblarr(2), $ ; The starting location of a marker draw cursorloc:dblarr(2), $ ; The current location of the cursor markerOn:0, $ ; boolean value indicating whether to draw a marker 0: no marker, 1: single panel marker, 2: all panel markers rubberOn:0, $ ; boolean value indicating whether to draw a rubber band vBarOn:0, $ ;value indicating whether to draw a vertical bar, 0 = no bar, 1 = single panel bar, 2 = all panel bar hBarOn:0, $ ;value indicating whether to draw a horizontal bar, 0 = no bar, 1 = single panel bar, 2 = all panel bar legendOn:0, $ ;value indicating whether to draw a legend, 0 = no legend, 1 = single panel legend, 2 = all panel legend nRows:1, $ ;number of rows in current display nCols:1, $ ;number of columns in current display panelInfo:ptr_new(), $ ;an array of structures that describe information in panels that is relevant to drawing annotations currentPageSize:[8.5,11], $ ; the current size of the page in inches currentMarkers:ptr_new(), $ ;a list of the currently/most recently drawn markers markerIdx:ptr_new(), $ ; a list of the marker panel indexes statusBar:obj_new(), $ ; reference to the status bar from the main window, for error output historyWin:obj_new(), $ ; reference to the history window postscript:0B, $ ; indicates whether or not a vector postscript is being generated lineres:2D, $ ; a multiplier for line plots to determine how much it is up or down sampled prior to display specres:1D, $ ; a multiplier for spectral plots to determine how they are up or down sampled prior to display fancompressionfactor:0d,$ ; percentage error to be allowed if fancompression is used during postscript plotting pointmax:4096, $ ; the maximum resolution at which a screen render should be made staticViews:obj_new(), $ ; This view group contains all visual components that change only during updates dynamicViews:obj_new(), $ ; This view group contains all visual components that change between updates and during updates maxTickNum:200 $ ; The maximum tick limit before a warning is issued } ;margins:dblarr(5) } ; The [left,right,top,bottom,internal] margins in normalized coordinates end