;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_part_getspec ;PURPOSE: ; Generate spectra from particle data ; Provides different angular view and angle restriction options in spacecraft and fac coords ; ;Inputs: ; Argument descriptions inline below. ; ;Outputs: ; Argument descriptions inline below ; ;Keywords: ; Argument description inline below ; ;Notes: ; Old version in particles/deprecated ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-03-15 13:39:33 -0700 (Wed, 15 Mar 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22971 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/thm_part_getspec.pro $ ;- ;helper function to rename outputs from thm_part_products to the old naming style pro thm_pgs_tplot_rename,in_names,probe,datatype,units,suffix,an_tnames=an_tnames,en_tnames=en_tnames compile_opt idl2,hidden prefix = 'th'+probe+'_'+datatype+'_' ;energy rename new_name = prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_energy'+suffix idx = where(strmatch(in_names,new_name,/fold_case),c) if c ge 1 then begin ;if c is gt 1 line below will fail, but it should old_name = prefix+'en_'+strlowcase(units)+suffix tplot_rename,new_name,old_name en_tnames = array_concat(old_name,en_tnames) endif ;phi rename new_name = prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_phi'+suffix idx = where(strmatch(in_names,prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_phi'+suffix,/fold_case),c) if c ge 1 then begin ;if c is gt 1 line below will fail, but it should old_name=prefix+'an_'+strlowcase(units)+'_phi'+suffix ;name used in older version of thm_part_getspec tplot_rename,new_name,old_name an_tnames = array_concat(old_name,an_tnames) endif ;theta rename new_name = prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_theta'+suffix idx = where(strmatch(in_names,prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_theta'+suffix,/fold_case),c) if c ge 1 then begin ;if c is gt 1 line below will fail, but it should old_name = prefix+'an_'+strlowcase(units)+'_theta'+suffix ;name used in older version of thm_part_getspec tplot_rename,new_name,old_name an_tnames = array_concat(old_name,an_tnames) endif ;pitch angle rename new_name = prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_pa'+suffix idx = where(strmatch(in_names,prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_pa'+suffix,/fold_case),c) if c ge 1 then begin ;if c is gt 1 line below will fail, but it should old_name = prefix+'an_'+strlowcase(units)+'_pa'+suffix ;name used in older version of thm_part_getspec tplot_rename,new_name,old_name an_tnames = array_concat(old_name,an_tnames) endif new_name = prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_gyro'+suffix idx = where(strmatch(in_names,prefix+strlowcase(units)+'_gyro'+suffix,/fold_case),c) if c ge 1 then begin ;if c is gt 1 line below will fail, but it should old_name = prefix+'an_'+strlowcase(units)+'_gyro'+suffix ;name used in older version of thm_part_getspec tplot_rename,new_name,old_name an_tnames = array_concat(old_name,an_tnames) endif end pro thm_part_getspec,$ probes=probes,$ ;The requested spacecraft ('a','b','c','d','e','f') (or list) instrument_types=instruments,$ ;The requested data type data_type=data_type,$ ; The requested data type(same as instrument_type, added for consistency) datatypes=datatypes,$ ;The requested data type(all these options backwards compatible to all the various options) trange=trange,$ ;required for now erange=erange,$ ;energy range energy=energy,$ ;set to select energy spectrogram production phi=phi_in,$ ;angle limit 2-element array [min,max], in degrees, spacecraft spin plane theta=theta,$ ;angle limits 2-element array [min,max], in degrees, normal to spacecraft spin plane pitch=pitch,$ ;angle limits 2-element array [min,max], in degrees, magnetic field pitch angle gyro=gyro_in,$ ;angle limits 2-element array [min,max], in degrees, gyrophase angle=angle,$ ;select the angular spectrum start_angle=start_angle, $ ;control the starting angle when plotting outputs=outputs,$ ;list of requested output types (simpler than the angle=angle & /energy setup from before units=units,$ ;scalar unit conversion for data regrid=regrid, $ ;When performing FAC transforms, loss of resolution in sample bins occurs.(because the transformed bins are not aligned with the sample bins) ;To resolve this, the FAC distribution is resampled at higher resolution. This 2 element array specifies that resolution.