;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_lock_axes__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; Object just organizes the locking routines. It is more a way ; or co-locating some related methods, than a data structure ; ; Note that these methods are not guaranteed to work in the event that ; a panel spans multiple columns, yet other panels in its column do not. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; obj = obj_new('spd_ui_lock_axes',window_storage,draw_object) ; ;Methods: ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-10-20 16:23:30 -0700 (Thu, 20 Oct 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22177 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/deprecated/spd_ui_lock_axes__define.pro $ ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Call this to lock axes in the current window pro spd_ui_lock_axes::lock,windowId=windowid compile_opt idl2 self->update,windowId=windowId end ;Call this to unlock axes in the current window pro spd_ui_lock_axes::unlock,windowId=windowId compile_opt idl2 self->update,/unlock,windowId=windowId end ;Call this when a new panel is added ;Expects that the panel has already been added, ;but makes sure that the new panel and adjacent panels ;maintain the proper locked panel settings pro spd_ui_lock_axes::add,panel compile_opt idl2 self->panel_change,panel end ;Call this when a panel is removed ;Expects that the panel has not yet been removed ;but makes sure that the adjacent panels to the removed ;panel maintain the proper locked panel settings pro spd_ui_lock_axes::remove,panel compile_opt idl2 self->panel_change,panel,/remove end ;If lock axes is on, and a new panel is added, ;The defaults need to be modified, to reflect this. pro spd_ui_lock_axes::panel_change,panel,remove=remove compile_opt idl2 window = self.window_storage->getactive() window->getProperty,locked=locked,panels=panels if ~locked then return panel->getProperty,settings=settings if ~obj_valid(settings) then begin ok = error_message('Malformed panel',/traceback) return endif settings->getProperty,col=col,cspan=cspan panel_list = panels->get(/all) for i = 0,cspan-1 do begin col_list = window->getColumn(col+i) if is_num(col_list) then begin ok = error_message('Column invariant not maintained',/traceback) return endif if n_elements(col_list) eq 1 then continue idx = where(panel eq col_list,c) ;something is wrong if c eq 0 then begin ok = error_message('Column invariant not maintained',/traceback) return endif ;calculate the range without the current panel in the list range = self->get_range(col_list[ssl_set_complement([idx],indgen(n_elements(col_list)))],panel_list) if n_elements(range) eq 1 then begin ok = error_message('Could not properly calculate range, change failed',/traceback) return endif if idx eq 0 then begin ;new top panel if keyword_set(remove) then begin self->lock_middle,col_list[1],range,/unlock if n_elements(col_list) gt 2 then begin self->lock_top,col_list[1],range endif endif else begin self->lock_top,col_list[0],range self->lock_middle,col_list[1],range endelse endif else if idx eq n_elements(col_list)-1 then begin ;new bottom panel if keyword_set(remove) then begin self->lock_middle,col_list[n_elements(col_list)-2],range,/unlock if n_elements(col_list) gt 2 then begin self->lock_bottom,col_list[n_elements(col_list)-2],range endif endif else begin self->lock_bottom,col_list[n_elements(col_list)-1],range self->lock_middle,col_list[n_elements(col_list)-2],range endelse endif else begin self->lock_middle,col_list[idx],range endelse endfor end ;helper method. Locks the middle panel in a layout pro spd_ui_lock_axes::lock_middle,panel,range,unlock=unlock compile_opt idl2 panel->getProperty,xaxis=xaxis,settings=settings,markers=markers if keyword_set(unlock) then begin panel->setProperty,showvariables = 1 endif else begin panel->setProperty,showvariables = 0 endelse if obj_valid(xaxis) then begin if keyword_set(unlock) then begin xaxis->setProperty,showdate=1,$ showlabels=1,$ annotateAxis=1 endif else begin xaxis->setProperty,tickStyle=0, $ showdate=0,$ showlabels=0,$ annotateAxis=0,$ rangeOption=2 if n_elements(range) eq 2 then begin xaxis->updateRange,range endif endelse endif if obj_valid(settings) then begin settings->getProperty,titleobj=title if obj_valid(title) then begin if keyword_set(unlock) then begin title->setProperty,show=1 endif else begin title->setProperty,show=0 endelse endif endif ;If marker title is below the axis, then move it to the middle if obj_valid(markers) && ~keyword_set(unlock) then begin marker_list = markers->get(/all) if ~is_num(marker_list[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(marker_list)-1 do begin marker_list[i]->getProperty,settings=msettings if obj_valid(msettings) then begin msettings->getProperty,vertPlacement=vert if vert eq 6 || vert eq 0 then begin msettings->setProperty,vertPlacement=3 endif endif endfor endif endif end ;helper method. Locks the top panel in a layout pro spd_ui_lock_axes::lock_top,panel,range,unlock=unlock compile_opt idl2 panel->getProperty,xaxis=xaxis,markers=markers if keyword_set(unlock) then begin panel->setProperty,showvariables = 1 endif else begin panel->setProperty,showvariables = 0 endelse if obj_valid(xaxis) then begin xaxis->getProperty,placeAnnotation=pa if keyword_set(unlock) then begin if ~pa then begin xaxis->setProperty,showlabels = 1 