;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_part_time_iterator ;PURPOSE: An accessor method to make it easier to iterate ; particle distributions that are regularly gridded in time ; but not in mode.(e.g. after thm_part_time_interpolate has been used to match time grids) ; ;INPUTS: ; dist_array: The array of particle distribution mode pointers to be interated ; ;OUTPUTS: ; dist_struct(optional): an individiual distribution structure being returned ; ;KEYWORDS: ; nelements=nelements: Query the total number of elements and return ; index=index: The index for the distribution that should be returned(default=0) ; set=set: If this keyword is set, then dist_struct will be stored at index instead of returned from index ; ; SEE ALSO: ; thm_part_time_interpolate, thm_part_dist_array, thm_part_smooth, thm_part_subtract,thm_part_omni_convert ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,nelements=n ; for i = 0,n-1 do begin ; thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,s,index=i ; s.data*=2 ; thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,s,index=i,/set ; endfor ; ; TODO: ; This is routine is primarily for simplifying user interaction with particle distribution structures, ; but I think it could be used to simplify/clarify other routines in the SEE ALSO section. ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-03-11 13:34:12 -0700 (Wed, 11 Mar 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17117 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/thm_part_time_iterator.pro $ ;- pro thm_part_time_iterator,dist_array,dist_struct,nelements=nelements,index=index,set=set compile_opt idl2,hidden if arg_present(nelements) then begin nelements = 0 for i =0,n_elements(dist_array)-1 do begin nelements+=n_elements(*dist_array[i]) endfor return endif if ~keyword_set(index) then begin index=0 endif t = 0 for i = 0,n_elements(dist_array)-1 do begin if t+n_elements(*dist_array[i]) gt index then begin if keyword_set(set) then begin (*dist_array[i])[index-t]=dist_struct endif else begin dist_struct=(*dist_array[i])[index-t] endelse return endif else begin t+=n_elements(*dist_array[i]) endelse endfor end