;+ ;NAME: ; thm_efi_boom_deployment_time ;PURPOSE: ; Provides the boom_deployment time(s) for EFI on THEMIS ; probes. Before this time, EFI and all ESA, SST, MOM, moments are ; problematic. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; boom_time = thm_efi_boom_deployment_time(probe = probe) ;INPUT: ; All via keyword ;KEYWORDS: ; probe = 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', the probes for which you want the ; time ;OUTPUT: ; boom_time = the time of EFI boom_deployment for input probes: ; Dates for each Probe when boom deploy was completed: ; ;Probe Boom Deploy Complete ;THA (P5) 14 Jan 2008, 1700 UT. ;THB (P1) 17 Nov 2007, 0600 UT. ;THC (P2) 16 May 2007, 2100 UT. ;THD (P3) 7 Jun 2007, 1700 UT. ;THE (P4) 7 Jun 2007, 1900 UT. ; ;Notes: ;-- UT of "Deploy Complete" is first whole hour after final AXB deploy ;operation. ;-- Dates do not include final three-axis Sensor Diagnostic Test (SDT); ;see EFI Engineering Intervals table for details (forthcoming). ;HISTORY: ; 14-may-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-26 16:43:03 -0800 (Thu, 26 Jan 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9624 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_efi_boom_deployment_time.pro $ ;- Function thm_efi_boom_deployment_time, probe = probe, _extra = _extra ;check for valid probe If(is_string(probe)) Then Begin sc = strlowcase(probe) ;this is probably overkill, but what if nsc = n_elements(sc) ;somebody inputs ['A', 'B c']? sc1 = '' For j = 0, nsc-1 Do Begin pj = strcompress(/remove_all, strsplit(sc[j], /extract)) sc1 = [sc1, pj] Endfor If(n_elements(sc1) Gt 1) Then sc1 = sc1[1:*] $ Else sc1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] sc = temporary(sc1) Endif Else sc = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] dprint, 'SC=', sc ;Now check for probes nsc = n_elements(sc) otp = dblarr(nsc) For j = 0, nsc-1 Do Begin Case sc[j] Of 'a':otp[j] = time_double('2008-01-14/17:00:00') 'b':otp[j] = time_double('2007-11-17/06:00:00') 'c':otp[j] = time_double('2007-05-16/21:00:00') 'd':otp[j] = time_double('2007-06-07/17:00:00') 'e':otp[j] = time_double('2007-06-07/19:00:00') Else:dprint, 'Invalid Probe: '+sc[j] Endcase Endfor If(n_elements(otp) Eq 1) Then otp = otp[0] Return, otp End