;+ ; Returns the start and end indices of intervals where a condition ; applies ;- PRO temp_st_en2, condition, st_ss, en_ss, ok=ok n = N_ELEMENTS(condition) ok = where(condition, nok) IF(nok EQ 0) THEN BEGIN st_ss = 0 en_ss = n-1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF(nok EQ 1) THEN BEGIN st_ss = ok[0] en_ss = ok[0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN qq = [5000, ok[1:*]-ok] st_ss = ok[where(qq NE 1)] qq = [ok[1:*]-ok, 5000] en_ss = ok[where(qq NE 1)] ENDELSE ENDELSE RETURN END ;+ ;NAME: ;thm_efi_sdt_test ;PURPOSE: ;Checks houesekeeping data to flag the presence of EFI SDT (Sensor ;Diagnostic Tests). ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ;thm_efi_sdt_test, probe=probe, trange=trange ;INPUT: ;All via keyword ;OUTPUT: ;None explicit, instead the program creates a tplot variable with an ;sdt_flag for each HSK data point, 'th?_efi_sdt_flag' is set to 1, if ;there is an SDT. ;KEYWORDS: ;probe = The default is: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ;trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ;this is not set, the default is to use any timespan that has been ;previously set, and then to prompt the user. Note that if the input ;time range is not a full day, a full day's data is loaded ;textend = the extension time for the data, in seconds. Sdt's typically last ;for 2.5 hours, so the input time range is by default extended by 3 ;hours. the keyword textend can be used to change this. ;min_dt = the minimum duration for an SDT, default is 20 minutes (1200 ;seconds). ;HISTORY: ; 2014-10-13, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-31 12:01:53 -0800 (Wed, 31 Jan 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24613 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_efi_sdt_test.pro $ ;- Pro thm_efi_sdt_test, probe = probe, trange = trange, $ ibias_ddt = ibias_ddt, $ textend = textend, $ test_dt = test_dt, $ min_dt = min_dt, $ _extra=_extra If(keyword_set(textend)) Then text = textend $ Else text = 3.0*3600.0d0 If Keyword_set(test_dt) Then dt0 = test_dt Else dt0 = 125.0 If(keyword_set(min_dt)) Then dtmin = min_dt Else dtmin = 1200.0 If(keyword_set(ibias_ddt)) Then ibdt = ibias_ddt $ Else ibdt = 12.5 If (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) Eq 2) Then Begin tr0 = timerange(trange) Endif Else tr0 = timerange() tr = tr0+[-text, text] ;Given the tr value, load the hsk data If(keyword_set(probe)) Then Begin sc = thm_valid_input(probe, 'probe', vinput='a b c d e', $ definput = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], $ /include_all) Endif Else sc = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] thm_load_hsk, probe = sc, trange = tr thx = 'th'+sc nsc = n_elements(sc) For isc = 0, nsc-1 Do Begin d = 0 & x = 0 & y = 0 & ynew = 0 ;probably not needed vhvars = tnames(thx[isc]+['*ibias_raw', '*guard_raw', '*usher_raw']) If(n_elements(vhvars) Ne 3) Then Begin dprint, 'Insufficient HSK data' Return Endif deriv_data, vhvars ;Use the ibias data to create a flag bvar = tnames(thx[isc]+'*ibias_raw_ddt') If(is_string(bvar) Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Missing variable: '+thx[isc]+'*ibias_raw_ddt' Continue Endif bvar = bvar[0] get_data, bvar, data = dbvar ny = n_elements(dbvar.y[0,*]) For k = 0, ny-1 Do Begin If(k Eq 0) Then ck = abs(dbvar.y[*, k]) Gt ibdt $ Else ck = ck + (abs(dbvar.y[*, k]) Gt ibdt) Endfor fvar0 = thx[isc]+'_efi_sdt_hsk' d = {x:dbvar.x, y:((ck/2.0)<1)} store_data, fvar0, data = d options, fvar0, 'yrange', [0.0, 1.20] ;Get sdt start and end times, if they exist flag = d.y eq 1 temp_st_en2, flag, st_ss, en_ss, ok = ok If(ok[0] Eq -1) Then Begin fvar = thx[isc]+'_efi_sdt_flag' store_data, fvar, data = d options, fvar, 'yrange', [0.0, 1.20] Endif Else Begin st_time = d.x[st_ss] en_time = d.x[en_ss] ;Now concatenate the intervals if there is a LT 125 second difference ;between the end time of an interval and the start time of the next n = n_elements(st_ss) keep = bytarr(n)+1 For k = 0, n-2 Do Begin If(keep[k]) Then Begin k1 = k Repeat Begin k1 = k1+1 If((st_time[k1]-en_time[k]) Lt dt0) Then Begin keep[k1] = 0b en_time[k] = en_time[k1] Endif Endrep Until k1 Eq n-1 Or keep[k1] Eq 1 Endif Endfor ok = where(keep Gt 0, nok) ;nok can't be zero here... st_time = st_time[ok] st_ss = st_ss[ok] en_time = en_time[ok] en_ss = en_ss[ok] ;SDT's take a while, so do not flag any interval that is ;shorter than 20 minutes n = n_elements(st_ss) keep = bytarr(n)+1 For k = 0, n-1 Do Begin If((en_time[k]-st_time[k]) Lt dtmin) Then keep[k] = 0b Endfor ok = where(keep Gt 0, nok) ;nok can be zero here... If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin ynew = d.y & ynew[*] = 0 st_ss = -1 & en_ss = -1 Endif Else Begin st_time = st_time[ok] st_ss = st_ss[ok] en_time = en_time[ok] en_ss = en_ss[ok] ;reset flag array n = n_elements(st_ss) ynew = d.y & ynew[*] = 0 For k = 0, n-1 Do Begin ynew[st_ss[k]:en_ss[k]] = 1 Endfor Endelse fvar = thx[isc]+'_efi_sdt_flag' store_data, fvar, data = {x:d.x, y:ynew} options, fvar, 'yrange', [0.0, 1.20] Endelse ;Clip the data time_clip, fvar, tr0[0], tr0[1], /replace ;Set up a sparse start and end time variable get_data, fvar, data = d nd = n_elements(d.x) flag = d.y eq 1 temp_st_en2, flag, st_ss, en_ss, ok = ok n = n_elements(st_ss) fsparse = thx[isc]+'_efi_sdt_flag_sparse' If(ok[0] Eq -1) Then Begin store_data, fsparse, {x:minmax(d.x), y:[0, 0]} Endif Else Begin en_ss1 = (en_ss+1) < (nd-1) ;we want the subscripts of the end of time intervals here ;Do this interval by interval x = [d.x[st_ss[0]], d.x[en_ss1[0]]] If(en_ss[0] Eq nd-1) Then y = [1, 1] $ ;If the last interval is flagged, keep it Else y = [1, 0] If(n Gt 1) Then Begin For j = 1, n-1 Do Begin x = [x, d.x[st_ss[j]], d.x[en_ss1[j]]] If(en_ss[j] Eq nd-1) Then y = [y, 1, 1] $ Else y = [y, 1, 0] Endfor Endif ;Add zero points on the ends if needed If(st_ss[0] Gt 0) Then Begin x = [d.x[0], x] y = [0, y] Endif If(en_ss[n-1] Lt nd-1) Then Begin x = [x, d.x[nd-1]] y = [y, 0] Endif store_data, fsparse, data = {x:x, y:y} Endelse options, fsparse, 'yrange', [0.0, 1.20] Endfor Return End