;+ ;Procedure: THM_LOAD_CARISMA_GMAG, ; thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ ; level = level, verbose = verbose, $ ; subtract_average = subtract_average, $ ; subtract_median = subtract_median, $ ; varname_out = varname_out, $ ; subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly, $ ; valid_names = valid_names ; ; NOTE: ; 1. Data from the CARISMA gmag sites loaded by this routine is not mirrored by THEMIS. The data is downloaded ; directly from CARISMA (UAlberta) to the user's computer. ; Users of CARISMA data should be sure to read the Data Policy information at http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/roadrules.shtml ; before using this data for publication. ; ; 2. The data for some sites in the CARISMA network is mirrored by THEMIS: namely Rankin Inlet, Fort Smith, Gillam, Pinawa ; Fort Simpson. Data for these sites is loaded using the standard thm_load_gmag process. ; ; ; ;keywords: ; site = Observatory name, example, thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = 'daws', the ; default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations . This ; can be an array of strings, e.g., ['daws', 'isll'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'daws isll'. The ; valid site names for this case are: ; ; anna back cont daws eski fchp fchu ; gull isll lgrr mcmu mstk norm ; osak oxfo pols rabb sach talo ; thrf vulc weyb wgry ; ; These names correspond to gmags at these locations: ; Ann Arbor, Back Lake, Contwoyto, Dawson City, Eskimo Point, Fort Chipewyan, Fort Churchill, ; Gull Lake, Island Lake, Little Grand Rapids, Fort McMurray, Ministik Lake, Norman Wells, ; Osakis, Oxford House, Polson, Rabbit Lake, Rankin Inlet, Sachs Harbour, Taloyoak, ; Thief River Falls, Vulcan, Weyburn, Wells Gray. ; ; NB: ; 1. The CARISMA fchu (Fort Churchill) magnetometer is distinct from the CANMOS fcc magnetometer at Fort Churchill. ; 2. The gmag site TALO is a CARISMA site. There is also a THEMIS ASI site TALO. ; 3. Data for some sites may not yet be available. ; ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded, for this case, there is only ; one option, the default value of 'mag', so this is a ; placeholder should there be more that one data type. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all variables. ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; level = the level of the data, the default is 'l2', or level-2 ; data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. ; (in this case there is only one level of data available) ; /VERBOSE : set to output some useful info ; /SUBTRACT_AVERAGE, if set, then the average values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; /SUBTRACT_MEDIAN, if set, then the median values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; varname_out= a string array containing the tplot variable names for ; the loaded data, useful for the following keyword: ; subtracted_values = returns N_elements(varname_out) by 3 array ; containing the average or median (or 0) values ; subtracted from the data. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; no_download: use only files which are online locally. ; relpathnames_all: named variable in which to return all files that are ; required for specified timespan, probe, datatype, and level. ; If present, no files will be downloaded, and no data will be loaded. ; /valid_names, if set, then this will return the valid site, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables, for example, ; ; thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = xxx, /valid_names ; ; will return the array of valid sites in the ; variable xxx ; get_support_data = does nothing. present only for consistency with other ; load routines ; ;Example: ; timespan, '2010-06-04',1 ; thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = 'daws' ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-13 12:14:35 -0800 (Thu, 13 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14372 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/ground/thm_load_carisma_gmag.pro $ ;- Function thm_load_carisma_gmag_relpath, sname = sname, $ trange = trange, $ addmaster = addmaster, $ version = version, _extra = _extra If(keyword_set(sname)) Then snamei = sname Else sname = 'daws' relpath = '' prefix = 'thg_l2_mag_'+snamei + '_' dir = 'YYYY/MM/DD/' If(version Eq '') Then Begin ending = '.cdf' Endif Else ending = '_'+version+'.cdf' relpathnames = file_dailynames(relpath, prefix, ending, dir = dir, $ trange = trange, addmaster = addmaster) Return, relpathnames End ; processing for subracting average, median, and returning subracted value. pro thm_load_carisma_gmag_post, sname=sitei, datatype=dtj, $ varcount = varcount, verbose = vb, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ suffix = suffix, _extra = _extra ; varname = 'thg_'+lvlk+'_'+dtj+'_'+sitei If(keyword_set(suffix)) Then varname = 'thg_'+dtj+'_'+sitei+suffix $ Else varname = 'thg_'+dtj+'_'+sitei ; options, /def, varname, ytitle = sitei, ysubtitle = 'B (nT)', $ ; constant = 0., labels = ['bx', 'by', 'bz'], labflag = 1 options, /def, varname, ytitle = 'CARISMA_'+sitei, ysubtitle = 'B (nT)', $ constant = 0., labels = ['H', 'D', 'Z'], labflag = 1,colors=[2,4,6] if varcount Eq 0 then begin varname_out = varname subtracted_values = dblarr(1, 3) ;3 field components varcount = varcount+1 endif else begin varname_out = [varname_out, varname] subtracted_values = [subtracted_values, dblarr(1, 3)] varcount = varcount+1 endelse if keyword_set(subavg) Or keyword_set(subtract_median) then begin get_data, varname, data = d, alim = alim if keyword_set(d) then begin lng = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) lat = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) ;Note 'lat' and 'lng' could be used to subtract off a model dipole ;field svalue = average(d.y, 1, /double, $ ret_median = keyword_set(subtract_median)) d.y -= (replicate(1, n_elements(d.x)) # svalue ) ; subtract the average value subtracted_values[varcount-1, *] = transpose(svalue) store_data, varname, data = d endif endif ;add suffient labeling to make identification and transformation of coordinate system possible get_data,varname,dlimit=dl str_element,dl,'data_att.coord_sys','hdz',/add str_element,dl,'cdf.vatt.station_latitude',lat,success=s if s then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.site_latitude',lat,/add endif str_element,dl,'cdf.vatt.station_longitude',lon,success=s if s then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.site_longitude',lon,/add endif ; Add label identifying data as CARISMA str_element, dl,'data_att.provider_name','CARISMA',/add store_data,varname,dlimit=dl end Pro thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download = no_download, $ relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files = files, $ suffix=suffix,$ _extra = _extra if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin downloadonly=1 no_download=1 end varcount = 0 ; if this list of valid names changes, please also update version in thm_load_gmag vsnames = 'anna back cont daws eski fchp fchu gull isll lgrr mcmu mstk norm osak '+$ 'oxfo pols rabb sach talo thrf vulc weyb wgry' ;'cdrt crvr gjoa iglo nain pang rbay'; ; set up alternative load params (set the remote directory to the CARISMA location) thm_init alternate_load_params=!themis ;alternate_load_params.remote_data_dir = 'http://magneto.physics.ualberta.ca/themis_carisma_cdf/' alternate_load_params.remote_data_dir = 'http://www.carisma.ca/themis_carisma_cdf/' ;alternate_load_params.remote_data_dir = 'http://bluebird.physics.ualberta.ca/carisma/themis_carisma_cdf/' alternate_load_params.local_data_dir = !themis.local_data_dir+'thg/CARISMA/'; this allows files to be clearly identified on user's computer as belonging to CARISMA ; print out acknowledgement - wording needs to be checked with CARISMA dprint, '**********************************************************************************', dlevel=2 dprint, 'Data for sites: ',dlevel=2 dprint, vsnames,dlevel=2 dprint, 'is provided by CARISMA.',dlevel=2 dprint, 'CARISMA is operated by the University of Alberta, funded by the Canadian Space Agency.',dlevel=2 dprint, 'Please see data use requirements at http://www.carisma.ca/carisma-data/data-use-requirements', dlevel=2 dprint, 'NOTE: Not all data sets are complete.' dprint, '**********************************************************************************', dlevel=2 thm_load_xxx,sname=site, datatype=datatype, trange=trange, $ level=level, verbose=verbose, downloadonly=downloadonly, $ no_download=no_download, relpathnames_all=relpathnames_all, $ cdf_data=cdf_data,get_cdf_data=arg_present(cdf_data), $ varnames=varnames, valid_names = valid_names, files=files, $ vsnames = vsnames, $ type_sname = 'site', $ vdatatypes = 'mag', $ get_support_data=get_support_data, $ vlevels = 'l2', $ deflevel = 'l2', $ version = 'v01', $ post_process_proc = 'thm_load_carisma_gmag_post', $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ varcount = varcount, $ progobj = progobj, $ relpath_funct = 'thm_load_carisma_gmag_relpath', $ suffix=suffix,$ alternate_load_params=alternate_load_params,$ _extra = _extra end