;+ ;NAME: ; thm_part_dist ;PURPOSE: ; wrapper function around the different routines called 'get_p???' ; used for ESA particle data and 'thm_sst_p???' routines that extract ; SST data. ;INPUT: ; format = a string denoting the data that is desired: options are: ; 'tha_peif': Full Esa mode data, ions, probe A ; 'tha_peef': Full Esa mode data, electrons, probe A ; 'tha_peir': Reduced Esa mode data, ions, probe A ; 'tha_peer': Reduced Esa mode data, electrons, probe A ; 'tha_peir': Burst Esa mode data, ions, probe A ; 'tha_peer': Reduced Esa mode data, electrons, probe A ; 'tha_psif': Full Sst mode data, ions, probe A ; 'tha_psef': Full Sst mode data, electrons, probe A ; 'tha_psir': Reduced Sst mode data, ions, probe A ; 'tha_pser': Reduced Sst mode data, electrons, probe A ; For other probes, just replace 'tha' with the appropriate ; string, 'thb', 'thc', 'thd', 'the' ; If this is not set, then the string is constructed from the ; type and probe keywords ; time = an input time, if not passed in, then this routine will ; attempt to get the time from plotted data, via ctime, unless ; the index keyword is passed in (for SST) or ; when start, en, advance, retreat, or index are passed in. ;KEYWORDS: ; type = 4 character string denoting the type of data that you need, ; e.g., 'peif' for full mode esa data ; probe = the THEMIS probe, 'a','b','c','d','e' ; cursor = if set, then choose a time from the plot, using ; ctime.pro. This overrides any input -- that is, the ; variable that was used becomes the input variable and the ; time obtained becomes the time of the data. ; index = an index for the data point that is to be returned ; start (ESA only) = if set, then get the first saved data point ; en (ESA only) = if set, get the last saved data point ; advance (ESA only) = if set, get the data point after the one that ; was gotten last ; retreat (ESA only) = if set, get the data point before the one that ; was gotten last ; times = if set, returns the time array for all the saved data points ;OUTPUT: ; dat = the '3d data structure' for the given data type: In general ; this will be different for different data types, but there are ; elements that are common to all, Here is a sample for tha_psif ; data: ; PROJECT_NAME STRING 'THEMIS' ; DATA_NAME STRING 'SST Ion Full distribution' ; UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'thm_sst_convert_units' ; TPLOTNAME STRING '' ; TIME DOUBLE 1.1837675e+09 ; END_TIME DOUBLE 1.1837676e+09 ; TRANGE DOUBLE Array[2] ;;not always present ; INDEX LONG 4 ; NBINS LONG 64 ; NENERGY LONG 16 ; MAGF FLOAT Array[3] ; SC_POT FLOAT 0.00000 ; MASS FLOAT 0.0104390 ; CHARGE FLOAT 0.00000 ; VALID INT 1 ; MODE INT 0 ; CNFG INT 577 ; NSPINS INT 64 ; DATA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; ENERGY FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; THETA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; PHI FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DENERGY FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DTHETA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DPHI FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; BINS INT Array[16, 64] ; GF FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; INTEG_T FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DEADTIME FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; GEOM_FACTOR FLOAT 0.100000 ; ATTEN INT 10 ; ; NOTE: 1. that the .time tag refers to the interval start time. The ; .trange tag gives the time range, and is not always present. ; 2. For documentation on sun contamination correction keywords that ; may be passed in through the _extra keyword please see: ; thm_remove_sunpulse.pro or thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro ; ;HISTORY: ; 2016-08-23 background removal moved to thm_pgs_clean_esa ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-09-26 10:16:49 -0700 (Mon, 26 Sep 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21940 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/thm_part_dist.pro $ ;- function thm_part_dist, format, time, type = type, probe = probe, $ cursor = cursor, sst_cal = sst_cal, pattern = pattern, $ bgnd_remove = bgnd_remove, err_msg=err_msg, _extra = ex err_msg = '' if keyword_set(cursor) then begin ctime,time,vname=vname ts=time_string(time) dprint,vname,/phelp dprint,ts,/phelp format = strmid(vname,0,8) format = format[0] dprint,format,/phelp endif if keyword_set(format) then begin probe = strmid(format,2,1) type = strmid(format,4,4) endif else format = 'th'+probe+'_'+type ;calibrated SST data loaded by default (thm_part_load) ;TODO: It might be better to check for the presence of ; normal & callibrated data with thm_part_trange and ; preferentially load calibrated when both exist. if strmid(format,5,1) eq 's' then begin if strmid(format,7,1) ne 'r' && undefined(sst_cal) then begin sst_cal = 1 endif ;SST calibrations only apply to full/burst data if keyword_set(sst_cal) && (strmid(format,7,1) eq 'f' || strmid(format,7,1) eq 'b') then begin return,thm_part_dist2(format,time,_extra=ex,sst_cal=sst_cal) endif endif ;type=type[0] if n_elements(time) gt 1 then begin case strmid(type,0,3) of 'pei' : times = call_function('get_'+format ,/time,_extra=ex ) 'pee' : times = call_function('get_'+format ,/time,_extra=ex ) 'psi' : times = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,/time,probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) ; thm_sst_sif thm_sst_sir 'pse' : times = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,/time,probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) endcase irange=round( interp(dindgen(n_elements(times)),times,minmax(time)) ) indexs = l64indgen(irange[1]-irange[0]+1) + irange[0] ; dprint,times for i=0ll,n_elements(indexs)-1ull do begin case strmid(type,0,3) of 'pei' : dat0 = call_function('get_'+format ,index=indexs[i],_extra=ex ) 'pee' : dat0 = call_function('get_'+format ,index=indexs[i],_extra=ex ) 'psi' : dat0 = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,index=indexs[i],probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) ; thm_sst_sif thm_sst_sir 'pse' : dat0 = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,index=indexs[i],probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) endcase dat = sum3d(dat,dat0) ;if strmid(type,0,2) eq 'pe' then dat.energy[31,*] = !values.f_nan endfor endif else begin case strmid(type,0,3) of 'pei' : dat = call_function('get_'+format ,time,_extra=ex ) 'pee' : dat = call_function('get_'+format ,time,_extra=ex ) 'psi' : dat = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,time,probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) ; thm_sst_sif thm_sst_sir 'pse' : dat = call_function('thm_sst_'+type,time,probe=probe, err_msg=err_msg, _extra=ex) endcase endelse ;backward compatibility ; -add background removal options to struct so that they can be applied later ; -technically this moves when removal is applied to sum3d case above but that feature is not used (and could be moved) if keyword_set(bgnd_remove) && is_struct(dat) && strmid(type,0,2) eq 'pe' then begin default = {bgnd_remove:1, bgnd_type:'anode', bgnd_npoints:3, bgnd_scale:1.0} struct_assign, ex, default, /nozero dat = create_struct('esa_bgnd',default,dat) endif return,dat end