;+ ; Name: thm_crib_trace ; ; Purpose:crib to demonstrate use of Tsyganenko trace routines, and means for generating plots of trace routines. ; ; Notes: 1. run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go" ; or copy and paste. If you want, you can just edit the parameters for the ; routine and run it as is. ; ; 2. There are commented sections, to do things like plot positions of ground stations and other spacecraft, or use other fields model. ; Just uncomment these sections to enable the desired behavior ; ; SEE ALSO: idl/external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/ttrace_crib.pro ; idl/ssl_general/cotrans/aacgm/aacgm_example.pro ; idl/themis/examples/thm_crib_tplotxy.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 11:14:02 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13081 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/basic/thm_crib_trace.pro $ ;- compile_opt idl2 ;sets background and color table thm_init ;NOTE: there is code further down in the file that you can uncomment ;to generate various output formats like EPS and PNG ;you may want to control the thickness of the generated plots ;to make the lines in the output more visible when exported ;you can do so with these variables axisthick = 4.0 charthick = 2.0 linethick = 4.0 charsize = 2.0 symsize = 1.0 landscape=1 ; set landscape = 1 if you want to make any postscripts generated in landscape encapsulated=1 ; set encapsulated = 1 if you want any postscripts generated to be eps ;NOTE: you still need to go uncomment the appropriate lines in the code below to activate postscript output date = '2008-03-27/02:00:00' ;date to be plotted hrs = 3 ;specifies the interval over which data will be loaded ;this mainly has an effect on the amount of position ;data that will be loaded and plotted sdate = time_double(date)-3600*hrs/2 edate = time_double(date)+3600*hrs/2 timespan,sdate,hrs,/hour ;generate parameters for the tsyganenko model ;This code generates parameters for the tsyganenko model ;actual kp values can be found at: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/GEOMAG/kp_ap.html model = 't89' par = 2.0D ; use kp 2.0 for t89 model ;Uncomment this code to use t01 model(or t96 or ts04) ;model = 't01' ;set = to 't96' or 't04s' to use other models ;kyoto_load_dst ;omni_hro_load ; ;tdegap,'kyoto_dst',/overwrite ;tdeflag,'kyoto_dst','linear',/overwrite ; ;tdegap,'OMNI_HRO_1min_BY_GSM',/overwrite ;tdeflag,'OMNI_HRO_1min_BY_GSM','linear',/overwrite ; ;tdegap,'OMNI_HRO_1min_BZ_GSM',/overwrite ;tdeflag,'OMNI_HRO_1min_BZ_GSM','linear',/overwrite ; ;tdegap,'OMNI_HRO_1min_proton_density',/overwrite ;tdeflag,'OMNI_HRO_1min_proton_density','linear',/overwrite ; ;tdegap,'OMNI_HRO_1min_flow_speed',/overwrite ;tdeflag,'OMNI_HRO_1min_flow_speed','linear',/overwrite ; ;store_data,'omni_imf',data=['OMNI_HRO_1min_BY_GSM','OMNI_HRO_1min_BZ_GSM'] ; ;;get_tsy_params generates parameters for t96,t01, & t04s models ;get_tsy_params,'kyoto_dst','omni_imf',$ ; 'OMNI_HRO_1min_proton_density','OMNI_HRO_1min_flow_speed',model,/speed,/imf_yz ; ;par = model + '_par' ;******************************************************** ;This section generates XZ plot ;******************************************************** ;generate points from which to trace for XZ projection x = [-22,-22,-22,-22,-17,-12,-8,-5,-3,2,4,7,8,8] y = replicate(0,14) z = [10,7,4,0,replicate(0,9),4] times = replicate(time_double(date),14) trace_pts_north = [[x],[y],[z]] trace_pts_south = [[x],[y],[-1*z]] store_data,'trace_pts_north',data={x:times,y:trace_pts_north} store_data,'trace_pts_south',data={x:times,y:trace_pts_south} ;trace the field lines ttrace2iono,'trace_pts_north',trace_var_name = 'trace_n', $ external_model=model,par=par,in_coord='gsm',out_coord=$ 'gsm' ttrace2iono,'trace_pts_south',trace_var_name = 'trace_s',$ external_model=model,par=par,in_coord='gsm',out_coord=$ 'gsm', /south window,xsize=800,ysize=600 xrange = [-22,10] ;x range of the xz plot zrange = [-11,11] ;z range of the xz plot ;generate the plot of field lines tplotxy,'trace_n',versus='xrz',xrange=xrange,yrange=zrange,charsize=charsize,title="XZ field line/probe position plot",xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick,ymargin=[.15,.1] tplotxy,'trace_s',versus='xrz',xrange=xrange,yrange=zrange,/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick colors=['m','r','g','c','b'] ;colors for probes probes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;the probes to be marked A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) ;makes