[nphi,ntheta] suffix=suffix, $ ;tplot suffix to apply when generating outputs datagap=datagap, $ ;setting for tplot variables, controls how long a gap must be before it is drawn.(can also manually degap) get_error=get_error, $ ;flag to return *_sigma variables ;gui-related keywords disabled for now(uniform error helper?) gui_statusBar=gui_statusBar, $ gui_historyWin=gui_historyWin, $ other_dim=other_dim,$ ;for now, default only method_clean=method_clean,$ ;enable sun decontamination sun_bins=sun_bins,$ ;set decontamination bins, 64-element 0-1 array dist_array=dist_array, $ ;use to pass in data from thm_part_dist_array, useful if you want to modify the data before spectra generation error=error,$ ;indicate error to calling routine 1=error,0=success en_tnames=en_tnames,$ an_tnames=an_tnames,$ ;these keywords are deprecated normalize=normalize,$ bins2mask=bins2mask,$ badbins2mask=badbins2mask,$ enoise_bins=enoise_bins,$ autoplot=autoplot, $ --automatically plot data(otherwise just produces output variables) sst_cal=sst_cal,$ ;for the automatic load get_support_data=get_support_data,$ forceload=forceload, $ --force data load(otherwise will try to use previously loaded data), (not implemented in new wrapper) mag_suffix=mag_suffix,$ _extra=ex ;TBD: consider implementing as _strict_extra compile_opt idl2 twin = systime(/sec) error=1 dprint,dlevel=0,"WARNING: This routine is now a wrapper. For new code, we recommend using the core routine thm_part_products.pro, see thm_crib_part_products.pro for examples." if keyword_set(normalize) then begin message,'ERROR: Keyword normalize is fully deprecated.' endif if keyword_set(bins2mask) then begin message,'ERROR: Keyword bins2mask is fully deprecated. Use sun_bins for sst sun decontamination, and dist_array otherwise' endif if keyword_set(badbins2mask) then begin message,'ERROR: Keyword badbins2mask is fully deprecated. Use sun_bins for sst sun decontamination, and dist_array otherwise' endif if keyword_set(enoise_bins) then begin message,'ERROR: enoise_bins is fully deprecated. Use sun_bins for sst sun decontamination' endif if keyword_set(autoplot) then begin message,'ERROR: Keyword autoplot is fully deprecated. Use an_tnames keyword & tplot to display data products' endif if keyword_set(method_clean) then begin if strlowcase(method_clean) eq 'automatic' then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Automatic SST decontamination method no longer supported, Defaulting to manual with good default.' endif sst_method_clean='manual' endif ;new code uses bin number instead of 0-1 array if keyword_set(sun_bins) then begin sst_sun_bins = where(~sun_bins) endif if ~keyword_set(suffix) then begin suffix = '' endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Convert string inputs ; -The logic here should match that from the original thm_part_getspec ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Probes ;------------ valid_probes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] if is_string(probes) then begin probes_lc = strfilter(valid_probes, probes, /fold_case, delimiter=' ') probes_lc = strlowcase(probes_lc) if probes_lc[0] eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Input did not contain a valid probe designation.' return endif endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Input did not contain a valid probe designation.' return endelse ;Data types ;------------ valid_datatypes = ['peif','peef','psif','psef','peir','peer', $ 'psir','pser','peib','peeb','pseb'] if is_string(data_type) then datatypes = data_type if is_string(instruments) then datatypes = instruments if is_string(datatypes) then begin datatypes_lc = strfilter(valid_datatypes, datatypes, /fold_case, delimiter=' ') datatypes_lc = strlowcase(datatypes_lc) if datatypes_lc[0] eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Input did not include a valid data type.' return endif endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Input did not include a valid data type.' return endelse if keyword_set(theta) then begin if n_elements(theta) lt 2 then begin dprint,'Error, theta keyword should have 2 elements.',dlevel=1 return endif if theta[1] lt theta[0] then begin dprint,'Error: theta keyword max less than theta min',dlevel=1 return endif if theta[0] lt -90 || theta[1] gt 90 then begin dprint,'Error: theta must be between -90 & 90',dlevel=1 return endif endif if keyword_set(phi_in) then begin if n_elements(phi_in) lt 2 then begin dprint,'Error: phi keyword should have 2 elements.',dlevel=1 return endif ;Ranges greater