;+ ;Procedure: THM_LOAD_EFI_l2 ; ;Purpose: Loads THEMIS EFI level 2 data ; ;Syntax: THM_LOAD_EFI [, ] ; ;keywords: ; PROBE: Input, string. Specify space-separated probe ; letters, or string array (e.g., 'a c', ['a', 'c']). Defaults to ; all probes. ; DATATYPE: Input, string. Default setting is to load ; quantities. Use DATATYPE kw to narrow the data products. ; Wildcards and glob-style patterns accepted (e.g., ef?, *_dot0). ; SUFFIX: Input, scalar or array string. Set (scalar) ; to append SUFFIX to all output TPLOT variable names. Set (array ; with same # elements as COORD) to put suffixes for corresponding ; COORD elements (one TPLOT variable with suffix for each element of ; COORD). When COORD has > 1 element, SUFFIX must have the same # of ; elements (or be unset). ; TRANGE: Input, double (2 element array). Time range ; of interest. If this is not set, the default is to prompt the ; user. Note that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded. ; /DOWNLOADONLY: Input, numeric, 0 or 1. Set to download file ; but not read it. ; /VALID_NAMES: Input, numeric, 0 or 1. If set, then this ; routine will return the valid probe, datatype and/or level options ; in named variables supplied as arguments to the corresponding ; keywords. ; FILES: Output, string. Named varible for output of ; pathnames of local files. ; /VERBOSE: Input, numeric, 0 or 1. Set to output some ; useful info. ; /NO_DOWNLOAD: Input, numeric, 0 or 1. Set to use only files ; which are online locally. ; RELPATHNAMES_ALL: Output, string. Named variable in which to ; return all files that are required for specified timespan, probe, ; datatype, and level. If present, no files will be downloaded, and ; no data will be loaded. ; COORD: Input, string. What coordinate system you ; would like your data in. For choices, see THEMIS Sci. Data ; Anal. Software Users Guide. ; TEST: Input, numeric, 0 or 1. Disables selected ; /CONTINUE to MESSAGE. For QA testing only. ; /NO_TIME_CLIP: Disables time clipping, which is the default ;Example: ; thg_load_efi,/get_suppport_data,probe=['a', 'b'] ;Notes: ; ;Modifications: ; Added TEST kw to disable certain /CONTINUE to MESSAGE, and passed TEST ; through to THM_CAL_EFI.PRO, W.M.Feuerstein, 4/7/2008 (M). ; Fixed crash on passing an argument for RELPATHNAMES_ALL, WMF, 4/9/2008 (Tu). ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:50:27 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26397 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_load_efi_l2.pro $ ;- pro thm_load_efi_l2, probe = probe, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, coord = coord, varformat = varformat, $ cdf_data = cdf_data, varnames = varnames, valid_names = valid_names, $ files = files, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ suffix = suffix, progobj = progobj, test = test, $ no_time_clip = no_time_clip, msg_out=msg_out, _extra = _extra thm_init if ~keyword_set(probe) then probe = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ; If verbose keyword is defined, override !themis.verbose vb = size(verbose, /type) ne 0 ? verbose : !themis.verbose if not keyword_set(suffix) then suffix='' if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin downloadonly=1 no_download=1 end thm_load_proc_arg, sname = probe, datatype = datatype, $ level = 'l2', verbose = verbose, no_download = no_download, $ valid_names = valid_names, $ vsnames = 'a b c d e', $ type_sname = 'probe', $ vdatatypes = 'eff_dot0 efs_dot0 eff_q_mag eff_q_pha efs_q_mag efs_q_pha eff_e12_efs eff_e34_efs', $ vtypes = 'calibrated', $ vlevels = 'l2', $ vL2datatypes = 'eff_dot0 efs_dot0 eff_q_mag eff_q_pha efs_q_mag efs_q_pha eff_e12_efs eff_e34_efs', $ file_vL2datatypes = 'efi', $ deflevel = 'l2', $ osname = probes, odt = dts, olvl = lvls, $ oft = fts, ofdt = fdts, otyp = typ, $ load_params = !themis, $ my_themis = my_themis lvls = 'l2' ;only one level at a time please ndts = n_elements(dts) nfts = n_elements(fts) nprobes = n_elements(probes) if keyword_set(valid_names) then return if ndts*nfts*nprobes le 0 then return if arg_present(cdf_data) && ndts*nprobes gt 1 then begin dprint, 'can only get cdf_data for a single datatype' return endif ; ; If trange is not already set, take whatever was used for the ; last timespan