;+ ;procedure: thm_cal_fgm_spin_harmonics ; ;Purpose: ; Uses spin harmonic corrections from calibration files to fix spin harmonic errors in fgm data. ; The correction values are subtracted from the fgm data. These values are downloaded from files ; in the data/themis/th?/l1/fgm/0000/spin_cal/ directory. ; ; ;Inputs: ; ; times: An N-length array of times matching the spinphase data and the fgmdata, in double precision seconds since 1970. ; spinphase: An N-length array of spinphase data in degrees. ; fgmdata: An Nx3 length array of fgm data in nT. fgmdata[*,0] = x,fgmdata[*,1] = y,fgmdata[*,2] = z ; probe: The probe letter, as a string. ; shadows:A struct with shadow start and stop times retrieved from the new spinmodel. ; {start:shadow_starts,stop:shadow_stops} ; ;Outputs: ; Mutates fgmdata in place. ; error: Set to 1 if error occurs, 0 otherwise ; ;Notes: ; 1. Specifically, this corrects errors due to the solar array current. Thus it is only applied when the spacecraft is ; not in shadow. ; ; 2. The correction should largely remove the 1 Hz and .66 Hz harmonics from the X & Y components of the data and ; it should remove the .66 Hz and .33 Hz harmonics from the Z component of the data.(in DSL coordinates) ; ; 3. The .33 Hz harmonic of the X & Y components should remain. There should be no 1 Hz Harmonic in the Z-component ; ; 4. If a calibration file is not found it will use a default calibration file. This file will be the calibration file ; for the probe that corresponds to the latest month. This could be an issue for dates very early in the mission, ; as there are no calibration files for these dates, but they are not temporally close to the default calibration values. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-04-27 11:26:29 -0700 (Mon, 27 Apr 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17433 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/spacecraft/fields/thm_cal_fgm_spin_harmonics.pro $ ;- pro thm_cal_fgm_spin_harmonics,times,spinphase,fgmdata,probe,error=error,shadows=shadow_struct compile_opt idl2 error = 1 dprint, dlevel=4,'Using spin harmonic correction.' mintm = min(times,max=maxtm) trange = [mintm,maxtm] ts = time_struct(trange) temp_struct = time_struct('2007-03-01/00:00:00') ;loop or year and month of data range for i = ts[0].year,ts[1].year do begin ;bounds of month may vary depending upon year startmonth = (i eq ts[0].year)?ts[0].month:1 endmonth = (i eq ts[1].year)?ts[1].month:12 for j = startmonth,endmonth do begin temp_struct.year = i temp_struct.month = j stime = time_double(temp_struct) if j eq 12 then begin temp_struct.month = 1 temp_struct.year = i+1 endif else begin temp_struct.month=j+1 endelse etime = time_double(temp_struct) idx = where(times ge stime and times lt etime,c) if c eq 0 then continue roi_name = tnames('th'+probe+'_state_roi*') if keyword_set(shadow_struct) && is_struct(shadow_struct) then begin for k = 0,n_elements(shadow_struct.start)-1 do begin idx = ssl_set_intersection([idx],where(times lt shadow_struct.start[k] or times ge shadow_struct.stop[k])) endfor if idx[0] eq -1 then begin dprint, dlevel=4,'Spacecraft is shadowed for : ' + strjoin(time_string(minmax(times)),' to ') + ' No spin harmonic calibration will be applied.' continue endif endif else if keyword_set(roi_name) then begin get_data,roi_name[0],data=d roi_idx = where(d.x ge stime and d.x lt etime,c) if c gt 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=4,'Using: ' + roi_name[0] + ' to determine when spacecraft is in shadow' ;This expression: ; #1 bitmasks out the sun & moon shadow flags, ; #2 identifies the locations where they are off ; #3 Interpolates results to match data times and rounds to create a nearest neighbor resampling. ; #4 Uses where to turn this 0-1 array into indices representing non-shadow times shadow_idx = where(round(interpol(long(~((d.y[roi_idx] and 1) or (d.y[roi_idx] and 2))),d.x[roi_idx],times[idx]))) if shadow_idx[0] eq -1l then continue idx = idx[shadow_idx] endif else begin dprint, dlevel=2,'WARNING: ' + roi_name[0] + ' does not overlap with state data. Spin Harmonic Correction may be applied during shadow' endelse endif else begin dprint, dlevel=2,'WARNING: th?_state_roi not present, spin harmonic correction will be applied during shadow.' endelse stime_struct = time_struct(stime) ;use this trick to roll over to the last day of the previous month ;so that filenames can be correctly constructed etime_struct = time_struct(etime-(60*60)) relpathname = 'th'+probe+'/l1/fgm/0000/spin_cal/th'+probe+'_'+$ num_to_str_pad(stime_struct.year,4)+$ num_to_str_pad(stime_struct.month,2)+$ num_to_str_pad(stime_struct.date,2)+'_'+$ num_to_str_pad(etime_struct.year,4)+$ num_to_str_pad(etime_struct.month,2)+$ num_to_str_pad(etime_struct.date,2)+$ '_avgdist.txt' month_file = spd_download(remote_file=relpathname, _extra=!themis) if ~file_test(month_file,/read) then begin dprint, dlevel=2,'WARNING: Could not find spin harmonic calibration for month starting at: ' + $ num_to_str_pad(stime_struct.year,4)+'/'+$ num_to_str_pad(stime_struct.month,2)+'/01, no readable spin_cal file.' dprint, dlevel=4,'Searching for Default Calibration File...' relpathname = 'th'+probe+'/l1/fgm/0000/spin_cal/th'+probe+'_default_avgdist.txt' month_file = spd_download(remote_file=relpathname, _extra=!themis) if ~file_test(month_file,/read) then begin dprint,'ERROR: Could not find spin harmonic calibration file for month, or default calibration file. No spin harmonic calibration will be performed.' return endif endif dprint, dlevel=4,'Using spin harmonic offsets from calibration file: ' + month_file get_rt_path,path ;reads variable spin_harmonic_template into memory restore,path+'/spin_harmonic_template.dat' ;reads calibration data into memory spin_harmonic_dat = read_ascii(month_file,template=spin_harmonic_template) fgmdata[idx,0] = fgmdata[idx,0]-interpol(spin_harmonic_dat.(1),spin_harmonic_dat.(0),spinphase[idx]) fgmdata[idx,1] = fgmdata[idx,1]-interpol(spin_harmonic_dat.(2),spin_harmonic_dat.(0),spinphase[idx]) fgmdata[idx,2] = fgmdata[idx,2]-interpol(spin_harmonic_dat.(3),spin_harmonic_dat.(0),spinphase[idx]) endfor endfor error = 0 end