a circular symbol to mark spacecraft position USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), /FILL ;-------------------------- ;Plot Themis probe positions on X-Z plot ;load probe positions thm_load_state,probe=probes,coord='gsm' tkm2re,'th'+probes+'_state_pos',/replace ;plot the probe positions for i = 0,n_elements(probes) - 1 do begin probe = probes[i] color = colors[i] varname = 'th'+probe+'_state_pos' ;plot position in KM get_data,varname,data=d ;skip if no valid data on day if ~is_struct(d) then continue ;find midpoint tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) tplotxy,varname,versus='xrz',/over,color=color,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick plotxy,reform(d.y[probe_pos,*],1,3),psym=8,color=color,symsize=symsize,versus='xrz',/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick endfor ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Plot GOES probe positions on X-Z plot ;goesprobes = ['g10','g11','g12'] ; ;thm_load_goesmag,probe=goesprobes ;tkm2re,goesprobes+'_pos_gsm',/replace ;convert to earth radii ; ;for i = 0,n_elements(goesprobes) - 1 do begin ; ; probe = goesprobes[i] ; color = colors[i] ; ; varname = probe+'_pos_gsm' ; ; ;plot position in KM ; get_data,varname,data=d ; ;skip if no valid data on day ; if ~is_struct(d) then continue ; ; ;find midpoint ; tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) ; tplotxy,varname,versus='xrz',/over,color=color,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick ; plotxy,reform(d.y[probe_pos,*],1,3),psym=8,color=color,symsize=symsize,versus='xrz',/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick ; ;endfor ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------IMAGE EXPORT CODE HERE---------------------------------- ;Uncomment to generate png of XZ plot ;makepng,'XZplot' ;Uncomment next 3 lines to generate postscript of XZ plot ;popen,'XZplot',encapsulated=encapsulated,land=landscape ; ;tplotxy ; ;pclose ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;press .c to continue stop ;******************************************************** ;This section generates XY plot ;******************************************************** ;generate data for XY plot ;points for this plot will be generated from an ellipse h = -5 ;x coordinate of ellipse center k = 0 ;y coordinate of ellipse center a = 15 ; size of semimajor axis b = 12 ; size of semiminor axis t = !DPI*dindgen(20)/10. x = h + a*cos(t) y = k + b*sin(t) z = replicate(0D,20) times = replicate(time_double(date),20) trace_pts = [[x],[y],[z]] store_data,'trace_pts',data={x:times,y:trace_pts} ;trace the field lines ttrace2iono,'trace_pts',trace_var_name = 'trace_n2',$ external_model=model,par=par,in_coord='gsm',out_coord=$ 'gsm' ttrace2iono,'trace_pts',trace_var_name = 'trace_s2',$ external_model=model,par=par,in_coord='gsm',out_coord=$ 'gsm',/south window,1,xsize=800,ysize=600 xrange = [-24,14] ;x range of the xy plot yrange = [-17,17] ;y range of the xy plot ;generate the plot of field lines tplotxy,'trace_n2',versus='xry',xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,charsize=charsize,title="XY field line/probe position plot",xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick,ymargin=[.15,.1] tplotxy,'trace_s2',versus='xry',/over,linestyle=2,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick colors=['m','r','g','c','b'] ;colors for probes probes = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;the probes to be marked A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) ;makes a circular symbol to mark spacecraft position USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), /FILL ;------------------------------------------------------ ;Plot THEMIS probe positions on XY plot ;load probe positions thm_load_state,probe=probes,coord='gsm' tkm2re,'th'+probes+'_state_pos',/replace ;plot the probe positions for i = 0,n_elements(probes) - 1 do begin probe = probes[i] color = colors[i] varname = 'th'+probe+'_state_pos' ;plot position in KM get_data,varname,data=d ;skip if no valid data on day if ~is_struct(d) then continue ;find midpoint tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) tplotxy,varname,versus='xry',/over,color=color,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick plotxy,reform(d.y[probe_pos,*],1,3),psym=8,color=color,symsize=symsize,versus='xry',/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick endfor ;----------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------- ;Plot GOES probe