;+ ;procedure: sse2sel ; ;Purpose: Coordinate transformation between SSE & SEL coordinates(and the inverse) ; ; SSE is defined as: ; X: Moon->Sun Line ; Y: Ecliptic North cross X ; Z: X cross Y ; ; SEL is defined as: ; X: TBD ; Y: TBD ; Z: TBD ;inputs: ; ; name_in: ; Name of input tplot variable to be transformed ; or as an array of data [t,x,y,z] ; name_sun_pos: ; Name of the sun position tplot variable in GEI coordinates ; or as an array of data [t,x,y,z] ; name_moon_pos: ; Name of the moon position tplot variable in GEI coordinates ; or as an array of data [t,x,y,z] ; name_lun_att_x: ; Name of the SEL X-axis tplot variable in GEI coordinates ; or as an array of data [t,x,y,z] ; name_lun_att_z: ; Name of the SEL Z-axis tplot variable in GEI coordinates ; or as an array of data [t,x,y,z] ; name_out: ; Name that the rotated variable should take. ; ;keywords: ; ; /SEL2SSE inverse transformation ; ; /IGNORE_DLIMITS: Dlimits normally used to determine if coordinate ; system is correct, to decide if position needs offset, or to ; stop incorrect transforms. This option will stop this behavior. ; This keyword is only used with tplot variables and ignored if ; array data is input ; ;Examples: ; ; sse2sel,'tha_state_pos_sse','slp_sun_pos','slp_lun_pos','slp_lun_att_x','slp_lun_att_z','tha_state_pos_sel' ; sse2sel,'tha_state_pos_sel','slp_sun_pos','slp_moon_pos','slp_lun_att_x','slp_lun_att_z','tha_state_pos_sse',/sel2sse,/ignore_dlimits ; ; Or for vector data ; ; sse2sel,pos_sse,sun_pos,lun_pos,lun_att_x,lun_att_z,pos_sel ; sse2sel,pos_sel,sun_pos,lun_pos,lun_att_x,lun_att_z,pos_sse, /sel2sse ; ;Notes: ; #1 Uses tvector_rotate, and sse_matrix_make to perform the rotation. ; tvector_rotate will also interpolate the rotation matrix onto the time-grid of the input. ; Interpolation done using quaterions and the spherical linear interpolation algorithm (SLERP) ; #2 If vector data is input the IGNORE_LIMITS keyword is not used. ; ;Adapted from gse2sse, written by Jenni Kissinger and Patrick Cruce ; ; $LastChangedBy: jwl $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-06-04 10:25:21 -0700 (Mon, 04 Jun 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10492 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/state/cotrans/sse2sel.pro $ ;- pro sse2sel,name_in,name_sun_pos,name_moon_pos,name_lun_att_x,name_lun_att_z,name_out,sel2sse=sel2sse,ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits compile_opt idl2 if n_params() ne 6 then begin message,'Aborted: Missing 1 or more required arguments: name_in,name_sun_pos,name_moon_pos,name_lun_att_x,name_lun_att_z,name_out end ; check the input data type (strings are tplot variables) if size(name_in, /type) eq 7 then tplotvar=1 else tplotvar=0 if tplotvar then begin att_x_name = tnames(name_lun_att_x) att_z_name = tnames(name_lun_att_z) if n_elements(att_x_name) ne 1 || n_elements(att_z_name) ne 1 || att_x_name[0] eq '' || att_z_name[0] eq '' then begin message,'Aborted: Must load lunar attitude to perform this transformation (Load Routine:"thm_load_slp")' endif sun_pos_name=tnames(name_sun_pos) moon_pos_name=tnames(name_moon_pos) if n_elements(sun_pos_name) ne 1 || n_elements(moon_pos_name) ne 1 || sun_pos_name[0] eq '' || moon_pos_name[0] eq '' then begin message,'Aborted: Must load sun and moon positions to perform this transformation (Load Routine:"thm_load_slp")' endif get_data,name_in,dlimit=dl,data=in_d get_data,name_sun_pos,data=sun_pos_d,dlimit=sun_pos_dl get_data,name_moon_pos,data=moon_pos_d,dlimit=moon_pos_dl