than 360 will no longer produce extended plots. ;This ensures that the range is modified in a way that will ;still include all data and be plotted along the same y axis. ;This could be done in thm_part_products but would break the ;functional separation between start_angle and phi limits for ;that code. if max(phi_in) - min(phi_in) gt 360. then begin phi = [0,360] if undefined(start_angle) then start_angle = min(phi_in) endif else begin phi = phi_in endelse ;NOTE: this doesn't wrap phis the way the old one did. ; I think that this should probably be handled at the lower level endif if keyword_set(pitch) then begin if n_elements(pitch) lt 2 then begin dprint,'Error, pitch keyword should have 2 elements.',dlevel=1 return endif if pitch[1] lt pitch[0] then begin dprint,'Error: pitch keyword max less than pitch min',dlevel=1 return endif if pitch[0] lt 0 || pitch[1] gt 180 then begin dprint,'Error: pitch must be between 0 & 180',dlevel=1 return endif endif if keyword_set(gyro) then begin if n_elements(gyro) lt 2 then begin dprint,'Error: gyro keyword should have 2 elements.',dlevel=1 return if max(gyro_in) - min(gyro_in) gt 360. then begin gyro = [0,360] if undefined(start_angle) then start_angle = min(gyro_in) endif else begin gyro = gyro_in endelse ;NOTE: this doesn't wrap gyros the way the old one did. ; I think that this should probably be handled at the lower level endif endif if ~keyword_set(trange) then begin trange = timerange() endif if keyword_set(energy) then begin outputs = array_concat('energy',outputs) endif if keyword_set(angle) then begin outputs = array_concat(strsplit(angle,' ',/extract),outputs) endif else if ~keyword_set(angle) then begin outputs = array_concat('phi',outputs) endif if ~keyword_set(units) then begin units_lc = 'eflux' endif else begin units_lc = strlowcase(units) endelse ;so we don't actually concatenate onto variables from a previous call undefine,an_tnames undefine,en_tnames undefine,out_names if keyword_set(dist_array) then begin ;multiple probes/data types doesn't make sense if dist_array is used if n_elements(probes_lc) gt 1 then begin message,'Error: dist_array keyword cannot be used with multiple probes endif if n_elements(datatypes_lc) gt 1 then begin message,'Error: dist_array keyword cannot be used with multiple datatypes endif thm_part_products,probe=probes_lc[0],datatype=datatypes_lc[0],trange=trange,$ energy=erange,phi=phi,theta=theta,gyro=gyro,pitch=pitch,$ outputs=outputs,units=units_lc,regrid=regrid,suffix=suffix,$ datagap=datagap,get_error=get_error,gui_statusbar=gui_statusbar,$ gui_historywin=gui_historywin,fac_type=fac_type,$ mag_name='th'+probes_lc[0]+'_fgs',$ sst_sun_bins=sst_sun_bins,sst_method_clean=sst_method_clean,$ dist_array=dist_array,$ error=error_dev,$ start_angle=start_angle,$ tplotnames=tplotnames,$ sst_cal=sst_cal if (error_dev) then begin return endif ;expand single-dimension y axes to two dimensions to match old code thm_pgs_expand_yaxis, tplotnames ;rename variables to use only naming system thm_pgs_tplot_rename,tplotnames,probes_lc[0],datatypes_lc[0],units_lc,suffix,an_tnames=an_tnames,en_tnames=en_tnames endif else begin for i = 0,n_elements(probes_lc)-1 do begin for j = 0,n_elements(datatypes_lc)-1 do begin ;themis state needed for pretty much everything thm_load_state, probe = probes_lc[i], trange = trange, /get_support_data thm_load_fit, probe=probes_lc[i], trange=trange, datatype='fgs', level='l1', $ coord='dsl', /get_support_data ;load particle data thm_part_load,probe=probes_lc[i],datatype=datatypes_lc[j],trange=trange,sst_cal=sst_cal,_extra=ex thm_part_products,probe=probes_lc[i],datatype=datatypes_lc[j],trange=trange,$ energy=erange,phi=phi,theta=theta,gyro=gyro,pitch=pitch,$ outputs=outputs,units=units_lc,regrid=regrid,suffix=suffix,$ datagap=datagap,get_error=get_error,gui_statusbar=gui_statusbar,$ gui_historywin=gui_historywin,fac_type=fac_type,$ sst_sun_bins=sst_sun_bins,sst_method_clean=sst_method_clean,$ mag_name='th'+probes_lc[i]+'_fgs',$ dist_array=dist_array,$ error=error_dev,$ start_angle=start_angle,$ tplotnames=tplotnames,$ sst_cal=sst_cal,$ _extra=ex if (error_dev) then begin return endif ;expand single-dimension y axes to two dimensions to match old code thm_pgs_expand_yaxis, tplotnames ;rename variables to use only naming system thm_pgs_tplot_rename,tplotnames,probes_lc[i],datatypes_lc[j],units_lc,suffix,an_tnames=an_tnames,en_tnames=en_tnames endfor endfor endelse dprint,'Runtime: ',systime(/sec) - twin,' secs' error=0 end