;+ ;PROCEDURE: get_latest_dates ;PURPOSE: look at wi_lz_3dp_files.new and see what dates the ; files in it have ; This is useful because you can call this from a procedure ; like "make_plot" to do something ; with the latest data. ;INPUTS: none ;KEYWORDS: none ; ;CREATED BY: Jasper Halekas ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)get_latest_dates.pro 1.4 95/10/06 ;- function get_latest_dates @wind_com.pro init_wind_lib fname = data_directory+'/wi_lz_3dp_files.new' openr,lun,fname,/get_lun while not eof(lun) do begin s = '' readf,lun,s s = strcompress(strtrim(s,2)) s = strmid(s,0,10) if not keyword_set(dates) then dates = s else dates = [dates,s] end return, dates end