; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ; deconvolib ; ; Library of routines for deconvolution of UBF waveforms ; ; Allows despinning and calibration in nT of waveforms to low ; frequency (typically 0.1-10 Hz) ; ; Assumes existence of function which returns the ; complex gain of the antennas in V/nT for a given frequency, ; antenna,calibration file for a given satellite, and sample ; frequency. If given a negative frequency, it must return the ; complex conjugate of the gain. The form of the function must be ; gainant(f, ix, isat, fe), ; ; Based on deconvolib by P. Robert CNRS/CETP ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-02-21 12:13:01 -0800 (Tue, 21 Feb 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9797 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_scm_deconvo_vec.pro $ ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pro thm_scm_apotrap, s, ns ; thm_scm_apotrap: apply a trapeziodal window to a waveform. waveform ; may be real or complex ; Based on P. Robert's apotrap in deconvolib.f90 na = ns/16 ap = dindgen(na)/double(na-1) ap_ind = lindgen(na) s[ap_ind] *= ap ap_ind = ns -1 - ap_ind s[ap_ind] *= ap end ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0XX pro thm_scm_corgain, s, ns, df, fe, gainant, ix, pathfil,frq, init=init ; thm_scm_corgain: apply correction for antenna gain to complex ; spectrum s ; parameters: ; s : complex spectrum input/output ; ns : size of s ; df : frequency step between values of s ; fe : sampling frequency ; gainant: name of gainant routine. ; if gainant is an empty string, unity gain is used. ; pathfil: pathname to calibration file used by gainant ; ix : antenna number. ; frq : output: the frequency values for spectrum s. ; keywords: ; init: initialize s to unity ; Based on P. Robert's corgain in deconvolib.f90 if keyword_set(init) then s = dcomplexarr(ns)+complex(1.0,0) frq = findgen(ns)*df frq[ns/2+1:*] -= float(ns)*df ;; IDL version of gainant handles negative frequencies. if keyword_set(gainant) then $ c = call_function(gainant, frq, ix, pathfil, fe) $ else c = complex(1.0, 0) smallc = where(abs(c) lt 1.e-6, nsmallc) if nsmallc gt 0 then c[smallc] = complex(1.e-6, 0.) s /= c ;; FFT of real function must be real at f=0 s[0]=abs(s[0])*((real_part(s[0]) lt 0) ? -1 : 1) end ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0XX pro thm_scm_coretar, s, ns, fe, tau ; thm_scm_coretar: apply correction for sample delay of tau seconds ; to complex spectrum s ; Based on P. Robert's coretar in deconvolib.f90 t = double(ns)/fe ns2=ns/2 n = lindgen(ns) n[ns2+1:*] -= ns teta = 2.0d*!dpi*n*double(tau)/t srot = exp(dcomplex(0, 1)*teta) s *= srot end ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0XX pro thm_scm_filtspe, s, ns, df, f1, f2 ; thm_scm_filtspe: filter a complex spectrum s below f1 and above f2 ; Based on P. Robert's filtspe in deconvolib.f90 f = findgen(ns)*df f[ns/2+1:*] -= float(ns)*df f = abs(f) ; light smoothing below f1 [sic] ;arg = (f/(2*df))**2 ;arg = arg < 37. ;af2 = 1.-exp(-arg) ; changed January 21, 2002: rectangular filter af2 = 1. filt = where(f lt f1 or f gt f2, nfilt) if nfilt gt 0 then s[filt] = complex(0., 0.) ;filt = where(f ge f1 && f le f2, nfilt) ;if nfilt gt 0 then s[filt] *= af2 end ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0XX ;+ ; function thm_scm_fastconvol(a, kernel) ; purpose: a wrapper that gives a unified interface to convol and blk_con - ; Unlike convol, it implements convolution in the mathematical sense ; while centering the kernel over each data point. center is at ; n_elements(k)/2 ; Unlike blk_con, it implements centering the kernel and the ; /edge keywords ; Default is to zero the edges within n_elements(k)/2 of the edge. ; parameters: ; a the data (floating point array). ; k the kernel to be convolved with the data (floating point array) ; keywords: ; edge_zero: pad beginning and ending of data with zero ; edge_truncate: pad beginning and ending of data with first/last value ; edge_wrap: pad beginning and ending of data by wrapping data around edge. ; blk_con: if non-zero, set block size to blk_con times kernel size. if zero ; always use brute-force convolution. Defaults to 8. ; Author: ; Ken Bromund Sept 18, 2007 ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-02-21 12:13:01 -0800 (Tue, 21 Feb 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9797 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_scm_deconvo_vec.pro $ ; ;- function thm_scm_fastconvol, a, kernel, edge_zero=edgez, edge_wrap=edgew, $ edge_truncate=edget, $ blk_con=blk_c nbp = n_elements(a) nk = n_elements(kernel) if size(blk_c, /type) ne 0 then b_length = blk_c * nk else b_length = 8 * nk ;; Pad the edges ;; This duplicates the implementation of the various /edge keywords used by ;; the convol function here to allow use of blk_con as an alternative. ;; This also enables us to avoid using the /center keyword in convol ;; (i.e. the default behavior): ;; /center causes convol to use an unconventional definition that would ;; require reversal of the kernel and re-adjustment of the center. if keyword_set( edgez) then begin ao = [fltarr(nk/2), a, fltarr(nk/2)] endif else if keyword_set(edget) then begin ao = [fltarr(nk/2) + a[0], a, fltarr(nk/2) + a[nbp-1]] endif else if keyword_set(edgew) then begin ao = [a[nk/2-1-lindgen(nk/2)], a, a[nbp-1-lindgen(nk/2)]] endif else ao = a ;; perform the convolution. if keyword_set(b_length) && b_length lt nbp then begin ;; use fast convolution. ao = blk_con(kernel, ao, b_length=b_length) ;; if no edge padding, then zero out the edge ;; to make blk_con() behave like convol() if n_elements(ao) eq nbp then begin ao[0:nk-2] = 0 endif endif else begin ;; use brute-force convolution ao = convol(ao, kernel, center=0) endelse ;; shift back to zero delay ao = shift(ao, -nk/2) ;; trim any edge padding if n_elements(ao) ne nbp then begin ao = ao[nk/2:nbp+nk/2-1] endif return, ao end ; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pro thm_scm_deconvo_vec, xio, nbp, nk, f1, f2, fe, gainant, ix, pathfil, tau, $ edge_truncate=edget, edge_wrap=edgew, edge_zero=edgez,$ blk_con=blk_con, plotk=plotk ;+ ;Name: ; thm_scm_deconvo_vec ;Purpose: ; continuous calibration accomplished by ; convolveing a signal with a kernel. ; The kernel is derived by taking the fft of the ; inverse of the frequency reponse. The kernel is also constructed ; to account for any sample delay. ;Inputs: ; xio: input/output waveform ; nbp: number of points in xio ; nk: number of points in kernel: power of 2. ; f1: low frequency ; f2: high frequency ; fe: sample frequency ;gainant: gain function, such as thm_scm_gainant. If gainant is an empty ; string, unity gain will be used. ; ix: antenna number (1,2,3) ;pathfil: calibration file name ; tau: time correction ;Keywords: ; edge_truncate ; edge_wrap ; edge_zero same functionality as keywords of same name to convol() ; blk_con if non-zero, use block convolution (fast FFT-based convolution) ; with a block size of the value of this keyword times the kernel ; size. If data size is too small, it will revert to ; brute-force convolution. ; plotk create diagnostic plots of the kernel and frequency response. ;- cx = ['','X','Y','Z'] df = fe/float(nk) ;; pre-centering xavg = total(xio)/nbp xio -= xavg ;; generate kernel that compensates