positions on XY plot ;goesprobes = ['g10','g11','g12'] ; ;thm_load_goesmag,probe=goesprobes ;tkm2re,goesprobes+'_pos_gsm',/replace ;convert to earth radii ; ;;plot the probe positions ;for i = 0,n_elements(goesprobes) - 1 do begin ; ; probe = goesprobes[i] ; color = colors[i] ; ; varname = probe+'_pos_gsm' ; ; ;plot position in KM ; get_data,varname,data=d ; ;skip if no valid data on day ; if ~is_struct(d) then continue ; ; ;find midpoint ; tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) ; ; tplotxy,varname,versus='xry',/over,color=color,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick ; plotxy,reform(d.y[probe_pos,*],1,3),psym=8,color=color,symsize=symsize,versus='xry',/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick ; ; ;endfor ;---------------------------------------------------- ;----------------IMAGE EXPORT CODE HERE---------------------------------- ;Uncomment to generate png of XY plot ;makepng,'XYplot' ;Uncomment next 3 lines to generate PS of XY plot ;popen,'XYplot',encapsulated=encapsulated,land=landscape ; ;tplotxy ; ;pclose ;------------------------------------------------------------------ stop ;******************************************************** ;This section generates Ionospheric plot ;******************************************************** colors=['m','g','c','b'] ;colors for probes probes = ['a','c','d','e'] ;the probes to be marked, Probe B doesn't reliably trace to the ionosphere with this time/date/model A = FINDGEN(17) * (!PI*2/16.) ;makes a circular symbol to mark spacecraft position USERSYM, COS(A), SIN(A), /FILL window,2,xsize=800,ysize=600 ;----------------IMAGE EXPORT CODE HERE---------------------------------- ;Uncomment this line and the pclose line at the end of the file to generate PS of Ionospheric plot ;NOTE: Data will not be plotted in the visible window when making this Postscipt ;popen,'IONOPlot',encapsulated=encapsulated,land=landscape ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;generate a grid with MLT on it aacgm_plot,local_time='2008-03-27/02:00:00',map_scale=52e6,thick=linethick,mlinethick=linethick,charthick=charthick,charsize=charsize,/noborder ;load spacecraft position thm_load_state,probe=probes,coord='geo' time_clip,'th?_state_pos',sdate,edate,/replace ;trace footpoints and label for i = 0,n_elements(probes)-1 do begin probe=probes[i] color=(get_colors(colors[i]))[0] outname = 'th'+probe+'_ifoot' ttrace2iono,'th'+probe+'_state_pos',external_model=model,/km,$ par=par,in_coord='geo',out_coord='geo',newname=outname xyz_to_polar,outname get_data,outname+'_phi',data=d ;skip if data doesn't exist if ~is_struct(d) then continue i_lon=d.y get_data,outname+'_th',data=d i_lat=d.y plots,i_lon,i_lat,color=color,thick=linethick tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) plots,i_lon[probe_pos],i_lat[probe_pos],psym=8,color=color,symsize=symsize,thick=linethick endfor ;-------------------------------------- ;This section overplots ground station position on the map ;get groundstation positions ;thm_asi_stations,labels,locations ; ;plotting 4 ground stations from the list(of 24) ;for stations not in this list, you'll need to look up the location ;for i = 0,4-1 do begin ; ; print,labels[i] ; plots,locations[1,i*6],locations[0,i*6],psym=6,color=(i mod 7)+1,symsize=symsize,thick=linethick ; ;endfor ;------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------- ;This section traces goes footpoints ; and plots their position on the map ; ;goesprobes=['g10'] ;g_color = 6 ; ;for i = 0,n_elements(goesprobes)-1 do begin ; ; probe=goesprobes[i] ; ; g_in_name = probe+'_pos_gei' ; g_out_name = probe+'_footpoint' ; ; thm_load_goesmag,probe=probe ; time_clip,g_in_name,sdate,edate,/replace ; ttrace2iono,g_in_name,external_model=model,/km,$ ; par=par,in_coord='gei',out_coord='geo',newname=g_out_name ; ; xyz_to_polar,g_out_name ; ; get_data,g_out_name+'_phi',data=d ; ; ;skip plot if data unavailable ; if ~is_struct(d) then continue ; ; i_lon=d.y ; ; get_data,g_out_name+'_th',data=d ; ; i_lat=d.y ; ; plots,i_lon,i_lat,color=g_color,thick=linethick ; tmp = min(abs(d.x - time_double(date)),probe_pos) ; plots,i_lon[probe_pos],i_lat[probe_pos],psym=8,color=g_color,symsize=symsize,thick=linethick ; ;endfor ;---------------- ;----------------IMAGE EXPORT CODE HERE---------------------------------- ;Uncomment this line to generate PS of ionospheric plot ;pclose ;Uncomment to make png of ionospheric plot ;makepng,'IONOplot' ;------------------------------------------------------------------ end