;+ ;NAME: ; thm_scw_degap ;PURPOSE: ; Helper function for thm_cal_scm, this interpolates over short gaps ; in wave burst data, this is the default for L1 SCM data input ; as of 2020-05-18. Previously temp_scw_degap.pro ;INPUT: ; probe = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;KEYWORDS: ; max_degap_dt = maximum size for degap, the default is 0.20 seconds ;HISTORY: ; Originally temp_scw_degap, from 2014, renamed 2020-05-18 ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-05-18 12:57:52 -0700 (Mon, 18 May 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28710 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_scw_degap.pro $ ;- Pro thm_scw_degap, probe, max_degap_dt = max_degap_dt, suffix = suffix, _extra = _extra ;Need hed and dq data If(is_string(suffix)) Then sfx = suffix[0] Else sfx = '' vh = 'th'+probe+'_scw_hed' ;no suffix on header variable vardq = 'th'+probe+'_scw_dq'+sfx get_data, vh, data = a If(~is_struct(a)) Then Return TMrate = 2.^(reform(a.y[*, 14]/16b)+1) If(max(tmrate) Ne 8192.0 Or min(tmrate) Ne 8192.0) Then Return ;only good for 8192.0 get_data, vardq, data = dq If(~is_struct(dq)) Then Return xdq = dq.x & ydq = dq.y & vdq = dq.v ;hmmm dt0 = 1.0/8192.0 var = 'th'+probe+'_scw'+sfx get_data, var, data = d dt = d.x[1:*]-d.x If(keyword_set(max_degap_dt)) Then dt00 = max_degap_dt Else dt00 = 0.20 ppp = where(dt lt dt00 And dt gt dt0) If(ppp[0] Eq -1) Then Return nppp = n_elements(ppp) x = d.x & y = d.y & v = d.v ;We will assume xdq=x here If(total(abs(xdq-x)) Gt 0) Then Return For j = 0, nppp-1 Do Begin ;the gap is between ppp[j] and ppp[j]+1 dtj = x[ppp[j]+1]-x[ppp[j]] nfill = long(dtj/dt0) If(nfill Eq 1) Then Begin print, 'Gap of:'+string(dtj)+' seconds at time:' print, time_string(x[ppp[j]]) print, 'Too small to fill' Continue ;don't fill this small of a gap Endif tj = x[ppp[j]]+dt0*lindgen(nfill+1) ;The end points have data yj = intarr(nfill+1, 3) yj[0, *] = y[ppp[j], *] yj[nfill, *] = y[ppp[j]+1, *] ydqj = intarr(nfill+1, 2) ydqj[0, *] = ydq[ppp[j], *] ydqj[nfill, *] = ydq[ppp[j]+1, *] print, 'INTERPOLATED SCW:' For k = 0, 2 Do Begin yj[*, k] = interpol([yj[0, k], yj[nfill, k]], $ [tj[0], tj[nfill]], tj) Endfor For k = 0, 1 Do ydqj[*, k] = ydqj[0, k] ;append to the x and y arrays, we'll sort later x = [x, tj[1:nfill-1]] y = [y, yj[1:nfill-1, *]] xdq = [xdq, tj[1:nfill-1]] ydq = [ydq, ydqj[1:nfill-1, *]] print, time_string(tj[0], precision = 6) print, time_string(tj[nfill], precision = 6) Endfor ;Done, now sort in time ssx = bsort(x) x = x[ssx] y = y[ssx, *] xdq = xdq[ssx] ydq = ydq[ssx, *] store_data, var, data = {x:x, y:y, v:v} store_data, vardq, data = {x:xdq, y:ydq, v:vdq} Return End