for gain and sample delay. ;; first get desired complex frequency reponse of filter s = dcomplexarr(nk)+dcomplex(1.0, 0) ;; corgain: inverse of antenna gain (s,nk,df,fe,gainant,ix,pathfil) thm_scm_corgain, s, nk, df, fe, gainant, ix, pathfil, frq ;; coretar: correct for sample delay (s,nk,fe,tau) thm_scm_coretar, s, nk, fe, tau ;; filtspe: bandpass filter between f1 and f2 (s,nbp,df,f1,f2) thm_scm_filtspe, s, nk, df, f1, f2 ;; inverse fft to obtain kernel ks = fft(s, 1) kernel = real_part(ks) ;; if we did everything right, the imaginary part truly is negligible pr = total(kernel*kernel) pi = total(imaginary(ks)*imaginary(ks)) if pi/pr gt 1.e-5 then begin dprint, dlevel=4, '*** thm_scm_deconvo: Imag/Real for impulse reponse for ', cx[ix], $ ' =', pi/pr endif ;; zero time of the kernel is at index 0. Now, shift that to index nk/2 ;; to get a kernel suitable for linear convolution and ;; to allow application of the window. kernel = shift(kernel, nk/2) ;; As this is a continuous calibration, the window must be applied to the ;; kernel, rather than to the waveform. kernel_orig = kernel kernel *= hanning(nk, /double) ;; note: application of window introduces a slight offset, which must be ;; removed from the signal afterwards. ;; Correcting for the offset in the kernel itself ;; would nullify the benefit the of window. if keyword_set(plotk) then begin ;; Optionally make some plots of the kernel and the frequency response. ;; show the effect of the window on the frequency response: ;; (we expect to see an effect on the phase, when compared ;; to ideal correction spectrum, due to centering of kernel) oldwin = !d.window oldpmulti = !p.multi olddev = !d.name ; wset, plotk ; !p.multi=[0,0,4] !p.multi=[0,0,3] set_plot, 'z' ;run in z-buffer device, set_resolution = [640, 640] ;; plot kernel - compare windowed to unwindowed plot, lindgen(nk) - nk/2, kernel_orig, /xstyle, color=1, title='red: full kernel, blue: windowed kernel' oplot, lindgen(nk) - nk/2, kernel, color=2 ;; plot amplitude response, compare shifted windowed and unwindowed to ;; ideal. nk21 = nk/2+1 plot, shift(frq,-nk21), shift(abs(s),-nk21), /ylog, $ yrange=[0.01,max(abs(s))], /xstyle, ytitle='log gain', title='amplitude freq. response - white: ideal, red: full kernel, blue: windowed kernel' oplot, shift(frq,-nk21), shift(abs(fft(kernel_orig)),-nk21), $ color=1 oplot, shift(frq,-nk21), shift(abs(fft(kernel)),-nk21), $ color=2 ;; plot phase response, compare shifted windowed and unwindowed to ideal. plot, shift(frq,-nk21), shift(atan(s,/ph)*!radeg,-nk21), /xstyle, $ ytitle='degrees', title='phase freq. response - white: ideal, red: full kernel, blue: windowed kernel' oplot, shift(frq,-nk21),shift(atan(fft(shift(kernel_orig, -nk/2)),/ph)*!radeg,-nk21), $ color=1 oplot, shift(frq,-nk21), shift(atan(fft(shift(kernel, -nk/2)),/ph)*!radeg,-nk21), color=2 ;; plot group delay ; plot, shift(frq,-nk21), -(shift(atan(s, /ph),-nk21-1) - $ ; shift(atan(s,/ph),-nk21))/(df*2*!dpi), /xstyle tvlct, r, g, b, /get pfile = plotk write_png, pfile, tvrd(), r, g, b ; wset, oldwin ; !p.multi = oldpmulti set_plot, olddev ; stop endif ;; normalize the kernel kernel /= nk ;; perform the convolution. ;; notes on edge behavior: ;; default: zero output when kernel overlaps edge ;;; /edge_zero: usually good, but can emphasize low frequency trends, i.e. ;;; artifiacts of despin ;;; /edge_wrap; similar to edge zero (based on analysis of cal signal). ;;; /edge_truncate: usually bad xio = thm_scm_fastconvol(xio, kernel, blk_con=blk_con, $ edge_w=edgew, edge_t=edget, edge_z=edgez) ;; post-centering of waveform (necessary because of window) xavg = total(xio)/nbp xio -= xavg end