xaxis->setProperty,annotateAxis = 1 endif xaxis->setProperty,showdate=1 endif else begin if ~pa then begin xaxis->setProperty,showlabels = 0 xaxis->setProperty,annotateAxis = 0 endif xaxis->setProperty,tickStyle=0, $ showdate=0,$ rangeoption=2 if n_elements(range) eq 2 then begin xaxis->updateRange,range endif endelse endif ;If marker title is below the axis, then move it to the middle if obj_valid(markers) && ~keyword_set(unlock) then begin marker_list = markers->get(/all) if ~is_num(marker_list[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(marker_list)-1 do begin marker_list[i]->getProperty,settings=msettings if obj_valid(msettings) then begin msettings->getProperty,vertPlacement=vert if vert eq 6 then begin msettings->setProperty,vertPlacement=3 endif endif endfor endif endif end ;helper method. Locks the bottom panel in a layout pro spd_ui_lock_axes::lock_bottom,panel,range,unlock=unlock compile_opt idl2 panel->getProperty,xaxis=xaxis,settings=settings,markers=markers panel->setProperty,showvariables = 1 if obj_valid(xaxis) && ~keyword_set(unlock) then begin xaxis->getProperty,placeAnnotation=pa if pa then begin xaxis->setProperty,placeAnnotation=0 endif xaxis->setProperty,tickStyle=0,rangeoption=2 if n_elements(range) eq 2 then begin xaxis->updateRange,range endif ; xaxis->setProperty, xaxis->setProperty,annotateAxis = 1 xaxis->setProperty,showdate=1 endif if obj_valid(settings) then begin settings->getProperty,titleobj=title if obj_valid(title) then begin if keyword_set(unlock) then begin title->setProperty,show=1 endif else begin title->setProperty,show=0 endelse endif endif ;If marker title is below the axis, then move it to the middle if obj_valid(markers) && ~keyword_set(unlock) then begin marker_list = markers->get(/all) if ~is_num(marker_list[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(marker_list)-1 do begin marker_list[i]->getProperty,settings=msettings if obj_valid(msettings) then begin msettings->getProperty,vertPlacement=vert if vert eq 6 || vert eq 0 then begin msettings->setProperty,vertPlacement=3 endif endif endfor endif endif end ;helper function. ;This calculates the range of a column so that ranges ;can be synchronized during locking ;col is the list of panels in a column ;panels is the list of all panels in a window function spd_ui_lock_axes::get_range,col,panels compile_opt idl2 ; self.draw_object->update,self.window_Storage,self.loaded_Data range = 0 for i = 0,n_elements(col)-1 do begin idx = where(col[i] eq panels) info = self.draw_object->getPanelInfo(idx) if ~is_struct(info) then return,0 ;don't incorporate the range from a panel with no traces in the calculation if ~info.hasLine && ~info.hasSpec then continue if info.xscale eq 0 then begin panel_range = info.xrange endif else if info.xscale eq 1 then begin panel_range = 10 ^ info.xrange endif else if info.xrange eq 2 then begin panel_range = exp(info.xrange) endif if ~keyword_set(range) then begin range = panel_range endif else begin if panel_range[0] lt range[0] then begin range[0] = panel_range[0] endif if panel_range[1] gt range[1] then begin range[1] = panel_range[1] endif endelse endfor return,range end ;the main workhorse, but not really meant ;to be called directly pro spd_ui_lock_axes::update,unlock=unlock,windowId=windowId compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(windowid) then begin window = self.window_storage->getObjects(id=windowid) if ~obj_valid(window[0]) then begin ok = error_message('Illegal window id',/traceback) return endif endif else begin window = self.window_storage->getactive() endelse ;turn on locking ; if keyword_set(unlock) then begin ; window->setProperty,locked=0 ; endif else begin ; window->setProperty,locked=1 ; endelse window->getproperty,nrows=nrows,ncols=ncols,panels=panels,settings=page_settings if keyword_set(unlock) then begin page_settings->setProperty,ypanelspacing=60 endif else begin page_settings->setProperty,ypanelspacing=5 endelse panel_list = panels->get(/all) ;lock operation is once per column for i = 1,ncols do begin cols = window->getColumn(i) if is_num(cols) && $ n_elements(cols) eq 1 then continue range = self->get_range(cols,panel_list) ; if n_elements(range) eq 1 then continue if n_elements(cols) eq 1 then begin self->lock_bottom,cols[0],/unlock self->lock_top,cols[0],/unlock cols[0]->getProperty,xaxis=xaxis if obj_valid(xaxis) then begin xaxis->setProperty,tickStyle=0,rangeoption=2 if n_elements(range) eq 2 then begin xaxis->updateRange,range endif endif continue endif for j = 0,n_elements(cols)-1 do begin if j eq 0 then begin self->lock_top,cols[j],range,unlock=unlock endif else if j eq n_elements(cols)-1 then begin self->lock_bottom,cols[j],range,unlock=unlock endif else begin self->lock_middle,cols[j],range,unlock=unlock endelse endfor endfor end ;init, requires draw object, window storage,loaded data object function spd_ui_lock_axes::init,window_storage,draw_object,loaded_data compile_opt idl2 if ~obj_valid(window_storage) then return,0 if ~obj_valid(draw_object) then return,0 if ~obj_valid(loaded_Data) then return,0 self.window_storage = window_storage self.draw_object = draw_object self.loaded_data = loaded_data return,1 end pro spd_ui_lock_axes__define compile_opt idl2 struct = { spd_ui_lock_axes, $ loaded_data:obj_new(), $ ; the loaded data object window_storage:obj_new(), $ ;an array of ptrs to structs draw_object:obj_new() } ; the draw object end