get_data,att_x_name,data=att_x_d,dlimit=att_x_dl get_data,att_z_name,data=att_z_d,dlimit=att_z_dl if ~is_struct(sun_pos_d) || ~is_struct(moon_pos_d) then begin message,'Aborted: Must load sun and moon positions to perform this transformation (Load Routine:"thm_load_slp")' endif if ~is_struct(att_x_d) || ~is_struct(att_z_d) then begin message,'Aborted: Must load lunar attitude to perform this transformation (Load Routine:"thm_load_slp")' endif if min(moon_pos_d.x,/nan)-min(in_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(in_d.x,/nan) - max(moon_pos_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + name_moon_pos + ' and ' + name_in + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif if min(sun_pos_d.x,/nan)-min(in_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(in_d.x,/nan) - max(sun_pos_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + name_sun_pos + ' and ' + name_in + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif if min(att_x_d.x,/nan)-min(in_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(in_d.x,/nan) - max(att_x_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + att_x_name + ' and ' + name_in + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif if min(att_z_d.x,/nan)-min(in_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 || max(in_d.x,/nan) - max(att_z_d.x,/nan) gt 60*60 then begin dprint,'NON-FATAL-ERROR: ' + att_z_name + ' and ' + name_in + ' fail to overlap for time greater than 1 hour. Data may have significant interpolation errors.' endif sel_matrix_make,name_sun_pos,name_moon_pos,name_lun_att_x,name_lun_att_z,newname='sel_mat_cotrans',fail=fail,ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits if fail then begin message,'Failed to create SEL rotation matrix endif st_type = 'none' str_element,dl,'data_att.st_type',st_type name_one = name_in name_two = name_out if keyword_set(sel2sse) then dprint,'SEL->SSE' else dprint,'SSE->SEL' tvector_rotate,'sel_mat_cotrans',name_one,newname=name_two,error=err,invert=keyword_set(sel2sse),/vector_skip_nonmonotonic,/matrix_skip_nonmonotonic if err eq 0 then begin message,'Error performing rotation during SEL transformation endif endif else begin ; end of tplot var if statement sun_struc = {x:name_sun_pos[*,0], y:name_sun_pos[*,1:3]} tinterpol_mxn,sun_struc,name_in[*,0],out=sun_pos,error=err lun_struc = {x:name_moon_pos[*,0], y:name_moon_pos[*,1:3]} tinterpol_mxn,lun_struc,name_in[*,0],out=lun_pos,error=err lun_att_x_struc = {x:name_lun_att_x[*,0], y:name_lun_att_x[*,1:3]} tinterpol_mxn,lun_att_x_struc,name_in[*,0],out=lun_att_x,error=err lun_att_z_struc = {x:name_lun_att_z[*,0], y:name_lun_att_z[*,1:3]} tinterpol_mxn,lun_att_z_struc,name_in[*,0],out=lun_att_z,error=err sun_pos_arr = name_in sun_pos_arr[*,1:3] = sun_pos.y lun_pos_arr = name_in lun_pos_arr[*,1:3] = lun_pos.y att_x_arr = name_in att_x_arr[*,1:3] = lun_att_x.y att_z_arr = name_in att_z_arr[*,1:3] = lun_att_z.y sel_matrix_make,sun_pos_arr,lun_pos_arr,att_x_arr,att_z_arr,newname=sel_mat_cotrans,fail=fail,ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits if fail then begin message,'Failed to create SEL rotation matrix endif if keyword_set(sel2sse) then dprint,'SEL->SSE' else dprint,'SSE->SEL' tvector_rotate,sel_mat_cotrans,name_in[*,1:3],newname=name_two,error=err,invert=keyword_set(sel2sse),/vector_skip_nonmonotonic,/matrix_skip_nonmonotonic if err eq 0 then begin message,'Error performing rotation during SEL transformation endif name_out=name_in name_out[*,1:3]=name_two endelse ; end of vector data if statement end