;+ ; NAME: thm_crib_overplot ; ; PURPOSE: this crib describes how to generate overview plots ; if there are any arguments or features for these ; procedures you would like to request, please feel ; free to ask. ; ; SEE ALSO: ; examples/basic/thm_crib_trace.pro (for field line traces with spacecraft position/footpoints) ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-11-17 12:15:34 -0800 (Mon, 17 Nov 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 16199 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/basic/thm_crib_overplot.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;To get the single-spacecraft overview plot ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- thm_gen_overplot, probe='d', date='2010-04-05' stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set the /makepng keyword to get output files, this will give the full ;day file, and the six-hour ones ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;to get FGM tohban plots thm_fgm_overviews, '2010-04-05', /nopng stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;for the tohban plots, png files are done as a default, /nopng turns this ;off, also for these thedate is nota keyword ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ESA, SST are the same thm_esa_overviews, '2010-04-05', /nopng thm_sst_overviews, '2010-04-05', /nopng stop ;for the esa you get burst, reduced and full plots, for sst you get ;full and reduced plots. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;for the new memory plots, the date is a keyword input. (these really ;should be consistent..) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- thm_memory_plots, date = '2010-04-05', /nopng stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;here is an example of how to create a moment overview plot ;this plot uses on-board moments whenever possible ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- thm_fitmom_overviews,'2010-04-05','d' stop ;to make png's ;thm_fitmom_overviews,'2007-11-15','b',/makepng ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;here is an example of how to create another moment overview plot ;this plot always uses ground processed moments ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- thm_fitgmom_overviews,'2010-04-05','d' stop ;to make png's ;thm_fitmom_overviews,'2007-11-15','b',/makepng End