command, similar to what happens inside ; thm_load_xxx. This ensures that time range clipping is ; performed, even if a trange keyword argument is not explicitly passed. if ~keyword_set(trange) then begin trange = timerange() ; endif ;get file names, loop over all snames, levels and datatypes for j = 0, nfts-1 do $ for i = 0, nprobes-1 do begin probei = probes[i] ftj = fts[j] lvlk = 'l2' relpath = 'th'+probei+'/'+lvlk+'/'+ ftj+'/' prefix = 'th'+probei+'_'+lvlk+'_'+ftj+'_' dir = 'YYYY/' ending = '_v01.cdf' relpathnames = file_dailynames(relpath, prefix, ending, dir = dir, trange = trange, addmaster = addmaster) if vb ge 7 then dprint, 'relpathnames : ', relpathnames if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin if i+j eq 0 then relpathnames_all = relpathnames else relpathnames_all = [relpathnames_all, relpathnames] endif ;;download files for this probe, level, and datatype ;; my_themis is a copy of !themis, which may have no_download set files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, _extra = my_themis, progobj = progobj) if keyword_set(downloadonly) then continue if arg_present(cdf_data) then begin cdf_data = cdf_load_vars(files, varnames = varnames, verbose = vb, /all) return endif if ~keyword_set(varformat) then begin varformat = 'th?_'+dts If(keyword_set(coord)) Then Begin crd = ssl_check_valid_name(strlowcase(coord), ['dsl', 'gse', 'gsm'], /include_all, $ invalid=msg_coord, type='coordinates') Endif Else crd = 'dsl' For vv = 0, n_elements(crd)-1 Do Begin varformat = [varformat, ' th?_'+dts+'_'+crd[vv]] Endfor If(n_elements(varformat) Gt 1) Then varformat = strjoin(varformat, ' ') endif if keyword_set(vb) then dprint, transpose(['Loading...', files]) If(is_string(file_search(files)) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Files: '+files+' not found' Return Endif spd_cdf2tplot, file = files, all = all, verbose = vb, varformat = varformat, tplotnames = tplotnames if ~keyword_set(no_time_clip) && keyword_set(trange) then begin for l = 0, n_elements(tplotnames)-1 do begin if tplotnames[l] eq '' then continue dprint, 'Clipping '+tplotnames[l] time_clip, tplotnames[l], trange[0], trange[1], /replace, error = clip_err if clip_err then begin dprint, 'Unable to clip '+tplotnames[l]+' to requested time range. Data may be out of range.' store_data, tplotnames[l], /del filtered_tplotnames = tplotnames[l] endif endfor if keyword_set(filtered_tplotnames) then tplotnames = filtered_tplotnames endif ;; add DLIMIT tags to data quantities, and suffix if necessary for l = 0, n_elements(tplotnames)-1 do begin tplot_var = tplotnames[l] etype = strmid(tplot_var, 0, 5) qflag = strpos(tplot_var, '_q_') get_data, tplot_var, data = d_str, limit = l_str, dlimit = dl_str if is_struct(dl_str) then begin if qflag[0] eq -1 then begin ;a field or voltage spd_new_units, tplot_var spd_new_coords, tplot_var get_data, tplot_var, dlimits = dl_str unit = dl_str.data_att.units ;the units tag has the coordinate system included; for ysubtitle and ;for SPDF plots. Strip it from the units tag here, but not from the ;'unit' variable, since that goes to ysubtitle u1 = strsplit(unit, ' ', /extract) dl_str.data_att.units = u1[0] if etype Eq 'th'+probei+'_v' then begin colors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] labels = ['V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6'] endif if etype eq 'th'+probei+'_e' then begin colors = [2, 4, 6] labels = [ 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'] endif str_element, dl_str, 'colors', colors, /add str_element, dl_str, 'labels', labels, /add str_element, dl_str, 'labflag', 1, /add store_data, tplot_var, data = d_str, limit = l_str, dlimit = dl_str endif else begin ;a quality flag ;No units or coordinate sysetm, just the title str_element, dl_str, 'ytitle', tplot_var, /add store_data, tplot_var, data = d_str, limit = l_str, dlimit = dl_str ylim, tplot_var, 0, 0, 1 endelse endif if n_elements(suffix) eq 1 && strlen(suffix) gt 0 then begin tplot_var_suf = tplot_var+suffix[0] ; tplot_names copy_data, tplot_var, tplot_var_suf store_data,tplot_var,/delete ; tplot_names endif endfor ;end of loop for loaded variables endfor ;end of loop over all probes, levels and datatypes. msg_out = keyword_set(msg_coord) ? msg_coord:'' end