; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PRO thm_spin_phase, time_dat,spinpha_int,probe=probe,suffix=suffix, $ sunpulse,sunp_spinper ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ;NAME: ; thm_spin_phase ;Purpose: ; Use sunpulse data produced by thm_sunpulse to get spinphase at abitrary times ;Input Parameters: ; time_dat: double precision array: times of data points at which ; interpolates are desired. ;Output Parameters: ; spinpha_int: interpolated spin phase ;Keywords: ; Probe: a single probe name. e.g. 'a' ; suffix: suffix on tplot variable (thx_state_sunpulse[_suffix]) ; ;Optional Input Parameters (If not present, then state data will be ; loaded from standard state tplot variables, using probe keyword) ; sunpulse: double precision array: times of sunpulses ; sunp_spinper: spin period at each sunpulse time ; ;K. Bromund, SPSystems/NASA/GSFC, May 2007 ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2012-02-13 14:41:42 -0800 (Mon, 13 Feb 2012) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 9728 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/state/thm_spin_phase.pro $ ;- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if n_params() eq 2 then begin if not keyword_set(probe) then begin dprint, 'probe keyword must be set if sunpulse and spinper arrays', $ ' are not provided.' return endif else begin p = strlowcase(probe) if not keyword_set(suffix) then suff = '' else suff = suffix name = 'th'+p+'_state_sunpulse'+suff thm_sunpulse, probe=p, suffix=suffix get_data, name, sunpulse, sunp_spinper, dtype=dt if dt ne 1 then begin dprint, '*** thm_spin_phase: no sunpulse data' return endif endelse endif nsun=N_ELEMENTS(sunpulse) ndat=N_ELEMENTS(time_dat) spinpha_int=FLTARR(ndat)+!values.f_nan dprint, ' Dimension of sunpulse array = ', nsun dprint, ' Dimension of data array = ', ndat dprint, ' Starting interpolation, please wait ...' FLUSH, 0, -1, -2 ; extrapolation from last sunpulse, given spin period j=0L FOR i=0L,ndat-1L DO BEGIN time_dat_i = time_dat[i] ; look for the closest sunpulse time before the data point WHILE j LE nsun-2 && $ (time_dat_i GT sunpulse[j+1] || time_dat_i lt sunpulse[j] ) DO BEGIN j=j+1L ENDWHILE IF j eq nsun-1 && time_dat_i gt sunpulse[j] + sunp_spinper[j] THEN BEGIN dprint, '*** thm_spin_phase: not enough spin data to determine spin phase' dprint, ' at '+time_string(time_dat_i)+ ' and beyond' dprint, ' last sunpulse: '+time_string(sunpulse[j]) dprint, ' spinper : '+string(sunp_spinper[j])+ ' sec' RETURN ENDIF ; computation of the interpolated value ; sunp_spinper is assumed to be the exact period between the sunpulse before ; and the sunpulse after the data point. tdifA = time_dat_i- sunpulse[j] phiA= 360.D*(tdifA)/sunp_spinper[j] phiA MOD= (360.D) spinpha_int[i]= phiA ENDFOR END ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX