;+ ;NAME: ; thm_crib_esa_read_gmoms ;PURPOSE: ;This crib shows how to extract the ground-based moments from level 2 ;ESA data files ; ;Note on variable/routine names: Particle variables/routines follow ;the naming convention th[a/b/c/d/e]_p[e/s][i/e][f/r/b] where ;th=themis, [a/b/c/d/e]=spacecraft, p=particle, [e/s]=ESA or SST ;instrument, [i/e]=ion/electron, [f/r/b]=full/reduced/burst ;distribution ; ; 3-dec-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/deprecated/thm_crib_esa_read_gmoms.pro $ ;- ;To get *all* of the moments for all probes and one time_range timespan, '2007-07-07', 1 ;set time span for a day in july 2007 thm_load_esa, level = 'l2' ;level=2 works too print, tnames() ;Gives the names of data variables that you loaded: ;For a single probe? del_data, '*' ;deletes all data, so you can do more tests... thm_load_esa, probe = ['a'], level = 'l2' ;For multiple, but not all probes? del_data, '*' ;deletes all data, so you can do more tests... thm_load_esa, probe = ['a', 'b'], level = 'l2' ;there are many different data types: Here load THEMIS B peif data: ;'peif' means 'particle - esa - ion - full' del_data, '*' ;deletes all data, so you can do more tests... thm_load_esa, probe = 'b', level = 2, datatype = 'pe?f_*' ;Here ;thb_peif_density ESA-FULL Ion Density ;thb_peif_avgtemp ESA-FULL Ion Average Temperature ;thb_peif_vthermal ESA-FULL Ion Thermal Velocity ;thb_peif_sc_pot ESA-FULL Ion Sc_Potential ;thb_peif_sc_current ESA-FULL Ion Sc_Current ;thb_peif_en_eflux ESA-FULL Ion energy spectrogram ;thb_peif_t3 ESA-FULL Diagonalized Ion Temperature ;thb_peif_magt3 ESA-FULL Ion Temperature, Parallel and Perp. to Field ;thb_peif_ptens ESA-FULL Ion Pressure Tensor ;thb_peif_mftens ESA-FULL Ion Momentum Flux Tensor ;thb_peif_flux ESA-FULL Ion Particle Flux ;thb_peif_symm ESA-FULL Ion Symmetry Vector ;thb_peif_symm_ang ESA-FULL Ion Symm_ang ;thb_peif_magf Magnetic Field DSL, ESA-FULL Ions ;thb_peif_velocity_dsl ESA-FULL Ion Velocity DSL ;thb_peif_velocity_gse ESA-FULL Ion Velocity GSE ;thb_peif_velocity_gsm ESA-FULL Ion Velocity GSM ;thb_peif_mode ESA-FULL survey mode ;thb_peef_density ESA-FULL Electron Density ;thb_peef_avgtemp ESA-FULL Electron Average Temperature ;thb_peef_vthermal ESA-FULL Electron Thermal Velocity ;thb_peef_sc_pot ESA-FULL Electron Sc_Pot ;thb_peef_sc_current ESA-FULL Electron Sc_Current ;thb_peef_en_eflux ESA-FULL Electron energy spectrogram ;thb_peef_t3 ESA-FULL Diagonalized Electron Temperature ;thb_peef_magt3 ESA-FULL Electron Temperature, Parallel and Perp. to Field ;thb_peef_ptens ESA-FULL Electron Pressure Tensor ;thb_peef_mftens ESA-FULL Electron Momentum Flux Tensor ;thb_peef_flux ESA-FULL Electron Particle Flux ;thb_peef_symm ESA-FULL Electron Symmetry Vector ;thb_peef_symm_ang ESA-FULL Electron Symm_ang ;thb_peef_magf Magnetic Field DSL, ESA-FULL Electrons ;thb_peef_velocity_dsl ESA-FULL Electron Velocity DSL ;thb_peef_velocity_gse ESA-FULL Electron Velocity GSE ;thb_peef_velocity_gsm ESA-FULL Electron Velocity GSM ;thb_peef_mode ESA-FULL survey mode ;to get all densities and pressures: del_data, '*' thm_load_esa, level = 2, datatype = '*_density *_ptens' print, tnames() ;In addition to * for wild cards, you can use ? for single character ;wild cards this will oad the t3 moment array for all electron modes del_data, '*' thm_load_esa, level = 'l2', datatype = ['pee?_t3'] print, tnames() End