;+ ;NAME: ; thm_cotrans_matrix ;PURPOSE: ; brute force method of creating rotation matrix for a ; THEMIS coordinate transform. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rotmat = thm_cotrans_matrix(in_name, $ ; in_coord=in_coord, $ ; out_coord=out_coord, $ ; interpolate_state=interpolate_state, $ ; use_spinaxis_correction=use_spinaxis_correction, $ ; use_spinphase_correction=use_spinphase_correction, $ ; use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections) ;INPUT: ; in_name = a THEMIS tplot variable, ;OUTPUT: ; rotmat = a 3x3 transformation matrix for each time given by the ; input variable ;KEYWORDS: ; Standard thm_cotrans keywords: ; probe = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', If not set, then we will try to ; get it from the variable name ; in_coord = 'spg', 'ssl', 'dsl', 'gse', 'gsm','sm', 'gei','geo', 'sse', 'sel' or ; 'mag' coordinate system of input. ; This keyword is optional if the dlimits.data_att.coord_sys attribute ; is present for the tplot variable, and if present, it must match ; the value of that attribute. See cotrans_set_coord, ; cotrans_get_coord ; out_coord = 'spg', 'ssl', 'dsl', 'gse', 'gsm', 'sm', 'gei','geo', 'sse','sel', or 'mag' ; coordinate system of output. This keyword is optional if ; out_suffix is specified and last 3 characters of suffix specify ; the output coordinate system. ; interpolate_state: use interpolation on 1-minute state CDF spinper/spinphase ; samples for despinning instead of spin model ; use_spinaxis_correction: uses spinaxis correction as in THM_COTRANS ; use_spinphase_correction: uses spinphase correction as in THM_COTRANS ; use_eclipse_correction: uses eclipse correction as in THM_COTRANS ; support_suffix: if support_data is loaded with a suffix you can ; specify it here ; slp_suffix: if slp_sun_pos, slp_lun_pos, slp_lunn_att variables have ; this suffix, you can specify it here ;EXAMPLE: ; For converting DSL to GSE coordinates, using ptens variable ; rotmat = thm_cotrans_matrix('tha_peif_ptens', out_coord = 'GSE') ;Any input can be used, only the time variable is important, but if ;the variable has no coordinate system defined (e.g., density) then ;the in_coord keyword should be set. ;HISTORY: ; 2019-01-16, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-02-13 11:37:26 -0800 (Wed, 13 Feb 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26620 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/state/cotrans/thm_cotrans_matrix.pro $ ;- Function thm_cotrans_matrix, in_name, $ probe = probe, $ in_coord=in_coord, $ out_coord=out_coord, $ interpolate_state=interpolate_state, $ use_spinaxis_correction=use_spinaxis_correction, $ use_spinphase_correction=use_spinphase_correction, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ support_suffix=support_suffix, $ slp_suffix=slp_suffix, $ _extra=_extra ;First get the data, all that is really needed is the time get_data, in_name, data = d, dlimits = dl If(~is_struct(d)) Then Begin dprint, 'No data for: '+in_name Return, -1 Endif ;Get input coordinate system If(keyword_set(in_coord)) Then icoord = in_coord Else Begin If(is_struct(dl)) Then icoord = cotrans_get_coord(dl) $ Else icoord = cotrans_get_coord(in_name) If(~is_string(icoord) || icoord Eq 'unknown' ) Then Begin dprint, 'Input Coordinates not set for: '+in_name Return, -1 Endif Endelse ;You need a probe If(~keyword_set(Probe)) Then probe = strlowcase(strmid(in_name, 2, 1)) ss = where(['a','b','c','d','e'] Eq probe, nss) If(nss Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Invalid probe: '+probe Return, -1 Endif ;Load state data, if not available have_state = 0b If(keyword_set(support_suffix)) Then Begin tn_state = tnames('th'+probe+'_state_man'+support_suffix) Endif Else tn_state = tnames('th'+probe+'_state_man') Get_data, tn_state[0], data = s If(is_struct(s)) Then Begin state_trange = minmax(s.x) data_trange = minmax(d.x) If(state_trange[0] Le data_trange[0] And $ state_trange[1] Ge data_trange[1]) Then have_state = 1b Endif If(~have_state) Then thm_load_state, probe=probe, trange=minmax(d.x), $ suffix = support_suffix, /get_support ;Create 'basis' variables, and cotrans nx = n_elements(d.x) ytmp = dblarr(nx, 3) & ytmp[*, 0] = 1 store_data, 'tmp_xbasis', data={x:d.x, y:ytmp} ytmp = dblarr(nx, 3) & ytmp[*, 1] = 1 store_data, 'tmp_ybasis', data={x:d.x, y:ytmp} ytmp = dblarr(nx, 3) & ytmp[*, 2] = 1 store_data, 'tmp_zbasis', data={x:d.x, y:ytmp} ;Cotrans the basis vectors thm_cotrans, 'tmp_?basis', in_coord=icoord, out_coord=out_coord, probe=probe, $ interpolate_state=interpolate_state, $ use_spinaxis_correction=use_spinaxis_correction, $ use_spinphase_correction=use_spinphase_correction, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ support_suffix=support_suffix, slp_suffix=slp_suffix ;If the dlimits structure does no have the correct output cordinates, ;then the transform did not happen oc_check = cotrans_get_coord('tmp_xbasis') ocoord = strlowcase(out_coord) If(strlowcase(oc_check) Ne strlowcase(out_coord)) Then Begin dprint, 'Cotrans to' +out_coord+' Failed: '+in_name return, -1 Endif ;Form the rotation matrix r = dblarr(nx, 3, 3) get_data, 'tmp_xbasis', data = dx get_data, 'tmp_ybasis', data = dy get_data, 'tmp_zbasis', data = dz r[*, *, 0] = dx.y r[*, *, 1] = dy.y r[*, *, 2] = dz.y ; r = transpose(r, [0, 2, 1]) ;TEST ;No transpose here, r gives the correct answer when using tvector_rotate out_name = in_name+'_matrix_'+icoord+'2'+ocoord out_name = out_name[0] ;Not clear why out_name isn't scalar ;Dlimits structure, hacked from thm_fac_matrix_make dlimits = {data_att:{source_sys:icoord[0],coord_sys:ocoord[0]}} store_data, out_name, data = {x:d.x, y:r}, dlimits=dlimits ; rt = transpose(temporary(r)) ;so that e.g., data.y[0, *]#rt[*, *, 0] gives transformed velocity ;cleanup del_data, 'tmp_?basis' undefine, dx undefine, dy undefine, dz undefine, ytmp Return, out_name End