;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_part_slice2d_subtract ; ;Purpose: ; Helper function for thm_part_slice2d. ; Subtracts bulk velocity vector from velocity array. ; ; ;Input: ; vectors: (float) N x 3 array of particle vectors ; vbulk: (float) bulk velocity 3-vector ; vel_data: (string) name of tplot variable containing bulk velocity data ; ; ;Output: ; none, modifies vectors ; ; ;Notes: ; This shift should NOT be applied when using the geometric method. ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-04 18:05:22 -0800 (Fri, 04 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20331 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/core/thm_part_slice2d_subtract.pro $ ; ;- ; Helper Function ; Subtracts bulk velocity vector from vectors array ; todo: fix for geo pro thm_part_slice2d_subtract, vectors=vectors, vbulk=vbulk, vel_data=vel_data compile_opt idl2, hidden if keyword_set(vel_data) then begin dprint, dlevel=4,'Velocity used for subtraction is '+vel_data endif else begin dprint, dlevel=4, 'Velocity used for subtraction is V_3D' endelse vectors[*,0] = vectors[*,0] - vbulk[0] vectors[*,1] = vectors[*,1] - vbulk[1] vectors[*,2] = vectors[*,2] - vbulk[2] end